All purpose sales and sales rumors/anecdotes thread next gen+

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Well I am glad MS chose to separate the XBO and X360 numbers. There was some question how the new gen would go. MS is usually pretty transparent though, dont know where we'd be in NPD without them revealing their numbers every month. Now the question is will Sony do the same (separate PS4 and PS3 on fiscal), and I am not so sure.

Here's the handy dandy 360 shipment chart GAF makes


You can see XBO shipped 3.9 vs 360 shipped 1.5 it's first quarter. I suppose mid range hardware has it's benefits.

At the rate they are dropping off though, I might speculate 100m is out of the question. limping across 90 million may be the only goal left.

Which, is only ~10m less than the Wii (which shipped around 100m). I believe Nintendo already ceased manufacturing the Wii link.
Patcher is clueless as always. He calculated it from 3 million units / 3 months :)

From my memory of the GT discussion he said MS started manufacturing Sept before Sony, that would be four months. He also said he got the information from sources.
From my memory of the GT discussion he said MS started manufacturing Sept before Sony, that would be four months. He also said he got the information from sources.

Interesting, his PS4 justification was that we hadn't seen any photos. I guess I'll apologize next time I see him.

If you guys believed him though, you should have known ~ million unsold XBOnes on shelves by the end of 2013.

edit: if indeed they are committed to 1 million production every mount, considering demand only goes down from here, it looks like we will have a lot of extra xbones in warehouses.
edit: if indeed they are committed to 1 million production every mount, considering demand only goes down from here, it looks like we will have a lot of extra xbones in warehouses.

Ya, I find that part of his story strange.Why would they have to commit to the same number of units every month for a year?
Why did you think the second quote, regarding Gross Margin, was relevant?


Launch of Xbox One contributed to gross margin decline

I may be wrong, but it might be confirmation that the xbone is sold at a loss or at least very low margin.
At 500€, one could assume they were selling the console with quite a nice margin.
I'm no accountant but it says:

-[D&C Hardware revenue increased $1.9 billion or 68%, due primarily to ] $1.2 billion or 54% higher Xbox Platform revenue.

-Xbox Platform cost of revenue increased $1.6 billion.

Interesting stuff.

Not the second link, the second quote, which was:

Gross margin
Launch of Xbox One contributed to gross margin decline

I'm wondering why babybumb thought that was worth highlighting out of all of the information reported. Was there something remarkable about it?

I may be wrong, but it might be confirmation that the xbone is sold at a loss or at least very low margin.
At 500€, one could assume they were selling the console with quite a nice margin.

Did people actually think that? I've never seen anybody suggest it before.

I may be wrong, but it might be confirmation that the xbone is sold at a loss or at least very low margin.
At 500€, one could assume they were selling the console with quite a nice margin.

It only needs to be a decline in the margins over what they were selling before, ie games, accessories and the 360. So if their margins were 30% before (just an example value, not a guess...I'm not looking to debate this value), anything less than 30% margin on the XBoxOne would lead to a decline.

There's nothing really telling about a decline in gross margins, and I'm sure it was expected internally. It only tells us there isn't a huge profit margin on the XB1.
From my memory of the GT discussion he said MS started manufacturing Sept before Sony, that would be four months. He also said he got the information from sources.

How much before Sony? I'm just curious what the relative manufacturing capacity between the two is. Sony made ~4.2 million from their announcement. Microsoft 3.9 million. So if Microsoft started earlier, Sony has slightly larger manufacturing capacity at this time. Do you think it might be the Japan plant? If it is, is that bound by the same 6 month capacity contract for manufacturing that was mentioned earlier in the thread?
How much before Sony? I'm just curious what the relative manufacturing capacity between the two is. Sony made ~4.2 million from their announcement. Microsoft 3.9 million. So if Microsoft started earlier, Sony has slightly larger manufacturing capacity at this time. Do you think it might be the Japan plant? If it is, is that bound by the same 6 month capacity contract for manufacturing that was mentioned earlier in the thread?

Sony have 11 production plants in Japan, listed as being over 500,000ft2. Most of these make sensors etc and probably couldn't be re-purposed but ~4 of them already make CE equipment and might possibly be put to use. They also have more facilities spread through Asia and beyond.

If Foxconn are supplying a million units a month to Sony, like Pegatron are supplying to MS, then the extra 400k Patcher estimates Sony are producing could quite easily come from the Japanese plants.

Since they own these facilities outright I would presume the only limitation on usage would be the disturbance to the other CE equipment being produced there.
Do the production lines need to run 24 hours a day all year round? What are manufacturers suppose to do, hold and build up inventory, starting in jan, until the following holiday?

If demand is mostly seasonal why isn't production?

I'm not versed in production, but it seems illogical for production not to be somewhat flexible considering half of consoles are sold over a 3 month period and 70% are sold over a 6 month period.
(post removed)

mod edit:
this thread is just about the numbers; not the future of the platforms or sales predictions
Gamasutra has some UK 2013 sales estimates up



Notable how easily PS4/XBone surpassed WiiU.

Uk Microsoft land confirmed


Also, PS4 has been in stock some 6 hours now at Best Buy (USA) Perhaps another sign of slightly thawing demand? Must have been a large shipment anyway.
Wait - 360 sold 13M in the UK just in 2013? And PS3 around 9M?? That's an awful lot of consoles for 1 year...
So the PS4 sold 30% more software than the XBone in the UK, despite launching a week later and the UK clearly being a country that favors the xbox brand?

I actually thought the xbone had a fairly stronger launch lineup in exclusives because of Dead Rising 3. This disparity of software sales is surprising to me.

Oh and the PS4 sold 2x more games in one month than the Wii U did in one full year. Lulz.
It only needs to be a decline in the margins over what they were selling before, ie games, accessories and the 360. So if their margins were 30% before (just an example value, not a guess...I'm not looking to debate this value), anything less than 30% margin on the XBoxOne would lead to a decline.

There's nothing really telling about a decline in gross margins, and I'm sure it was expected internally. It only tells us there isn't a huge profit margin on the XB1.

UPDATE: In Microsoft's earnings call's Q&A session, one questioner observed that the increase in revenues from hardware roughly matched the increase in cost of goods for hardware -- implying that while the company may be selling lots of hardware it isn't generating much profit.

Microsoft chief financial officer Amy Hood essentially confirmed this would be the case for some time, saying: "We'll continue to be in launch mode for Xbox One... [and] add and expand markets over the course of the year. I would continue to think of our investment in being the leading console extending."

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