All purpose sales and sales rumors/anecdotes thread next gen+

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because that's what he said right?

Demand dropping off doesn't mean failure. Demand for all video products will have dropped markedly from the holiday season meaning Sony supply is now catching up. Ultimately the goal is to have them available in retailers all the time no one has suggested that equates to failing. If you want to sell huge numbers you need to have them available in stores, not everyone is willing to jump through hoops to acquire a product.

was thinking the same

reactionary posting about failure of ps4 when mentioning reality of post holiday slow down

getting weird up in here again
From what i saw the Knack bundle is selling but nowhere like a it's on fire, as for the Killzone Bundle it's still at 999 so either they are not selling at all, or more likely, Amazon got more than 999 in stock. Knack is at 726, how much was it at when you checked..

And weird enough, Knack the game, is at 5 copies.

I have checked periodically since this was posted last night. The numbers for the Killzone bundle I got were 709, 650, 444, and 950 - in that order. For the Knack bundle I got 750, 794, 750, 709 - in that order.

I am not sure how to interpret that. The numbers are jumping around so much that I am not sure what to think of them.
I have checked periodically since this was posted last night. The numbers for the Killzone bundle I got were 709, 650, 444, and 950 - in that order. For the Knack bundle I got 750, 794, 750, 709 - in that order.

I am not sure how to interpret that. The numbers are jumping around so much that I am not sure what to think of them.

When they are doing that I assume they are being restocked in real time. In your KZ example the first 3 are consistent down, then the 4th would be the restock obviously.

I have sporadically been checking every few minutes and notice sometimes the number will go up by just 1 or 2, amidst consistent declines. My guess that has something to do with people putting them in their carts, but not going on to purchase them. Eventually (10 minutes or whatever the timeframe may be) they'll be released back to inventory. If the number goes up by a amount more than 10 or 20, assume a major restock.
When they are doing that I assume they are being restocked in real time. In your KZ example the first 3 are consistent down, then the 4th would be the restock obviously.

I have sporadically been checking every few minutes and notice sometimes the number will go up by just 1 or 2, amidst consistent declines. My guess that has something to do with people putting them in their carts, but not going on to purchase them. Eventually (10 minutes or whatever the timeframe may be) they'll be released back to inventory. If the number goes up by a amount more than 10 or 20, assume a major restock.

That would make sense. Are you perchance recording for graphs like the last time? I was going to try, but haven't been able to do so with any regularity. I'm interested to know what the derived rate would be. Seems that it is probably pretty low, but it would be nice to have some numbers.
Nah not "recording" and the graphs I think you mean are the ones Phil made for

Very roughly it has seemed like standalone PS4's (at least) sell at a rate of about 1k an hour (or more) on Amazon USA when in stock, and that hasn't seemed to decline any recently, but I rarely see stock so dont get to measure much.
I have checked periodically since this was posted last night. The numbers for the Killzone bundle I got were 709, 650, 444, and 950 - in that order. For the Knack bundle I got 750, 794, 750, 709 - in that order.

I am not sure how to interpret that. The numbers are jumping around so much that I am not sure what to think of them.

I checked the Knack bundle and randomly the Killzone. Killzone was at 999 everytime, Knack was dropping constantly and slowly..

I am not in the UK I don't know if that has anything to do with it.
With that kind of logic the PS3 can't possibly stumble...

At 80 million in sales there is no way a PS3 can be looked apon as a sales faliure nor did it stumble .yes it didn't match PS2 sales but the PS2 was a one off like the wi.
A case of the right machine at the right time in my opinion .

As a money making endeaver a PS3 was most likely was a faliure but that was nothing to do with sale numbers that was to do with
bad business decission on Sony's part which affected there profit line and ablity to make money out of selling 80 million PS3 .
At 80 million in sales there is no way a PS3 can be looked apon as a sales faliure nor did it stumble .yes it didn't match PS2 sales but the PS2 was a one off like the wi..
Well PS2 was as much of a one-off as the Wii and the PS1. So not much of a one-off.
Are you perchance recording for graphs like the last time? I was going to try, but haven't been able to do so with any regularity.

