[360, PS3] Mass Effect 2 *(Spoiler Warning)

My Fem-Shep got it on with Garrus:D

On another note, I really tried to use the male Shep (have like 5 of them on my hard drive), but I simply couldn't get over his voice. One more thing that kept me from using him was the huge gap in visual quality between the standard male Shepard and the user created ones. I hope they address this with part 3 to some degree. At the very least give us a high quality Fem Shep to go along with the dude. Judging by all the female Shepards I've seen so far they all end up looking more or less the same anyway.
I have nOticed that I care more about my character in RPGs if its a female. It also keeps meinterested in dialogue and story.

When I play RPGs I somewhat pretend to be the player, so I have difficulties understanding why lot of people like to play games as opposite sex. Feels like gross dressing to me, only not as funny.
When I play RPGs I somewhat pretend to be the player, so I have difficulties understanding why lot of people like to play games as opposite sex. Feels like gross dressing to me, only not as funny.
I blame Lara, it all started with Ms. Croft. Before her nobody wanted to play as a female character. Guess some prefer to look at a jiggly female ass while playing instead of a male one :???:
I always play as the main character the game creators created for the story, i.e. I never create a custom character if there is a readily built default character. Games like Fallout, Oblivion etc. I do make a characer of my own, but that's because there is no known hero in those games, one whose face is in all the ads and game packaging.

I ended up buying the PC version of ME2, because it was only €9.99 compared to the €50-60 of a PS3 version. So far, I'm not that thrilled, and fail to see what all the fuss has been about, maybe as I get further...
I generally find it extremely hard to get into an RPG if the playing character is a male. I donno why but it just feels to me that games try way too hard to make me relate myself with the character that's a male, I just can't see myself as anyone else other than my own self.

With a female character I don't have to worry about these things as I obviously can't relate myself to her in any way....instead I simply look at things and decisions from the character's perspective.

My Fem-Shep got it on with Garrus:D

On another note, I really tried to use the male Shep (have like 5 of them on my hard drive), but I simply couldn't get over his voice. One more thing that kept me from using him was the huge gap in visual quality between the standard male Shepard and the user created ones. I hope they address this with part 3 to some degree. At the very least give us a high quality Fem Shep to go along with the dude. Judging by all the female Shepards I've seen so far they all end up looking more or less the same anyway.
There are good looking female shepard as well, the BIGGEST problem I have in this area is that both Male and Female shepard share teh EXACT same posture and body movements, its very very off putting to see female character stand, move and sit like a male. With Mass Effect 1 this wasn't an issue cause the cutscenes in the game didn't had much movement of for the characters.
I didn't say there were no good looking female Shepards. I said the good looking ones always look largely identical. (with some slight variations, but still.)

I don't think I could ever really relate to a character in a game, but I do like to look at chicks.
When I play RPGs I somewhat pretend to be the player, so I have difficulties understanding why lot of people like to play games as opposite sex. Feels like gross dressing to me, only not as funny.

Then don't pretend to be the player ! :devilish:
Did you not play games with female lead ?

I use a female character in Home to gain a different perspective. My last conversation in Home went like this:

dude [to everyone]: What're your favorite games ?

patsu: MAG !!! … and GT5 for the moment !
dude: LOL. Get out, you fake woman

I feel I understand female core gamers a little better now... :LOL:
[size=-2]Just a teeny bit[/size]
Yeah, I've played both. I tend to think of female Shepard in the same light as Ripley. She's just a strong female lead character. :p Who just happens to dig blue women-looking aliens
Then don't pretend to be the player ! :devilish:
Did you not play games with female lead ?

Well not too many, I played Heavenly Sword. Never really liked Tomb Raiders...
I do have some issues with female leads in action movies too. Salt for example was really ankward to watch, not because of any self projecting, but I can't stand watching 110lbs women beating up trained men. It's ok if they have superpowers like Buffy does :)
When I play RPGs I somewhat pretend to be the player, so I have difficulties understanding why lot of people like to play games as opposite sex. Feels like gross dressing to me, only not as funny.
So you, uh, prefer to spend 50+ hours staring at a dude's butt instead of a female's?

And besides, that's what roleplaying's all about, pretending to be something you are not.
So you, uh, prefer to spend 50+ hours staring at a dude's butt instead of a female's?

I'd say that out of my focus only tiny amount goes to staring at the main characters ass. I have other material for staring at asses. I admit I might check out the asses of NPCs and have "done it" with Liara, Ashley and Miranda, don't need to see any girl to girl action though.

And besides, that's what roleplaying's all about, pretending to be something you are not.

And the first chance men get is to play the role of women. I find that interesting and weird to be honest. Nightshade gave a reason that makes sense to me though. Unlike him I view rpg's in first person.

Not judging or anything, I just find this interesting and I'm curious about it.
paragon fem shep is every nerd's fantasy girlfriend ya know, and you get to control her for over 35 hours!


forever alooooone :(
When I play RPGs I somewhat pretend to be the player, so I have difficulties understanding why lot of people like to play games as opposite sex. Feels like gross dressing to me, only not as funny.

You are over reacting here. RPG's don't offer a deep enough experience as of yet to make me believe it is me on the screen. The choices are stereotype dialogues and games still reward you for being consistently good or consistently bad, which breaks any immersion the game world would have built anyway.
I am watching someone's story on screen, and I prefer to see that person as an image of what my hero figure looks like or would look like. My mind shows me my hero figure as a female and I play the game as that. From my experience of life, it varies for everyone, I have seen that women have a much more complex and multidimensional personalities than the men I see around me. I have seen women adapt to different roles more easily and men being bogged down by their ego. I have seen women make decisions that suit a situation much more bravely than men, who are more bothered about their image in society. When I play an RPG, I never play as either good or bad, I always make a decision according to what feels right in the particular situation. From my experiences as a human being, I can relate women to such behaviour much more easily than men: whom I see mostly as people stuck in some singular point of view throughout their life.
When I play as a male shephard in ME and then I encounter those in-your-face dialogue options without any depth in decision making, it reminds me of another of those fixed POV persons on the screen. I have noticed that, when playing as a female, I tend to lose that feeling and I feel that she is capable of having a multi-faceted role and make decisions according to what feels right. I know the dialogue options remain the same when playing as a female, but a curtain gets lifted from my eyes and I tend to play as a better person.

Frankly speaking, I had never thought of these things when playing games, but your tasteless comment made me really think hard as to why do I prefer to play as a female in RPGs? I knew there were no sexual tendencies involved, but I always used to play with more interest and paid more attention while making decisions when the protagonist was a female. Now I realise its more due to how I view women in my life ! Look like I view them on a higher pedestal than men !

Thanx for clearing my head up, Dr. Evil ! ;)
paragon fem shep is every nerd's fantasy girlfriend ya know, and you get to control her for over 35 hours!


forever alooooone :(
Appreciating the pretty polygons of female Shepherd is the only righteous way to play ME2;). I hope ME3 has a better selection of hair though.
I played both games initially as male Shepards.... But I started a new game of ME1 as a femshep the other day simply because I wanted to hear Jennifer Hale's performance. I thought she was great in KOTOR and so it felt crazy not to find out how she did here too. My impression is that she's an excellent voice actress, at least Mark Meer's equal. :) She certainly seems to be able to do the no-nonsense female soldier very well.
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