All purpose sales and sales rumors/anecdotes thread next gen+

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So Amazon has lost most of its deals, the only one is a PS4 with a BF Hardline discount ($435), which is not a separate SKU.

PS4 #6
XB1 Unity #28
XB1 MCC #80

I'm guessing Bloodborne is keeping PS4 sales higher than normal (#10-#15) and the MCC SKU is cannibalizing Unity sales. I would expect those bundles to swap places at some point. Xbox and Halo are synonymous and I can't imagine someone buying a XB1 now and wanting Unity over the MCC.

That makes things slightly more interesting for March.

07 - PS4
12 - XBO: AC bundle
53 - Wii U Deluxe
81 - PS3
92 - 3DS XL (old version)

That would help explain the sudden separation between PS4 and XBO. Prior to this week PS4 was at 07 while XBO was at 09. XBO: MCC still hasn't sold enough to show up in the monthly rankings yet. But there's a good chance it may before the end of the month.

I think something else is going on with X1...Master Chief Collection bundle has appeared on the hourly charts. Probably causing the AC Unity bundle to drop by dividing sales.

Weirdly rather than superseding the Unity bundle, the MCC bundle has so far kind of languished. Currently ranked around #80 (edit: now up to 69). I would have expected MCC bundle to be more desirable and dominate.
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I would have expected MCC bundle to be more desirable and dominate.
Maybe. The MCC bundle hasn't had an opportunity for great visibility, and the bundling is with a remake collection that still has a ton of massive issues, so who knows. It might pick up as time goes.
Did anyone follow Amazon rankings for Bloodborne? Will the game have bigger sales impact than Order 1886?

By the looks of it, PS4 sales of Type0 are utterly destroying Xbone sales.

Spanish number

Software sales (units)

PlayStation 3 - 2,999,000 (-25.9%)
Nintendo 3DS - 1,371,000 (+8.2%)
PlayStation 4 - 1,323,000 (+451.2%)
Nintendo Wii - 1,100,000 (-21.2%)
Xbox 360 - 874,000 (-30.2%)
PC - 706,000 (-25.5%)
PlayStation Vita - 463,000 (+24.5%)
Nintendo Wii U - 366,000 (+73.4%)
Xbox One - 220,000 (+266.7%)
PlayStation Portable - 218,000 (-63.3%)
Nintendo DS - 123,000 (-59.2%)
PC Educational Games - 20,000 (-55.6%)
They're actually not that bad when normalized per console hardware sold for the region.

True. But, one can extrapolate hardware sales (within reason), from the current software sales within that region. Which looks grim either way...
I know we dont want to get into too much discussion of the Amazon hourlies, but the Master Chief bundle really seems to have thrown a wrench into X1 competing. Currently both SKU's (Unity and MCC bundles) are languishing in the 50's or 60's rankings. Whereas before X1 Unity SKU was probably typically a few spots behind PS4.

Are we to assume then that two rankings in those ranges are equivalent to a single ranking in the teens (where Unity SKU typically was prior) for sales? Or have X1 hardware sales actually taken a tumble? Well I'll answer my own question, who knows.

For the monthly chart so far as we near the end of March, it's PS4 #7, AC Unity Xbox #14, MCC Xbox not in top 100.
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Are we to assume then that two rankings in those ranges are equivalent to a single ranking in the teens (where Unity SKU typically was prior) for sales? Or have X1 hardware sales actually taken a tumble? Well I'll answer my own question, who knows.
I think it's a combination of March being a pretty big month software wise (more so for PS4), and a new XB1 SKU being introduced. Software titles being released in March (FF, Bloodborne, BF:H, MLB The Show, MGS5 CE, Borderlands + older titles going on sale) are pushing the XB1 down, and the introduction of the MCC bundle has caused a split. I think the PS4 is sticking around the top 10 because many of the major software titles released in March (or were put on sale in March) are either PS exclusive (MLB The Show and Bloodborne) or they have close ties to PS (FF, MGS), so it's getting a bigger hardware boost.
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I think it's a combination of March being a pretty big month software wise (more so for PS4), and a new XB1 SKU being introduced.

I was expecting the MCC bundle to swap places with the AC:U bundle. Right now the AC bundle dropped to #43, ok expected... but the MCC bundle is still at #61. Why did XB1 sales drop off a cliff? I'm only guessing that #46 + #61 is not as good as where it was in the top twenty, maybe I'm wrong?
I think the next wave of potential buyers are waiting for the XB1 to hit that magical price point ($299 + game). Who can blame them? Consumers are very much aware (TV, Social Media, Friends, etc..) of MS debacle... so they're going to play the waiting game for better pricing.
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