[360, PS3] Mass Effect 2 *(Spoiler Warning)

Wait a minute, this game is out already ?!


Mass Effect 2's Cerberus Network is currently down on PS3. Joystiq has an email from EA support saying that the publisher is aware of the problem, and sources at Sony tell us it is working on a fix. There is also this EA support log which states: "The Cerberus Network and comic part of the Cerberus Network is currently down and hope to be up and working in next 24-48 hours."

Going for lunch to get LBP2 + ME2 now...
hm... a few folks at NeoGAF mentioned Cerberus Network is up now. :) Maybe it's sporadic? Hopefully it's just fixed.
Cancel anything you've planned for the next two weeks, make sure to prepare any girlfriend/wife/kids, and take at least a few days pause before you start a new character to see what the different choices, classes and teammates are...
Crap, I already did that to complete Nier last Saturday.

My wife is beginning to suspect I have a mistress.
lol be careful :LOL:

Anyways for your first playthrough I'll suggest you to play a Vanguard on Normal difficulty (can change it to any other difficulty if you want from options). Also Jennifer Hale (female shepard) is a better voice actor than Mark Meer (male shepard) ,who is good in his own way but still not like Hale.
When I tried the demo again on PC I picked the default female shepard. Waaaaaay better voice actress, enjoyed that much more. If/when I play part two (started part 1 on PC) then I'll definitely go female Shephard again. Male Shephard bored the %^&*( out of me (and now the other day I listened to a podcast, could have been GwJ, the other day where someone agreed who played through the game several times, so I feel cemented in that decision ;) )
Female Shepard robs you of some romantic subplots - especially if you're not comfortable with hitting on male squadmates - and gets you a few different reactions from NPCs. So IMHO the best option is to have at least two playthroughs, there's enough content and choices to keep it interesting for one more round, especially on higher/highest difficulty.
Female Shepard robs you of some romantic subplots - especially if you're not comfortable with hitting on male squadmates - and gets you a few different reactions from NPCs. So IMHO the best option is to have at least two playthroughs, there's enough content and choices to keep it interesting for one more round, especially on higher/highest difficulty.

Right now I'm not yet even convinced I'll make it through just once, so i'll definitely start with the female one. If the romantic subplots are interesting enough, it doesn't really matter which of the virtual puppets I'm driving to be honest. Should it prove that to me though, I'll hand the controller over to my wife for the occasion. ;)
I, too played with the female Shephard in the demo. I couldn't get any male custom Shephards to look good enough to be looked at during game conversations :LOL: !
Anyways, I have nOticed that I care more about my character in RPGs if its a female. It also keeps meinterested in dialogue and story.

As for classes, I preferred the Engineer class in the demo. His drone is very useful in the heat of the battle to keep heavier enemies at bay while I pick out the weaker ones. It was very useful in the action packed second part of the PC demo.
Lol, going from the demo leves, that fits the story fairly well, if you ask me (well except for that people wouldn't immediately recognise Shephard as they do now).

Question though... if you pick a female shepherd can you still hit on the female characters?

I played and finished the game on PC and am getting it again for PS3. I'm in two minds about whether to play as a male or a female this time (especially as i'm starting fresh on PS3 and will only have time for one playthrough).

There's one thing i do wish they did as a gesture of goodwill to all us PS3 owners buying the game.... I sure wish they let us romance Samara on the PS3 version (or at least through DLC)... She's the hottest of the bunch :D
Question though... if you pick a female shepherd can you still hit on the female characters?

I believe you can successfully get along with Kelly. You can try to hit on Tali or Jack, but it eventually goes nowhere. At least they address it tastefully. :p

There's one thing i do wish they did as a gesture of goodwill to all us PS3 owners buying the game.... I sure wish they let us romance Samara on the PS3 version (or at least through DLC)... She's the hottest of the bunch :D

You can try to romance Samara as a Paragon, but it just isn't in her considering her current stage in life. You can go after Morinth after the final mission though you ought to know how that ends up.
Best...Shepard...ever !

Female Shepard robs you of some romantic subplots - especially if you're not comfortable with hitting on male squadmates - and gets you a few different reactions from NPCs. So IMHO the best option is to have at least two playthroughs, there's enough content and choices to keep it interesting for one more round, especially on higher/highest difficulty.
Garrus is a pimp ! :p