[360, PS3] Mass Effect 2 *(Spoiler Warning)

Hard to compare the footage because of the huge gamma difference and compression. The 360 version looks overbright and washed out.
Mass Effect 2 Preview:

The engine has been reworked to utilize the PlayStation 3's technology, so if you look closely you might notice the blacker blacks and crisper textures, but you'll probably just think it looks sharp and bright. Placing both versions side by side shows off how much better the PS3 version looks during cutscenes, but during normal gameplay it isn't leaps and bounds better than the Xbox 360.

To make up for the fact that PS3 owners will never be able to experience the first game in the series (Microsoft owns the publishing rights), BioWare got creative. Sandwiched between the opening cutscene of the game and the character customization screen is an "interactive back story comic." What that means is your male or female Shepard recounts the tale of the first Mass Effect against a backdrop of images provided by Dark Horse. The artwork is clean and pretty, but don't expect the characters to look anything like their comic counterparts, especially Wrex whose face seems more smushed than usual. During the approximately 15-minute story synopsis, you'll make a few key decisions that will come into play in the sequel and finale. Who lives? Who dies? Who do you want to hook up with? These are important questions that only you can answer.

Overall, the comic section is well done, though it does skip over some portions of the story you spend a considerable amount of time on in the original game, like the Thorian (an ancient plant with mind-control powers). Also, as someone who played the first game eight times, it is hard not to feel like this comic is an "easy button." After all, I always ensured that Shepard's speech skill was high enough to talk Wrex down from his inevitable emotional freakout, but another person can do the same thing without the effort. Still, despite myself, this something that should have been considered for the Xbox version and needs to be included in Mass Effect 3 to help out the folks who haven't played the previous titles.

In terms of gameplay, Mass Effect 2 works like most PS3 shooters -- you aim and shoot with L1 and R1 and pull up your armory and biotic/tech options with L2 and R2. There are also a few disparities that most people won't notice; one is that hacking mini-games have been streamlined. During main quests with a sense of urgency like the introductory tutorial, the mini-games to crack safes or terminals have been removed, but are still intact in more leisurely areas. I didn't get a chance to test it out, but I was also told that the planet scanning mini-game moves a little faster now, which is a very welcome change.

The other edit is located in the opening act of Mass Effect 2. The character you romanced in the first game (Liara, Ashley or Kaidan) normally runs up to you for a short scene, but in the PS3 version it's always the same – Liara. If you start up a new save in Mass Effect 2 on the Xbox 360, the game makes a decision for you and chooses either Kaidan or Ashley (depending on if you choose female or male Shepard). The explanation is simple: you're actually able to pick who you want to romance in the comic section, so the game doesn't make an assumption based on your gender anymore.

Source: http://uk.ps3.ign.com/articles/114/1140265p1.html
I have a fast PC and yet I prefer to play ME on my Xbox. It's a better experience to me, can't explain why.
I have a fast PC and yet I prefer to play ME on my Xbox. It's a better experience to me, can't explain why.

I can, Playing with a keyboard feels like I'm playing accounting, and for some retarded reason neither Mass Effect on PC supports pad. That's why my Mass Effect 2 PC version is still wrapped in plastic...
I can, Playing with a keyboard feels like I'm playing accounting, and for some retarded reason neither Mass Effect on PC supports pad. That's why my Mass Effect 2 PC version is still wrapped in plastic...

Yup, that's why I went 360 for ME2 as well instead of PC. If ME3 doesn't support gamepad then I'll prolly go 360 again.
I played both ME on PC, full-hd @ 60fps and not to mention ME2 plays too much like a....shooter...WASD + Mouse aim >>>> joysticks. It is a short game...with limited 3D area space...i didnt miss one bit the analog navigation.
I never found playing third person games with a keyboard/mouse comfortable, like back when Gears 1 on PC launched I used to play the multiplayer using a controller,.while against my friends, all of whom used mouse/keyboard. Even after this I never felt like I was at a disadvantage cause I used to do just as good as I did on Xbox, but maybe its because I was so damn familiar with that game. Though I think its simply cause the left analog stick+A proved to be a better option than WSAD+Space for doing all sort of Gear-ish dodge/tricks.
If You have any normal graphic card in Your PC, I recommend You PC version. Its so great optimized.

The price should be good to. Even the first game runs well on old hardware (2005) with full settings. Anyway saw the comparision video and.... what?

I have a fast PC and yet I prefer to play ME on my Xbox. It's a better experience to me, can't explain why.

Fan of 360? :p

Else perhaps the talk about lack of 360 pad support (never tried using my 360 pad to play either ME game) otherwise they are same except a low-end gaming PC runs it at higher res and far smoother.
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Mass Effect 2 was the one game I was considering buying myself an xb360 back in the day, but didn't eventually as PS3 kept me busy enough.
Glad the game is coming to PS3, but still wonder whether I should buy a €10 PC version or the full-price PS3 version.
I do know I rather game on my livingroom, but as I just built myself a nice reasonably powerful PC, it's craving some games to play too.
Also, I suspect if I buy it for the PC, I probably never finish it because of my dislike of gaming in front of PC.
Mass Effect 2 was the one game I was considering buying myself an xb360 back in the day, but didn't eventually as PS3 kept me busy enough.
Glad the game is coming to PS3, but still wonder whether I should buy a €10 PC version or the full-price PS3 version.
I do know I rather game on my livingroom, but as I just built myself a nice reasonably powerful PC, it's craving some games to play too.
Also, I suspect if I buy it for the PC, I probably never finish it because of my dislike of gaming in front of PC.

If you reach to conclusion that you wan't to game it on the PC, PM me your address and I'll send it to you.