A new exclusive 360 game to be revealed soon? (Table Tennis)

what i would never guess would be nintendo titles coming to XBLA. i would never guess duke nukem forever. even if it was announced, it might never come out.

what i would guess is something new from bungie. i'm quite sure they aren't working on halo 3 (i think another team is), and there were rumors a while ago that they were working on a pirate game. but bungie is a pretty high profile team that doesn't really have anything [known] on their plate right now. i only hope it's not weekend warrior 2.

it could be valve. perhaps they are porting everything they've ever done to the 360.
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Confidence-Man said:
Kobold who runs xboxworld.nl has this to say (from GAF also):

This should be pretty funny.

That sounds only like it could be Bungie. On the other hand, how can you not be excited about a game from Bungie even if it is not Halo...
see colon said:
what i would never guess would be nintendo titles coming to XBLA.

Will never happen. Part of the big selling point of Rev is the "virtual console" and access to their back catalogue.

It has nothing to do with Nintendo.

By the sounds of Kobold, it's a developer reasonably close to MS (though not necessarily a first party) who is well known for a (Xbox?) franchise, but they're working on something else instead for now. It doesn't necessarily mean Bungie - and i doubt it is - it could be a number of different devs.
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The whole "you'd kill yourself if you knew what they could have been working on instead" bit leads one to consider Square Enix, due to all the delays with FFXII (some of which really couldn't be helped due to Matsuno's illness). But I definitely won't believe that until I see it. And there is no way in heaven or hell FF or DQ would go exclusive to 360 unless MS just blew a giant wad of cash. A new IP perhaps? Hmm, hard to say. I can't imagine that people on the boards haven't "guessed" Square Enix yet, and supposedly they've all been wrong.
Titanio said:
Will never happen. Part of the big selling point of Rev is the "virtual console" and access to their back catalogue.

It has nothing to do with Nintendo.
that's exactly my point. "you'd never guess" to me means it's something that should be totaly surprising. not "a micrsoft internal studio, or a developer close to microsoft releasing an exclusive game for xbox 360".

expletive said:
Maybe something from Rockstar that is not GTA4?
if it's a new uniracers for XBLA i'll be in heaven
You guys are missing "Two Worlds"; it looks amazing:

Two Worlds

Two Worlds is being developed for the PC and Xbox 360 platforms. The game's complexity, dynamics and mechanisms have been designed to appeal to both markets and the steering takes advantage of mouse and game-pad features alike.
valioso said:
why whats wrong with it? it can be fun.. just like tennis really, faster.
Here's what's wrong with it:
PS3-next gen GTA
Xbox360-....ping pong,,,,

This seems like an insult to MS and the game won't sell more than 1000 copies.