All purpose sales and sales rumors/anecdotes thread next gen+

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I think people are more willing to pay the extra $50 for the unique console artwork, especially first time PS4 owners. The core Batman bundle will probably take off after all the limited editions are sold.
Yeah, once the LE bundle runs out, the standard bundle will start to sell.
These good sales of silver AK bundle will hopefully push Sony into releasing more of these custom console designs in the west. Japan got Limited Edition designs for that DQ game and very nice looking MGSV model.

Also, It would be nice if "back half" of gamepad outer shell plastic starts using some non-standard colors.
^MGS5 would be a good choice for the next bundle. I really like that metallic grey in the AK bundle, and that would work well for MGS as well IMO.
Amazon has updated its 2015 yearly chart, Bloodborne has jumped to #15 position. Games that sold more than it are Majora [#5], PS4 GTA5 [#12] and PS4 FC4 [#14].
They also updated the monthly March ranking. Bloodborne moved up to 4th and the PS4 moved up to 6th. ACU XB1 dropped to 19th. PS4 LE Batman AK bundle already entered the March ranking at 69.

Bloodborne seems to be holding strong, probably from word of mouth and reviews. Still, the Souls games never sold extremely well. I'm guessing it's gonna sell 350-400k in March NPD (which is still quite good).

MGS5 already has a black and red limited edition console. Hopefully it comes stateside
Wasn't aware. That one looks pretty bad-ass, too (especially the controller).
And agreed, they need to bring that to North America/EUR.
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Bloodborne may end up being a true system seller this generation. By that I mean a game that will be able to sell well months after release and have console sales tacked along with it. I'm really anticipating NPD March because if Amazon is any indication then Sony should have a great March. Tack that on with tex returns and Bloodborne might end up selling a lot of PS4's in April as well. It seems the company's momentum still shows no signs of tapering off. Awesome indeed.
With the off season doing good with those system seller like Bloodborne, or later Batman and MGS5 TPP (:love:) exclusive sexy bundles, the whole year is looking good already.

Sony will just have to endure during its low-season-ish (in which as far as we know no major exclusive AAA titles will be released by Sony), the november and december period. :mrgreen:
We don't know when a few of their other exclusives like Persona hit either. Considering the word on the street is that Sony themselves paid for the Persona 5 PS4 port, hence the delay to this year, they have a huge investment in the title both in Japanese and overseas markets.
Sony will just have to endure during its low-season-ish (in which as far as we know no major exclusive AAA titles will be released by Sony), the november and december period. :mrgreen:

I think Sony has one or two aces up their sleeve. Maybe a remastered Uncharted game(s) and something from Sony Bend. :mrgreen:
Unprecedented level of stats for Steam game sales, all time lists for 2008-2015 data, breakdown for individual years, and even few sale stats for games that were removed form Steam:

At last, the great mystery of how much sales happens on Steam is unveiled.

Also note that it's the same method as Ars, so with the same +/-10% error margin.

However, as noted by some in that thread that doesn't take into account games that have been removed from sale. For example.

It only lists Deus Ex: HR Director's Cut at 1,004,603 +/-54,454.

However, before Deus Ex: HR was removed from steam it was at ~2,116,073 +/-10%. (not on million sellers list)

Even worse is Metro: Last Light. It's not even on the million sellers list. However, before it was replaced by Metro: Last Light Redux, it had sold ~1,308,481 +/-10%. Redux is only ~188,741 +/- error margin.

So, it's interesting, but don't put too much into it. But it does show that software sells really well on PC. And there are a lot of million seller titles that aren't in that list because they've been removed from sale.

And already this year (only 1/4 of the year so far) 522 games have been released on PC.

Sorry for the OT post at the end...

Steam made a lot of sales... But at what price those games sold? What I really want to see is how many games on all platform sold at their normal (release) price or comparing the games sold at their release windows, especially if we compare Steam vs others.
Basically I like playing on console much more than playing on PC because of one simple fact that it is relatively hassle free. You know the game would work, you know the game would be at least playable, you know you get similar experience to others on the same console.
Compare that to PC where I know the game should work (but sometimes not properly until you tweak it). I don't really know how a game would perform on my PC because most of the reviews are using mid to high end PC and I have a low to mid PC, thus what the reviewer experiencing doesn't necessarily translate to what my experience would be like in terms of basic playability (fps and graphics). And because of that, I know that when I play a PC game I will get difference experience than others. I don't get this console beating performance at 4K60p, I definitely don't get current console level of performance. Thus playing a modern competitive fps is definitely something that I avoided, and I miss out on a lot of stuff that the PC crowds brag about, like better form of AO, better shadows, better AA, better LOD, etc because I can't run the game at the apparently PC master race setting. I'm worse than a console peasant... I felt like those poor common folks living in 17th century Europe where the PC master race are aristocrats... I'm definitely the same race (in the same country) as those people but treated very differently, even if the majority is on the same level as me.
Sorry for the OT post at the end...

Steam made a lot of sales... But at what price those games sold? What I really want to see is how many games on all platform sold at their normal (release) price or comparing the games sold at their release windows, especially if we compare Steam vs others.

Sure, but you have to realise that a game sold at 50% off "normal" price on Steam will net the publisher/developer more in profits than a physical retail product at "normal" price. Heck 75% of "normal" price is still likely more profit than the physical retail product at "normal" price.

Steam digital purchase = 30% (approximately) to Steam, everything else to developer/publisher.

Physical retail = 30% to console makers, X% for packaging and distribution, Y% to retailers, Z% to developer/publisher. And the X% is a flat number, so the lower the price the higher percentage of the price is going towards packaging and distribution.

It's why you are now seeing great digital only deals on games for PS4/XBO. Even at greatly reduced prices, the publisher/developer is still making a LOT more money than for the copy sold in a store.

And hence, why it's misleading to look only at revenue numbers in publisher financial findings to attempt to discover what impact PC gaming has on a publisher's bottom line. At some point in the future, console sales will be dominated by digital sales similar to PC, and at that point it'll be interesting to see how things compare.

I don't think the console makers are getting anywhere near 30% from the retail sales.
Yep. It's 30% to digital platform holders. Physical is more like 16.7%, ish. I haven't heard updated licensing fees, but it was always ~$10 per print. On a $60 game, one sixth, 17%.

That said, that's per print regardless whether the disc sells or not. If you factor in units that don't recover this money, the percentage possibly goes higher?
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