A new exclusive 360 game to be revealed soon? (Table Tennis)

expletive said:
Well to be honest i asked because I do think it could point to rockstar having a more favorable impression of the 360 as being a profitable enough platform worth exclusive content.

Okay, back on topic related matters then, I'd suggest that the $40 price tag says a lot about the budget and expectations of this game. You don't leave studios idle if you can help it and I guess they had a decision to make. Either to start on multiplatform big budget Midnight Club 4, or do something to tide them over. I think not having dev kits for PS3 and Rev while they were making these decisions, and having knowledge of their schedules meant that their hands were relatively tied with what direction they could take.

So what they did instead was pitch a lower budget next-gen game, and also work on Midnight Club 3 Dub Edition: Remix at the same time.
I love table tennis. But it's the one sport I actually play regularly IRL, so I don't need a console game featuring it...

If I miss a critical shot, I can at least look at my blade in consternation, or blame the wind if playing outside :D
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Mmmkay said:
Okay, back on topic related matters then, I'd suggest that the $40 price tag says a lot about the budget and expectations of this game. You don't leave studios idle if you can help it and I guess they had a decision to make. Either to start on multiplatform big budget Midnight Club 4, or do something to tide them over. I think not having dev kits for PS3 and Rev while they were making these decisions, and having knowledge of their schedules meant that their hands were relatively tied with what direction they could take.

So what they did instead was pitch a lower budget next-gen game, and also work on Midnight Club 3 Dub Edition: Remix at the same time.

Well its a good theory and certainly possible but i'd like to believe there was more to the decision making process than "well, we didnt have anything better to do". :)

PeterT said:
I love table tennis. But it's the one sport I actually play regularly IRL, so I don't need a console game featuring it

And i like fishing, cooking, and playing around with nunchuks in real life yet here comes Nintendo's Revolution... :)
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expletive said:
Well its a good theory and certainly possible but i'd like to believe there was more tothe decision making process than "well, we didnt have anything better to do". :)

Oh I don't think it's bottom barrel stuff we're looking at, more like contingency plan A 'in the event of early 360, late PS3/Rev' and that has consequences for budgets. More than anything they would have wanted to be in a position to develop the next-gen Midnight Club.

I think most people will agree that MC3: Remix came pretty damn out of the blue, and well this game did too. It sounds a lot like the kind of idea that you would have bouncing around the office and certainly not something you'd jump into witout much thought.
What will be interesting is how they'll implement the online mode. I can't imagine it not being extremely latency-sensitive, if they want to replicate a somewhat realistic experience. Also, from what perspective will the game be played? IRL you keep track of both the other player's movement and the ball, so the camera has to allow that.
I'll give it a chance, but I guess that's only because I'm "asian". :rolleyes:

The characters better have 200K polygons each with SSS for skin. And the physics for the ping pong ball should be perfect for doing all the various spins and serves.And it...blah blah blah ;)

Good point about the view, Peter. A first person view would need a good enough lateral view, which a 4:3 resolution would be terrible at achieving. And a third person view would just make the ball too small to see well. I can't imagine they'd try to use depth of field effects or motion blur for the ball; motion blur wouldn't make sense anyway. Hmm....

On a side note, a ping pong game would be ideal for a Revolution control scheme.... :p
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Well, I was surprised. But I'm intrigued more than pissed off, apparently. I don't understand how disappointed people are getting. It's a new game, an exclusive, the graphics are excellent, it'll launch for $40 and it might be fun. That seems to be about as good a deal as you can get without hitting the heavyweight category (Halo 3 et al.).

fulcizombie said:
Here's what's wrong with it:
PS3-next gen GTA
Xbox360-....ping pong,,,,

This seems like an insult to MS and the game won't sell more than 1000 copies.
What makes you think that Rockstar would abandon the most popular (by user base size) console in its target markets? Sony would have to pay through the nose to get that to happen. They may as well use the money to make their own game. Not to mention, of course, that MS would certainly be willing to throw some cash Rockstar's way.

If it happens, fine. But presuming it will is not very reasonable.
Yep, this one I don't think I would ever be able to guess, but I have to say, that this is very interesting...
It seems to me that trying to control a ping-pong paddle onscreen, the ball flying at you at real table tennis speed, will be very hard and frustrating if using the 360 controller's analog sticks. Does Microsoft have some Revolution style controller in the works? Then I can see this being a fun party game- maybe.
JarrodKing said:
It seems to me that trying to control a ping-pong paddle onscreen, the ball flying at you at real table tennis speed, will be very hard and frustrating if using the 360 controller's analog sticks. Does Microsoft have some Revolution style controller in the works? Then I can see this being a fun party game- maybe.

Sony's eye-toy could probably do it. :cool:

:D :D :D
JarrodKing said:
It seems to me that trying to control a ping-pong paddle onscreen, the ball flying at you at real table tennis speed, will be very hard and frustrating if using the 360 controller's analog sticks. Does Microsoft have some Revolution style controller in the works? Then I can see this being a fun party game- maybe.

Seems to me that the revolution controller would be very hard to use for this type of speed based game, and getting precise control on the ball could be tricky.

If it's as fast as they make it seem, it's probably better that it's controlled via button press rather than swinging your arm. Imagine how tired your arm would get after an hour of playing too...
Yea, I can't imagine how they're going to make a satisfying, "intense" experience of ping pong with the standard xbox controller.
Maybe this is a game for the upcoming camera....
rabidrabbit said:
Yea, I can't imagine how they're going to make a satisfying, "intense" experience of ping pong with the standard xbox controller.
Maybe this is a game for the upcoming camera....

Is motion sensivity just a software thingy?
Some other pics (bigger versions after click): http://www.totally360.com/gameinfo.php?gameid=134&details=screens




It looks pretty good. I'm wondering about the animations...