[360, PS3] Mass Effect 2 *(Spoiler Warning)

I should be getting my copy tomorrow... But I think I messed up by getting Dragon Age: Origins (with all the DLC) first. I'm enjoying that but I find it to be limited compared to Oblivion. And it's going to take a while to complete!!

Is ME more open worlded or is it a dialogue driven on rails rpg like DA?
ME's main story hasn't yet branched, but the way some characters and squad mates treat you is already a result of your previous actions. Some people may not even appear in ME2 depending on what you did, but most of the choices in ME1/2 only effect the actual character you're talking with, and sometimes the actual mission too.

ME3 on the other hand I expect to seriously diverge from the start. There's definitely going to be a lot off payoff for almost everything you can mention - or at least that's what I hope.
Well that sucks. . .guess this game is no longer on my "to buy" list as it apparently uses locked saves (just like DAO did):


GLaDOScake said:
Ok, I just tried to copy a Mass Effect 2 game save to a USB stick and...
-There are two saves, one says (Adept / Name / Time) the other says (Profile / Game progress)
-You can copy (Adept / Name / Time) but (Profile / Game progress) is locked.

Totally stupid, anti-user behaviour by Bioware (or as they should be called in this case "Buyer-beware").

I should be getting my copy tomorrow... But I think I messed up by getting Dragon Age: Origins (with all the DLC) first. I'm enjoying that but I find it to be limited compared to Oblivion. And it's going to take a while to complete!!

Just finished Dragon Age a few minutes ago, took me 55 hours with no dlc. So yeah, you've got a while :) Epic game though.

You waited a year to buy the PS3 version?

D'oh my bad, didn't realize he meant ps3 version. Seems strange though that they would lock one version's saves and not the others, can't see the logic in that.

On second playthrough, you start with 50K :)

Unless your second play through is on a different platform :(
ME's main story hasn't yet branched, but the way some characters and squad mates treat you is already a result of your previous actions. Some people may not even appear in ME2 depending on what you did, but most of the choices in ME1/2 only effect the actual character you're talking with, and sometimes the actual mission too.

ME3 on the other hand I expect to seriously diverge from the start. There's definitely going to be a lot off payoff for almost everything you can mention - or at least that's what I hope.

Didn't the devs say that Shephard
dies in one of the endings of ME2?
How do they cope with that in ME3? Just rename the character :LOL: ?
Didn't the devs say that Shephard
dies in one of the endings of ME2?
How do they cope with that in ME3? Just rename the character :LOL: ?

No, none of the endings in ME2 had Shepard dying, he/she will always survive the last mission. Though Shepard can die under one condition but that has nothing to do with the ending....and if that happens then the game will simply end, prompting you to reload the last save.
No, none of the endings in ME2 had Shepard dying, he/she will always survive the last mission. Though Shepard can die under one condition but that has nothing to do with the ending....and if that happens then the game will simply end, prompting you to reload the last save.

But they clearly said that in one of the dev diaries that this possibility exists in ME2. Maybe they rolled it back then...huh ! THey were making a tall claim as to how they are going all the way with ME 2 !
No, none of the endings in ME2 had Shepard dying, he/she will always survive the last mission. Though Shepard can die under one condition but that has nothing to do with the ending....and if that happens then the game will simply end, prompting you to reload the last save.

You are wrong (HEAVY SPOILERS)
Shepard can die in the last mission and in that case Joker is in the final animation sequences. I've seen it happen.
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All that means is that your ME2 shepard won't continue onto ME3 because she's obviously dead. So none of your decisions matter and ME3 will start with whatever default(s) that BioWare allows for a new Shepard. Basically, you've wasted your time if you get Shepard killed in ME2, unless you were doing it for lulz.
All that means is that your ME2 shepard won't continue onto ME3 because she's obviously dead. So none of your decisions matter and ME3 will start with whatever default(s) that BioWare allows for a new Shepard. Basically, you've wasted your time if you get Shepard killed in ME2, unless you were doing it for lulz.

But that defies the whole purpose of carving your own adventure ! If Shephard died in my adventure, he/she cannot be back in ME3 ! If that option was included in ME2, then the devs have a responsibility of carrying it forward. I am sure they understood the consequences of incorporating that as one of the endings.
All that means is that your ME2 shepard won't continue onto ME3 because she's obviously dead. So none of your decisions matter and ME3 will start with whatever default(s) that BioWare allows for a new Shepard.

Is this a known fact or speculation?

BTW when I said I've seen it happen, it didn't happen to me and she's a HE.
But that defies the whole purpose of carving your own adventure ! If Shephard died in my adventure, he/she cannot be back in ME3 ! If that option was included in ME2, then the devs have a responsibility of carrying it forward. I am sure they understood the consequences of incorporating that as one of the endings.

