[360, PS3] Mass Effect 2 *(Spoiler Warning)

However, I'm pretty worried about the fps on the ps3... in the video it seems suffer too much during the shooter session...
Bioware obviously did their own modifications to the engine since they licensed it during the ME1 days, and that is what they'll be using instead of the one Epic recently showcased.
That's one of the reasons ME2 on PS3 looks so good. UE3 is okay but it has limitations when running on consoles. If I remember correctly it has never been a console friendly engine and it will never be. Maybe UE4 when next generation begins....

Judging by the comparisons, there are a bunch of little details in much of the graphics and surroundings that make all the difference. Some graphical features have different designs and it looks better at first.

I don't remember the 360 version, which I have, looking so blurry. In fact it looks very sharp on my TV. I'm quite sensitive to blurriness, and I tend to notice it immediately when switching from VGA to HDMI on my TV, for instance.

I use HDMI as much as I can, but when I tested the VGA cable everything looked blurry to me. Less jaggier but a lot less defined so I switched back again to HDMI and the TV and console aren't going to "touch" a VGA cable again, I think.

(Sorry if I wandered... :???: ) Whatever. That is a great conversion of a great game.
I played both ME on PC, full-hd @ 60fps and not to mention ME2 plays too much like a....shooter...WASD + Mouse aim >>>> joysticks. It is a short game...with limited 3D area space...i didnt miss one bit the analog navigation.

Damn, yeah I'd love to play it at high res and 60fps, but I really want 360 gamepad support as I do all my pc gaming on the couch now. Plus there's the worry on pc that maybe they decide to not bring some dlc to it, etc, so I just went 360 again for ME2. It's one of my favorite games of all time so I wanted all the content. It's not really short either, I'm 37 hours in and still not finished it, although pretty close now.
Completing ME2 doesn't mean you're finished with the game. Eventually you become curious - how different would it be to play with a different class? Bringing different party members? On Insanity difficulty? With different moral choices, or a different gender for Shepard?

Then again, the 23-ish playthroughs for that PC gamer guy are probably a bit extreme.
I remember developers saying shadows mess with the MSAA hardware hence me saying, "not console friendly," ie. Sans prejudice.

There is no problem with rendering and forced MSAA with Nvidia/ATI driver applied hack or if game supports it natively with UE3. However the perfomance impact is bigger than normal.
Which is OK for a PC with up to date components to run an engine optimized for 5-year old hardware.
But that same performance impact would make the game unplayable on the console, so - the engine is not console friendly.
So I finally finished the game. Yeah, got distracted by other stuff but finally came back to it and now I've completed every single mission, anomaly, etc, in the game and all dlc's. Epic game, the series does not disappoint. One odd thing though that I didn't quite get. The Drell race like Krios get into that trance like state when they recall past events. Now after I completed the game,
I talked with Kelly back on the Normandy and she went into a Drell like trance state as well, but she doesn't look Drell at all. Any idea what that's all about?
There's the other joke in the fan base about Kelly, you know - Mordin discovers that scale itch has been carried onto the Normandy, and the "implications are... unpleasant" ;)
Maybe Kelly was traumatized? :p

Thought maybe it was that and they just re-used the Drell recall event code for her, but then again who knows, maybe she is part Drell or something like that.

There's the other joke in the fan base about Kelly, you know - Mordin discovers that scale itch has been carried onto the Normandy, and the "implications are... unpleasant" ;)

Lol yeah, heard him say that. Still didn't stop me from getting down with Kelly...and Miranda, and Jack and Tali. Samara though won't crack! Maybe she is only into girls :(
As far as I know Samara isn't a real option for girls either. Maybe in ME3.

Funnily enough, if you don't court anyone and hang around Mordin's lab a lot, he'll eventually tell you that he's sorry and he understands because many other species have been hitting on him before, but he's not interested ;)
That and Dead Space 2's demo would make any sane gamer insanely happy :). I'm gonna double dip ME2 on PS3 if it turns out well.

I may very well double dip also! The demo will determine. Dead Space 2 I'm hoping is at least as good as the original which I thought was one of the real gems this generation.
I may very well double dip also! The demo will determine. Dead Space 2 I'm hoping is at least as good as the original which I thought was one of the real gems this generation.

Yeah, a good horror game this gen is far too few in between. Dead Space 2 from what I've seen so far definitely improves upon its predecessor.