[360, PS3] Mass Effect 2 *(Spoiler Warning)

Some shaders in Mass Effect seems to have PS3 entries..

Could be UE3 leftovers not specific to that particular game.

I really hope ME2 supports AA. Aliasing was a real bugger in the first one, and so silly when you're getting 100+ FPS. :rolleyes:

I did read somewhere they they improved their shadow filtering, which was the biggest visual blight of ME1 IMO.
I haven't been following the development of ME2, because I already knew I was going to buy it. But Dragon Age just recently got on my radar and I was surprised to see it was developed by Bioware as well. I'm sure this has been answered before, but how exactly are they developing these 2 projects? These are massive games, both releasing within a few months of each other. Are they simply a huge studio or is one project being outsourced with them overseeing the development? Not that it matters much to me, I'm more curious than anything.
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There are at least two teams at BioWare Edmonton. :)

BioWare Austin is working on SW:TOR MMORPG. There are apparently some folks from Edmonton helping with that as well as another helper studio in Montreal... nothing major yet it seems. There was some unannounced project mentioned at one point... guess we'll see later. It might just be in pre-production and they could be making a new team/adding more people currently.
There are too many big rpgs right now and on the way - Borderlands, Demon Souls, Dragon Age, Mass Effect 2. How could I possibly play all of those in such a short timespan, even though I REALLY want to?

Mass Effect 2 is a must for me, so I think Dragon Age will end up waiting for a slower time of year.
In like 2011? By the time you're done with Mass effect 2, Fable III will be coming in the middle of the year! ;) And then let's not forget the other MS exclusives. :LOL:
There are at least two teams at BioWare Edmonton. :)

BioWare Austin is working on SW:TOR MMORPG. There are apparently some folks from Edmonton helping with that as well as another helper studio in Montreal... nothing major yet it seems. There was some unannounced project mentioned at one point... guess we'll see later. It might just be in pre-production and they could be making a new team/adding more people currently.

Oh, I see. That makes more sense. Thanks. And I completely forgot about TOR MMO being from them as well. Didn't realize Bioware was that large!

I'm glad the disc swap only occurs once, and never happens again. I could live with disc swapping, but it could get annoying.

The other option would be to do something where you can essentially install one disc and the other stays in the tray. Doesn't Forza3 do something like that? Anyway, not an issue for this game.

The good part is, that hopefully means there is a lot of content. Unfortunately, I don't know if my 20gig drive will be able to install this game. Maybe I can install one disc, and then after the swap uninstall the first disc and install the second one.
Hopefully we can install it to the HD. I got a 120GB drive just for games like this . . . and Reach.
Forza's second disc is treated as a DLC install IIRC. It'll be interesting to see how it pans out.

I'm going back and forth on the 360 or PC thing... I think I'll do 360 first considering all my saves are there...
I still want to know how the 'import previous game' will work. I'm getting the impression I won't get a ton out of it, especially from the whole
'while you were away'
comment made to Shepherd in one of the videos I saw.
Apart from the choices thing, you do get stat benefits related to the class-type or some sort. Have to look that up again... thought it was mentioned somewhere.
Apart from the choices thing, you do get stat benefits related to the class-type or some sort. Have to look that up again... thought it was mentioned somewhere.

I've seen very vague information. But I have a character who's half a level away from level 60. I'd sorta like to keep her in some significant way... but if I have to say, start from level 1 for whatever reason, then I'll probably buy the PC version.
PC version is out on the same day?

Depending how the save transition works, I might actually think about the PC version.