Fine, then to be more specific, every 360 title announced as exclusive that was then later ported to the PS3, must have been bought by Sony following your logic. If that appears as spin logic then perhaps you should question your own assumptions as that's what its based on.
- Title X originally announced as exclusive for platform A.
- Title X later announced/ported for platform B.
- Development difficulties going from platform A to B noted.
- Platform holder B must have paid for title X.
Bioshock would be a perfect example of this. I'm not trying to crap your post, but you seem to be arguing based on some rather large assumptions. And your arguments appear to founded in bias far more than actual fact.
You are still spinning/crapping my post. :rollseyes:
you are trying to spin/crap what I said by changing the message to suit your opinion, not what is really happening.
Bioshock, btw was never announced as an XBox 360 Exclusive, nor is it a "perfect example" given that the game is a PC port that runs at high quality settings minus AA even in a single core 32bit cpu like an Athlon 3200+ and Nvidia Geforce 6800GT.
Further as Betanumerical noted, it does not take this long to make 3d fighting game, add online, add two new characters and do some CGI movies for a franchise game series that has been associated with the Playstation brand.
Hideo Kojima's Metal Gear Solid 4 released earlier this year complete as a single player game is and even included an online specific version as well as the recently announced MEME expansion.
Obviously both Kojima Productions and Namco Bandai know how to make their previous games and sequels and basically have just as talented a dev team, it is a surprise to see Namco take too long to make a 3d fighting game when they just released one earlier this year that was known to never be platform exclusive.
You want to go around accusing me of bias and large assumptions but you come to me by trying to compare Bioshock to Tekken 6, I mean really where is your logic?
Stop trying to invent an argument that is going nowhere.
Or that they understand the diminished value of delayed ports. You still are going to get the PS3 sales now or 6months from now but you have the potential of hurting 360 with a delay. Releasing one version now and the other later will likely have your game out of sight/out of mind for the install base on that system. It'd be a wasted effort of a port. Case in point: UT3.
Although Unreal Tournament 3 was the other game announced for PS3 at Sony's press conference years ago it was well known that Epic was making their Unreal Engine 3 for both platforms so when it was announced that it would go to Xbox 360 given that Gear of War 1 is UE3 based, it was not really a shocking surprise.
However I disagree that such delay actually hurt that game, why do you think that many Xbox 360 gamers prefered to play Halo 2, Halo 3, Gear of War 1 and Call of Duty 4?
UT3 on Xbox 360 had no chance in hell in being even remotely memorable as a title that would spark sales and gain a following and provide a profit.