[360, PS3] Mass Effect 2 *(Spoiler Warning)

Are there any advantages for Paragon and Renegade scores ? Both are increasing for me, but how do I use them actively other than interrupt cutscenes and open up more dialog ? Is Renegade better than Paragon ? Or the other way round.

The differences are pretty much what you've seen already. Some situations will unfold slightly differently or have a different outcome, but there isn't really any active uses for them, if I understood the question correctly.
1. Make sure not to go to the last mission you've received from the Illusive Man until you have everyone recruited and loyal. It's a point of no return type move.

2. The most powerful weapon is the Cain (portable nuke launcher) but you can usually only fire a single shot (maybe with DLCs you can get another heavy weapon upgrade).
The most powerful handgun isn't as easy, it depends on your class, and most weapons are just different compromises between damage per hit, rate of fire, accuracy, and reloading frequency. They can also be modified by Shepard's on passive power and ammo powers so it's not a clear cut. Some weapons are also only available via DLC or the advanced weapon training at about the half point in the game.

3. Neither Paragon nor Renegade are judged in any way, and all they give you is the choices. There are a few cases in the game though where it's better to have most of the points in one, instead of trying to balance the two (ie. you can't chose neither the Paragon nor the Renegade option in a discussion because both scores are too low).

You can find detailed statistics from here.

Yeah, it's definitely worth noting that the default weapon that the game chooses for loadouts may not be the best for either you or the squad. In the latter case, the game doesn't really take into account that they have infinite ammo or aiming abilities. Likewise, the player may want something that has good accuracy or larger ammo clips.

What really annoyed me in the game was that they don't list any of the weapon stats or offensive bonuses against specific enemy defenses, which you'll find in the wikia.
Yeah, displaying at least the damage values is one of the RPG features that they should bring back from ME1. I also would prefer a little wider selection from the start and not having to buy DLC to get more choices. 3-5 weapons or so per class from the start should be OK, basically the same range that a fully updated ME2 (the PS3 version ;) has.
1. Make sure not to go to the last mission you've received from the Illusive Man until you have everyone recruited and loyal. It's a point of no return type move.

You mean
going through the Omega 4 relay to hit the Collectors' homeworld
? Is that the last mission from him ? I chose to stay behind in the mean time.
You mean
going through the Omega 4 relay to hit the Collectors' homeworld
? Is that the last mission from him ? I chose to stay behind in the mean time.

After the trap on the Collector ship, you're given the location of a derelict Reaper where you can get an IFF. Delay this mission as long as possible... and prepare for Husks ;)

This mission is going to start a sequence of events and if you haven't yet collected everyone and secured their loyalties, you'll not be able to decide the outcome of a few things.
Yeah… that's the mission I delayed. Thank goodness !

Any advantages in doing the Shadow Broker's sidequest before the main mission (like more powerful equipments) ? I activated it.
Yeah… that's the mission I delayed. Thank goodness !

Any advantages in doing the Shadow Broker's sidequest before the main mission (like more powerful equipments) ? I activated it.

Mostly what you get out of the shadowbroker mission is the ability to reset your squad members points.
Nope, but once you are done you get a lot of err...information.

Actually, you can get a few more things after you complete it, but it's not really necessary unless you just want everything for an insanity run.
The terminal beside liara can randomly give you a weapon upgrade (1 for each weapon type). You'll be able to collect again after you complete a side quest or mission or a day in the real-world has passed. What you can do is save the game, then keep visiting the terminal and reloading until it gives you a weapon upgrade. Rinse and repeat when you've completed another side quest.

What about the FireWalker ones ? I completed part of it (barely started).
Those are just sidequests. The Firewalker missions were DLC that came a couple months after the original release, so there's nothing particularly crucial except for more money, XP, and a couple item upgrades.
What about the FireWalker ones ? I completed part of it (barely started).

The firewalker missions just give you a trophy for your cabin. There might have been a random weapon upgrade, not sure.

The kitsumi mission gives you access to a new submachine gun.
It amounts to your usual +10% for whatever weapon it happens to be, certainly not bad if you haven't found the rest in the game. :) The Wikia on the shadow broker mission has the details. I'd also definitely use the wikia for the extra cash opportunities so you don't end up wasting any money. Those store upgrades are expensive. :(
The firewalker missions just give you a trophy for your cabin. There might have been a random weapon upgrade, not sure.

The kitsumi mission gives you access to a new submachine gun.

Ok… I got that. But in my playthrough, I forgo Zaeed's loyalty. Am I screwed now ? :p
Are you through the Reaper IFF mission ? If yes then there is a way by which you can do atleast 3 missions before the last story sequence starts.