[360, PS3] Mass Effect 2 *(Spoiler Warning)

Just to make sure…

Dr. Evil, it's ok to dislike playing as the opposite gender too. My first instinct is to play the male Shepard anyway… like a few others above.

I was just messing with ya.
[size=-2]… and I thought you invented fembot in Austin Powers ? :devilish:[/size]
The entire gender issue is actually quite complicated, partially because 95% of the dialogue for both Shepard and the NPCs is the same for both characters (and most of that 5% is all the possible romances). Some people, in particular feminists, like that female Shepard's treated as an equal to the male, others hate it... Nevertheless it's still one of the better efforts to accomodate players in any game.

(Then there's the gay/lesbian community, but that issue is definitely too much for this forum, there's a very long thread over at Bioware if anyone's interested)
[size=-2]… and I thought you invented fembot in Austin Powers ? :devilish:[/size]

No I was cryogenically frozen at that time, besides number 2 (and others) handles such day to day affairs while I'm busy masterminding and concentrating on being evil.

You asked :devilish:
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So in short it is like playing with dolls and you can even dress them with different clothes. What it be, GI Joe or GI Jane? :p :LOL:


You know you've been here too long when you read that as Global Illumination Joe/Jane. -_- XD

Appreciating the pretty polygons of female Shepherd is the only righteous way to play ME2. I hope ME3 has a better selection of hair though.
It is quite shapely in ME2. :p And yeah... the hair... looks like she uses a bunch of mousse, spray, and gel just to get it so shiny and hard looking. :s Everyone should borrow a little bit from Team Ninja. :p

You know, you are more right than you perhaps realize :)
:D :'(

(Then there's the gay/lesbian community, but that issue is definitely too much for this forum, there's a very long thread over at Bioware if anyone's interested)

mmm... I thought it was pretty cute between fem Shep and Tali. Never tried it between fem shep and kelly though. A little funny when Mordin brought up the subject with male Shep.

I wonder why they don't do it though considering the instances in Dragon Age (hilarious as the love scenes turn out). Actually, after playing Dragon Age I was pretty disappointed with the squad interaction in ME2. Hopefully they'll take the best of both worlds for the final chapter...

Lol, I say that because my new business is that i own, operate and film content for multiple adult fetish themed websites here in LA, and I can tell you when it comes to male fantasy nothing surprises me anymore. Hence why I said you were closer to reality than you perhaps realized :)

The entire gender issue is actually quite complicated, partially because 95% of the dialogue for both Shepard and the NPCs is the same for both characters (and most of that 5% is all the possible romances). Some people, in particular feminists, like that female Shepard's treated as an equal to the male, others hate it... Nevertheless it's still one of the better efforts to accomodate players in any game.

Probably the safest (and cheapest) way to go. I do wish that the female Shepard had some more feminine animations. After playing through as male Shepard, it is a touch odd to see all the same animations on female Shepard.

I played both games initially as male Shepards.... But I started a new game of ME1 as a femshep the other day simply because I wanted to hear Jennifer Hale's performance. I thought she was great in KOTOR and so it felt crazy not to find out how she did here too. My impression is that she's an excellent voice actress, at least Mark Meer's equal. :) She certainly seems to be able to do the no-nonsense female soldier very well.

She is good, but honestly I think male Shepard is pretty good as well. I don't think female Shepard is way batter than male Shepard as others seem to, although she did do an excellent job so far from what I've heard.
I wonder why they don't do it though considering the instances in Dragon Age (hilarious as the love scenes turn out).

Okay, if you want off topic...
Most of the gay community would not prefer a new, explicitly bi/gay character in fear of a stereotype or an over-the-top characterization. However, turning one of the existing squad members wouldn't really work either for several reasons - including the alienating of the straight players, who are still the vast majority of Bioware's customers. Just think about the freaking out and backlash if someone would find his male Shepard accidentally hitting on Jacob for example.
The other suggestion that I've seen was to offer a choice of sexual orientation at the game's start, but it'd also be unmanageable.

But in the end it was the Bioware writers who announced that their own image of the main character is not a bi/gay person. DA1's hero was much more of a blank piece of paper, but Shepard is an actual and pretty well defined character, even if it's up to the player to make the moral choices.

In the end it's not an easy question, and whatever anyone may thing, Bioware is still one of the few devs to even pay any attention to the issue...

Actually, after playing Dragon Age I was pretty disappointed with the squad interaction in ME2. Hopefully they'll take the best of both worlds for the final chapter...

Yeah, the downside of the increased team was the lack of interplay. Possible combinations explode pretty quickly and it becomes increasingly problematic just to keep track of them. In fact I'm quite amazed by all the dialogue variation with Liara in the SB mission and its aftermath, must have been a big effort to properly track and cover all options.

