[360, PS3] Mass Effect 2 *(Spoiler Warning)

Thats one idea! Won't change much except for the name/model of the playable character and a different opening. rest of the game can stay the same as for others, whose Shephard had survived ME2.

Uh... you're talking about making a completely different game, that is unless you want even more generic dialogue so that every line can be re-used in the most general way. That would be horrible and ridiculous.

Do you honestly think they have the time for that with a two year production :?: How many people are going to even bother playing a New Shepard vs. Dead Shepard Scenario. Is that even worth BioWare's or average Joe's time and consideration?

Why would anyone in the galaxy care what some unknown Shepard-wannabe (Conrad Verner!) is saying when the Reapers are about to invade the galaxy? At best, if they let you fail similarly in ME3, they could simply just play the bad ending when you try to import a dead Shepard and the story ends when you start (Like I was saying... Achievement!... for zero points).

Uh... you're talking about making a completely different game, that is unless you want even more generic dialogue so that every line can be re-used in the most general way. That would be horrible and ridiculous.

Do you honestly think they have the time for that with a two year production :?: How many people are going to even bother playing a New Shepard vs. Dead Shepard Scenario. Is that even worth BioWare's or average Joe's time and consideration?

Come to think of it, what is so special if its Shephard or someone else? Its just a name and a character model(which is anyways user defined). If its a new story set on earth with new characters and a common old enemy, i don't see any difference if Shephard is replaced by someone else. We can still have the same missions and the same dialogue and what not !

On one side you are so concerned about how the game plays out according to your character and on the other side, you say it doesn't matter if another story arc is covered or not !

Why would anyone in the galaxy care what some Shepard-wannabe (Conrad Verner!) is saying when the Reapers are about to fuck up the galaxy?
Because they are standing in the same galaxy thats gonna get fucked up ! If another hero steps in to save them, whats the big deal? They will just fall in line like good side actors always do :LOL: !
I think thats boring, and if Bioware does that it'll be stupid of them to have let Shephard die in ME2 in the first place.

Bioware already has to cater to those who don't have a previous save.

They can't be expected to make a completely new protagonist for the game.

A better option will be if you play, in ME3, as whoever was the second best in your squad at the end of ME2.

If Shepard dies, every single squad member died too. That's the only way to get that ending. Liara, and Ashley/Kaidan are the only characters guaranteed to survive until ME3.

I'm glad you don't actually get to make any of the development/continuity decisions.

If Shepard dies, every single squad member died too. That's the only way to get that ending. Liara, and Ashley/Kaidan are the only characters guaranteed to survive until ME3.

You forgot Wrex.
To put it another way: Shepard's death is the game over screen. You're asking Bioware to let you continue after the game's over.
You are over reacting here. RPG's don't offer a deep enough experience as of yet to make me believe it is me on the screen. The choices are stereotype dialogues and games still reward you for being consistently good or consistently bad, which breaks any immersion the game world would have built anyway.
I am watching someone's story on screen, and I prefer to see that person as an image of what my hero figure looks like or would look like. My mind shows me my hero figure as a female and I play the game as that. From my experience of life, it varies for everyone, I have seen that women have a much more complex and multidimensional personalities than the men I see around me. I have seen women adapt to different roles more easily and men being bogged down by their ego. I have seen women make decisions that suit a situation much more bravely than men, who are more bothered about their image in society. When I play an RPG, I never play as either good or bad, I always make a decision according to what feels right in the particular situation. From my experiences as a human being, I can relate women to such behaviour much more easily than men: whom I see mostly as people stuck in some singular point of view throughout their life.
When I play as a male shephard in ME and then I encounter those in-your-face dialogue options without any depth in decision making, it reminds me of another of those fixed POV persons on the screen. I have noticed that, when playing as a female, I tend to lose that feeling and I feel that she is capable of having a multi-faceted role and make decisions according to what feels right. I know the dialogue options remain the same when playing as a female, but a curtain gets lifted from my eyes and I tend to play as a better person.

Frankly speaking, I had never thought of these things when playing games, but your tasteless comment made me really think hard as to why do I prefer to play as a female in RPGs? I knew there were no sexual tendencies involved, but I always used to play with more interest and paid more attention while making decisions when the protagonist was a female. Now I realise its more due to how I view women in my life ! Look like I view them on a higher pedestal than men !