It's quite a lot of extra work though.
Is this a known fact or speculation?

Known fact. It's pretty old news. http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/106/1067323p1.html

BTW when I said I've seen it happen, it didn't happen to me and she's a HE.
Er... ok. Whatever. I wasn't referring to what you saw. I was speaking in general. If you're offended, I apologize.

But that defies the whole purpose of carving your own adventure ! If Shephard died in my adventure, he/she cannot be back in ME3 !
The Mass Effect trilogy is about Shepard. No one else in the galaxy cares enough about "Reapers"
and can do the job. Considering how many times they throw that information into your face during ME2, that much should be obvious.

But if you're looking for story-logic, just think about all of Shepard's connections from ME1 all the way through to the end of ME2:
interactions with the Council, the Rachni, the Krogan, the Geth, the Quarian Fleet, Cerberus, the Shadow Broker, and heck, just having Spectre on the resume. ;) Who else would be able to unite everyone or begin to convince everyone that the "Reapers"
are a problem. It's not just about the fate of the Rachni or the krogan gene cure, or what you chose during Legion's mission, but also the politics involved. Who's going to be a viable replacement for Shepard in such a short time?

So if you get the character killed, then just don't bother playing ME3. ;)

If that option was included in ME2, then the devs have a responsibility of carrying it forward. I am sure they understood the consequences of incorporating that as one of the endings.
Ok sure. Uh yeah. The galaxy gets wiped. End of story. That'll be a good 5minute game-complete for ME3. (There should be an achievement for that).

All I'm saying is that if you pop in ME3 and your Shepard died in ME2, you'd just be playing ME3 as though you never played ME1 or 2. If anything, it'd be your responsibility to not play ME3. But that's no fun, and you can create multiple Shepards anyway, so it's a moot point. I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to get at then.
Ok sure. Uh yeah. The galaxy gets wiped. End of story. That'll be a good 5minute game-complete for ME3. (There should be an achievement for that).

All I'm saying is that if you pop in ME3 and your Shepard died in ME2, you'd just be playing ME3 as though you never played ME1 or 2. If anything, it'd be your responsibility to not play ME3. But that's no fun, and you can create multiple Shepards anyway, so it's a moot point. I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to get at then.

:LOL: I am not trying to "get at"anything. The devs have dared to provide an end-all ending in ME2, but I am sure they must have thought a way out of it for players in ME3.I am just speculating what that might be. I am sure "Don't play Me3 if you got that ending!" isn't a response Bioware would give. They want you to play their game, they are here to make money. if anything, they must have put that ending in to get people super-interested in what happens in ME3 since Shephard is dead !

Of course, Shephard is re-surrected in ME2 too, and as you say they can make multiple shephards. but if that is how you look at it then why not just clone Shephards and send them to different parts of the universe :LOL: !

I sure hope Bioware thinks up something better than your version here :LOL: !
huh? You keep talking about what happens if Shepard dies and how that continues on in the galaxy. It's simple. Shepard is dead. There's no one else who can save the galaxy. End of Story. Where Shepard dies means you can't clone.

When you pop in ME3, you just start a new game. That's it.
Regarding not playing ME3, that was just an example of you keeping your continuity because you just screwed over the galaxy. There's nothing to continue in the story because it's a trilogy about Shepard.
Yeah, I can't make sense of it either.
You want what exactly, introduction of a completely new playable character and importing all of the dead Shepard's choices, so you can get the proper love interest to tell you how hard it is to cope with the loss of a lover?
Not that it's likely to see that squad member survive at all, as getting Shepard killed in the end means you've already done so badly that there's no hope to save the galaxy. It's basically a way to tell the player that this was not a good way to complete the game.
huh? You keep talking about what happens if Shepard dies and how that continues on in the galaxy. It's simple. Shepard is dead. There's no one else who can save the galaxy. End of Story. Where Shepard dies means you can't clone.

When you pop in ME3, you just start a new game. That's it.

Regarding not playing ME3, that was just an example of you keeping your continuity because you just screwed over the galaxy. There's nothing to continue in the story because it's a trilogy about Shepard.

Ok, you think thats the way to go. Good for you !

I think thats boring, and if Bioware does that it'll be stupid of them to have let Shephard die in ME2 in the first place.

A better option will be if you play, in ME3, as whoever was the second best in your squad at the end of ME2. A different cutscene at the start mourning SHephard's death and how they have to let this second fiddle take the driver's seat as they have no option or something on those lines. Thats one idea! Won't change much except for the name/model of the playable character and a different opening. rest of the game can stay the same as for others, whose Shephard had survived ME2.

I am sure they can come up with much better ideas as they have more time than me and its their job to do it well ;) !