By the way, Bioware seems to believe that the PS3 version has sold out in many places, they've opened a topic in their forum to help people who can't get their hands on a copy. If it's true then congratulations for the well deserved success.
Lol, I say that because my new business is that i own, operate and film content for multiple adult fetish themed websites here in LA, and I can tell you when it comes to male fantasy nothing surprises me anymore.

B3D has always been my favorite forum. Can't add anything else here.
I personally always choose a female character for bioware games simply because it's a lot more pleasant looking at them. In Jade Empire the female character moves differently than the male. In Mass Effect, not so much. Dragon Age seemed to be somewhere in between.
Just think about the freaking out and backlash if someone would find his male Shepard accidentally hitting on Jacob for example.

LOL. There are a lot common lines when talking to Jacob in terms of the whether you are a male or female Shepard. I always felt that the male Shepard was very womanly in his attempt to get know Jacob while Jacob tended to respond in a very cold and curt manner. He was the one character I felt uncomfortable conversing with, because due to my dialogue and his response dialogue it felt like my male Shepard was discreetly trying to come to him, while Jacob was trying to discreetly like me know I was freaking him out.

Kaidan in ME1 created that wierd vibe for me, while in a opposite fashion. While my male Shepard tended to very much masculine in this dialogue to Kaidan, Kaidan reponse tended to very soft and sensitive. In both cases I felt no connection to either of those characters due to the arkward conversations.
Heh, no wonder these two are the most hated squad members generally. There's like a gazillion of fun pictures and memes about them (like Jacob's "priiiize" :) ) but you have to realize them being crippled from the start - after all, no squad member can be cooler than the default male Shepard.
Although Jacob can be quite useful...but can't say the same about Kaidan.
Have to admit I never used Jacob much, didn't like him much both as a character and for his abilities. I think Wrex is the only character I hated more than him. I always had Miranda by my side, and would often bring Kasumi along, she was really good. Mordin was cool just because of the way he talks, he always makes me laugh.
On Insanity, Jacob can offer Incendiary ammo for the entire squad and Pull to set up Warp detonations which is a cheap way of damaging several enemies at once. Warp blows up existing biotic fields, so you can use it on enemies under the effect of pull, slam or singularity. It can rip off the shields/barriers of several mercs at once and so on. Then you can set them on fire with incendiary shots :)

If your Shepard is not a soldier, you don't get the ammo power and Grunt's the only alternative, but he doesn't have Pull to set up the detonations for Miranda or Thane. AFAIK no classes have Pull but the Adept so Grunt will only create a good combination with that class, unless you choose Slam as the bonus power.

So Jacob is quite useful after all. Only problem is he dies far too quickly, especially if you let him use a shotgun because that makes him rush the enemies... and he's not a Krogan ;)
It is quite shapely in ME2. :p And yeah... the hair... looks like she uses a bunch of mousse, spray, and gel just to get it so shiny and hard looking. :s Everyone should borrow a little bit from Team Ninja. :p
Very good idea ALS, in fact they would benefit even more than just good hair dynamics if you know what I mean;). After all, it's Itagaki.
I personally always choose a female character for bioware games simply because it's a lot more pleasant looking at them. In Jade Empire the female character moves differently than the male. In Mass Effect, not so much. Dragon Age seemed to be somewhere in between.

Jade Empire had male model? :eek:
Is there any hidden penalty for dying ? The combat seems pretty easy so far. The only annoying thing is Shepard's head blocking my view occasionally during combat.

I like the stylish alien worlds.

Also, will the other characters level up automatically if I only use Miranda and Jacob ?
Yea other characters will gain XP as well, but you'll need to distribute the points on your own (if you haven't selected squad auto level up from gameplay options)

And no hidden penalty for dying, this isn't a game where you save souls :p
Not shabby, but I found it interesting and secretly a little encouraging that a title like LBP1 that was also new that week entered in 1st place in that same all format top 10, so with presumably quite a sales difference. For all the game of the year awards ME2 got, this little big platformer handily beat it, and I like what that says about the PS3 audience, or the way the original game gained traction. ;) There's no question that ME2 is far more hardcore, but it's also at a disadvantage versus LBP as that already had first game on this platform, while ME1 was never released on PS3. Still, at least the first LBP didn't put off too many people of buying the second! Although so far I'm the only one of eight at work who got it. But I do expect those with kids at least will get the game eventually. Will have to try to remind them.
We're talking about a game that's one year old an is at full price. I think this result is very good.
Not shabby, but I found it interesting and secretly a little encouraging that a title like LBP1 that was also new that week entered in 1st place in that same all format top 10, so with presumably quite a sales difference. For all the game of the year awards ME2 got, this little big platformer handily beat it, and I like what that says about the PS3 audience, or the way the original game gained traction. ;)

ME2 has been available for $10 on PC and 360 for a while, and as I understand it all PS3 gamers also have a strong gaming PC, something that they like to remind everyone anytime a 360 game that is also on PC is called an exclusive. So the logical conclusion to me is that they have all played this on their gaming pc for $10, and got a much better looking version than on consoles in the process.