I would if there was a simple way to do it, but it's just too complex to messure. Stock only goes to 999, so everything above will just be lost. Then there's also the point that you can't account for erratic changes due to people putting items into their chart and either forgetting about them or deleting them after (just as people here are doing, like putting 999 into the cart to "messure" the effective possible stock). Then there's the issue to program a scraper that fills the cart and scraps the correct information. This is quite difficult as usually, online shops are well secured against bots (which a scraper is) and the whole process is very complex; In other words, lots of work to get right and an even higher potential that something small is changed that would make the whole scraper scrap the wrong information.

And lastly... it's just amazon. Sure it's a huge (online) retail chain, but I'm not sure how conclusive the evidence would be. Supply could suddenly outstrip demand, but not necessarely because demand dropped on a whole, but perhaps because most people who really urgently want one and have purchased before on Amazon have gotten one. Other shops where people might preferably shop (like non-online retail channels) might still be out of supply due to higher demand. In other words, I don't necessarely agree that messuring Amazon's demand/supply is indicative of demand on a broader level.
At 80 million in sales there is no way a PS3 can be looked apon as a sales faliure nor did it stumble .yes it didn't match PS2 sales but the PS2 was a one off like the wi.
A case of the right machine at the right time in my opinion .

As a money making endeaver a PS3 was most likely was a faliure but that was nothing to do with sale numbers that was to do with
bad business decission on Sony's part which affected there profit line and ablity to make money out of selling 80 million PS3 .

I think you missed my point. You made a claim that a brand name equates with success. Playstation was that brand during the PS2 era, Sony almost killed it in 2007-2009. Past success doesn't not guarantee future success. MS has severely hurt the Xbox brand in the last year, they will have to be the underdog for a while and make a comeback. Having the Xbox name does not mean people won't ditch them for a different brand, only some people are brand loyal (~3 million ;) ).
I think you missed my point. You made a claim that a brand name equates with success. Playstation was that brand during the PS2 era, Sony almost killed it in 2007-2009. Past success doesn't not guarantee future success. MS has severely hurt the Xbox brand in the last year, they will have to be the underdog for a while and make a comeback. Having the Xbox name does not mean people won't ditch them for a different brand, only some people are brand loyal (~3 million ;) ).

So selling 80 million machines is near killing your brand now god selling 80 million machines is a success in my book.
Faliure to make as much profit as possible from those 80 million customers and the decline of the rest on Sony's electronic devission is what is killing Sony driving them very near to bankcrupty .

Mcrosoft will be fine .....I have 98 friends on live who play online at least once or twice a week...only 6 have upgraded to the next Gen 4 have brought both machines two have brought only xbox ones I have lost no online friends to which brands yet .

Out of the thirty friends I regularly play world of tanks with all plan on buying a one when the price comes down .I know no one who has switched over to PlayStation 4 from Xbox 360 yet .

Could that change maybe .....but I have a feeling Microsoft will sell 80 million at a profit and be happy Sony will do the same and be happy unlike last Gen where they didn't make that much out of the PlayStation brand this Gen hopefully they will.
I checked the Knack bundle and randomly the Killzone. Killzone was at 999 everytime, Knack was dropping constantly and slowly..

I am not in the UK I don't know if that has anything to do with it.

Something changed, there is only 1 in stock of each bundle now... maybe Amazon caught on to the inventory "check"..

Nevermind it works, around 600 of each bundle and the killzone is "bestseller" in Video and Games
Thank goodness we have real numbers, finally. i was really getting tired of all of that baseless speculation that just so happened to point to this exact supply situation. :p
Oh, yeah, and I just noticed that as of the last quarterly report (1Q 2014) MS actually did start using sold instead of shipped in their financial reports. So now we get to debate ship/sold again every time numbers come out. Great.
Oh, yeah, and I just noticed that as of the last quarterly report (1Q 2014) MS actually did start using sold instead of shipped in their financial reports. So now we get to debate ship/sold again every time numbers come out. Great.

Nah. It just means as of that report being produced there were\are almost a million XBones getting no love and sitting on shelves. But on the bright side it doing so in less countries than the opposition. ;)
Why did you think the second quote, regarding Gross Margin, was relevant?

I'm no accountant but it says:

-[D&C Hardware revenue increased $1.9 billion or 68%, due primarily to ] $1.2 billion or 54% higher Xbox Platform revenue.

-Xbox Platform cost of revenue increased $1.6 billion.

Interesting stuff.
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