All purpose sales and sales rumors/anecdotes thread next gen+

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Currently, in "Live from Playstation" app on PS4, Bloodborne has more streams than 5 other games combined [GTA5, COD:AW, Destiny,Hardline and Fifa15], while on Twitch it has over 26k streams, #5 spot behind LoL & CSGO [which have active tournaments currently], Hearthstone and "Music".
What's in line to help the Xbox get a boost in the next couple months?

Nothing really. Microsoft has marketing deal for Witcher 3 which will come out in ~50 days, but even with that I presume most of the sales will be on PS4.

PS4 has MLB in few days, but after that it has only few exclusive PSN titles [Broken Age, FFX remaster, Magica 2,...] until summer when Until Dawn and GoW3 Remaster will be out. As usual, multiplatform titles will push PS4 sales until big AAA games arrive.
Nothing really. Microsoft has marketing deal for Witcher 3 which will come out in ~50 days, but even with that I presume most of the sales will be on PS4.

PS4 has MLB in few days, but after that it has only few exclusive PSN titles [Broken Age, FFX remaster, Magica 2,...] until summer when Until Dawn and GoW3 Remaster will be out. As usual, multiplatform titles will push PS4 sales until big AAA games arrive.

Sony has Batman marketing deal in June
Sony has Batman marketing deal in June
I'm really curious how effective these marketing deals are. When I'm watching an ad on TV for Battlefield, Call of Duty, Destiny or whatever, the platform holder logo for the final second is the least I take away.
MS has marketing deal with Division&COD, and we still need to see who will promote other 2015 heavy hitters such as MGS V, Battlefront, and AC Victory. Sony will most likely again promote new big Destiny expansion set to be out in late 2015.
I wouldn't be surprised to see Battlefront only marketed by EA. I can imagine they are on a very light leash with regards to marketing and publishing from Disney.
Interesting post by GAF member [URL='']ZhugeEX[/url] regarding PS4 sales in China.

Chinese Media are saying PS4 sold out very quickly in store and online and there are stock shortages for the system and accessories. They have gone back to taking reservations in store for the second shipments and some online stores even listed PS4 as out of stock for a short while.

One store said Sony are aware and looking to resolve the stock issue as soon as possible.
Back in October I think it was mentioned they will be limited to 200k units for launch. If this has changed since then I'm not sure. A quick google search couldn't find any numbers, but I'm sure Sony will release the numbers at some point.

Good luck to them in China. I hope both companies find a level of success and profitability where it means more games for the rest of us. I'm eager to see how consoles sell in Chin in the course of a few years. They can either fiddle or find great success, especially given the population and the millions with rising disposable income year after year. If PS4 does end up being a hit then I think it possible to outsell PS2 worldwide in its lifetime.
Back in October I think it was mentioned they will be limited to 200k units for launch. If this has changed since then I'm not sure. A quick google search couldn't find any numbers, but I'm sure Sony will release the numbers at some point.

I don't remember this. Do you perhaps have a link?
On the otherhand, considering the PS4's launch library in China, I'm pretty shocked it seems to be selling at all. What are these Chinese gamers actually playing?
From the link:

Sony’s venture for China intends to package 200,000 consoles annually, according to a filing on the website of the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone. Masaki Tsukakoshi, a Tokyo-based spokesman for Sony Computer Entertainment Inc., confirmed the document’s authenticity and said actual production amounts may differ.

Sounds less of a government imposed hard limit on shipments, and more of an intended expectation for shipments by Sony themselves, no?
On the otherhand, considering the PS4's launch library in China, I'm pretty shocked it seems to be selling at all. What are these Chinese gamers actually playing?

Chinese Xbone players can purchase only local digital games and play physical disc games coded to the Chinese region. Since launch, no new games were released in China.

Chinese PS4 players can purchase only local digital games, but can play any physical disc games they can find. PS4 is region free for physical games, and they can even normally contact users/servers outside of China [they can't however log in into foreign PSN stores/create foreign accounts].

So I presume, they are playing a lot of imported games.
From the link:
Sounds less of a government imposed hard limit on shipments, and more of an intended expectation for shipments by Sony themselves, no?
200k per annum?! That's all Sony are expecting to shift? That must be launch number and a misreporting.
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