[360, PS3] Mass Effect 2 *(Spoiler Warning)

Forza's second disc is treated as a DLC install IIRC. It'll be interesting to see how it pans out.

Doesn't Halo ODST do the same thing? It's quite amazing how many 360 exclusives end up being multiple disc releases ;)
PC version is out on the same day?

Depending how the save transition works, I might actually think about the PC version.

Yeah I'm pondering PC also, but i don't want to lose my existing save game. Plus I figure the PC version won't support achievements :( Then again going PC gives me an excuse to get a 5850. What to do, what to do...

Doesn't Halo ODST do the same thing? It's quite amazing how many 360 exclusives end up being multiple disc releases ;)

I think ODST being on two discs was just a marketing ploy, because both Halo 3 and ODST would have fit on a single disc together. They were each in the low 3gb range installed if I remember right.
I preordered this on 360 for a grand total of ~£10.08. (Alone in the Dark + Superstars V8 + NOK 1) A big thanks our local Gamestop whose trade-in offer on preorders is just too good... :)
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Doesn't Halo ODST do the same thing? It's quite amazing how many 360 exclusives end up being multiple disc releases ;)

Nope. ODST and Firefight are on one disc, H3 muliplayer/Mythic map pack are on the other. The two discs have nothing to do with each other, so you'll need to find another game to prove your point.
Not being a 360 user but having now dropped a lot of time into Dragon Age Origins, is Mass Effect essentially DAO in space? Like how Fallout 3 is basically Oblivion with a post apocalyptic skin?

Not being a 360 user but having now dropped a lot of time into Dragon Age Origins, is Mass Effect essentially DAO in space? Like how Fallout 3 is basically Oblivion with a post apocalyptic skin?



Mass Effect is along the lines of Oblivion in space. A bit different combat mechanic and third person of course, but right along these lines.
Mass Effect is more of a shooter. ME1 wasn't very good at it, but the gameplay was still shootery. ME2 is supposed to be way better that way.

Mass Effect is along the lines of Oblivion in space. A bit different combat mechanic and third person of course, but right along these lines.

Rofl no!
Have you even played both games?

Oblivion = Hack'N'Slash with RPG elements. NO conversations. Instead of talking to people, you run up to them, click, and you get some monologue.

Mass Effect is completely different from oblivion, the comparison is absurd. ME is pretty much all about dialogue, and the game is NOT open world like oblivion.... Not only that, but the dialogue is super important, and there are often multiple ways of finishing any quest, if you are clever about it.

Whats next? Uncharted is actually tomb raider in a different setting?
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I'll agree with Ostepop on this one. Mass Effect is very much a dialog driven game. The conversations are done in a cinematic way and you'll spend a lot of time talking. In that respect, it is very similar to Dragon Age. The way you have conversations with your squad and build a relationship with each of them is the same. The only difference is in the inventory and combat. You have stats and a skill tree, though implemented differently. You can pause combat in each. The main difference is that in Dragon Age you can more effectively micro-manage your squad. In Mass Effect you only control your player character and you issue commands to your squad mates, like which power or skill they should use, where they should stand etc. Also, instead of automated combat, you control combat much like a shooter. If you like Dragon Age, you should give Mass Effect a shot. The combat isn't great, but the game is still very engaging - probably still in my top few games this gen.
Mass Effect is essentially KOTOR with finnicky shooter combat and some mixed-quality vehicular exploration. The stories are even somewhat similar. The ME "open world" side missions are about as generic as can be (KOTOR had some meatier stuff). And yes you have very little influence over almost all events in the game. Many conversations do pretend to give you the ability to influence but it is often fake. The inventory system is bad and the loot you get is incredibly repetitive and there really is an obscene amount of it. It almost completely cancels out any need to buy / sell (just like KOTOR and most RPGs). I found the endless loot and retarded naming of it to be really disappointing, but unsurprising. ;)

But, ME does have some good atmosphere and the look of the universe is interesting. It's best defined as an interactive movie IMO.
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It simply is one of the best games i have played this generation. And the shooting mechanics is not bad at all, its not the best but its not as bad as people make it up to be.
The shooting mechanics are crap. Play Borderlands for an idea of what good shooting mechanics are like.

Well Mass Effect is not a shooter… playing ME like a shooter is really the bad way of playing ME and more you are high in level more the shooting mechanics are good, and in fine a lot to powerfully.
Borderlands is a Shooter with loots (so H&S elements), is not the same target a playing.

I'm really don't hope that they "increased" the shooting mechanics and design more ME2 like a shooter with some conversation to go to the "casual" gamers or may be more the "don't want to wait to be powerful" gamers
Hopefully, the player gets the choice of how to play the game. I really didn't care for all that goddamn dialog.