Thanx for clearing my head up, Dr. Evil ! ;)
I am a cisgendered male, pretty happy with what I got from my parents since I was born, and I became aware of my masculine self. I have experienced similar thoughts at some point in my life, and even I had a phase where I completely denial that I am male, I wanted to be a female so badly, I thought that my life would be much better if I was born female. But thanks to a female it helped me to realize all the wonderful things boys can get away with. So do females, in their own way.

I can accept you admire women more than men, but it has no solid basis to me, based on my own experience.

As for men being bothered by their image on society, there are also women I find cliquey - afraid to say what they really think if it is different to what the group thinks. So it goes both ways.

I think gender is becoming less important, as it's all about the individual. Some of the most wonderful and personable persons I've ever met were women, and some of the most wonderful people I've met were men. I don't know, maybe as years go on you'll realize this or either you will keep thinking the same, but that's my view on it.

I usually prefer to play RPGs creating a female version of me, but I don't mind the gender that much. In ME1 and 2 I prefer the voice of the female Shepard, a better voice over actress and she is actually a cool woman in real life, it seems.

I completed ME2 once using a female character, but made a couple of mistakes and two members of my crew died, plus Kelly, which I liked.

I wanted to begin a new walkthrough but I just can't continue, it's a lot of hassle.

I have many games to play, so much to my dismay, I will probably begin Mass Effect 3 from scratch.

My ideal whole Mass Effect story would involve having Liara as my romantic interest, but I'd have to play ME1 and ME2 again, so it's a big no no. I avoided every romantic plot out there, as I was not interested in the result.

Besides, there are youtube videos if your curiosity has been aroused.
ok ! You guys were amazing in this discussion ! All you could come up with was , "We Can't do it!!!" :LOL:

Seriously, guys , don't mind but here I was thinking we could come up with interesting ideas for how to continue in ME3 with this radical decision Bioware made in ME2. Instead all I got was , "you are crazy! Nobody does such a thing ! Its impractical ! Blah blah ....." ;)

Sorry for troubling you all to maybe tingle ur brain cells a little !
Off to sleep I am. Its night here, G'Night !
I think all that will happen in ME3 is that when it checks your ME2 save game, if Shepard died then it won't use your save at all since it's not relevant anymore and is basically unusable. Instead it will just start with default choices, the same way it did like for those that are playing ME2 and yet never played ME1.

If I remember right they allude to that in the load screens, I think one of the load screens says "Keep your save game for ME3...if you survive", or something to that effect.
Asking to be able to play after Shep dies at the end of ME 2 would be the same as asking to be able to play when Shep dies at any other point of the game including dieing in normal gameplay after the Suicide Mission. You die, you need to restore a save game and try again.
I don't think it's a spoiler that if the player does a really epic fail, then Shepard dies at the end of the game... it's been part of Bioware's marketing from the start.
RenegadeRocks, saw your XMB but I am not near the PS3. You have to redeem the code in the game to download the comics from PSN.
I don't think it's a spoiler that if the player does a really epic fail, then Shepard dies at the end of the game... it's been part of Bioware's marketing from the start.

Ahh OK. I thought it was the only outcome at end of game.
Was playing ME2 on the ps3. I borrowed it from a friend who can't play as he is overseas these days . I have to say the game is very addictive :D ! I find myself hooked to it even though I just got a copy of RDR too !

One issue that I noticed very late was that I didn't get to see the interactive cutscene detailing ME1 story which was supposed to be at the beginning of the game !!! Was it dropped, cos I could n't find it even if I started a new game and made sure I didn't press any buttons lest I skip it. The game started just like the demo did, with Miranda talking to the Illusive man over a BG of a dying star or Sun.

Did I miss it somehow or is it not included in the final game ? :???:
I'm finding it very hard to put this game down I must say. Poor old Dragon Age got sidelined pretty quickly and I don't think I'll be able to go back!
I have 2 more chaps to recruit and 4-5 more loyalty quests to complete, then I'm off to wipe out some alien home world. What is the most powerful weapon in this game ? Are there any advantages for Paragon and Renegade scores ? Both are increasing for me, but how do I use them actively other than interrupt cutscenes and open up more dialog ? Is Renegade better than Paragon ? Or the other way round.