[360, PS3] Grand Theft Auto IV

a) The only time I have ever heard such an issue raised is from the Saint's row Devs...

b) As you point out, Just Cause managed it just fine. Also, Crackdown might as well be considered to have flying given the building top to building top jumping and the incredible heights you can reach while doing it

c) The PS2 managed to have flying in GTA, and that had no hard drive....

I don't see any reason to assume that flying wouldn't be available in GTA IV.

Agreed. Saints Row devs also have to re-market this game on the ps3 soon with some fresh features. I wonder what those will be. I'm not a game programmer but I've driven the interstate on crackdown at 200mph without draw-in/clipping. I think this problem would just be a matter of creating a LOD variable when your character enters aircraft or optimizing some type of portal rasterizer. Texture sizes have increased 4x-8x over ps2/xbox and hard drive speeds have increased about 30%.
Well your statement makes basically no sense at all. Just wondering what you're talking about. MS has done nothing but announce GTA as a sameday release AFAIK.




This post was supposed to be for a harmless chuckle.

My post before was a more pointed (but equally harmless) joke about the chest-beating going on over winning GTA4.

Seems that tribal tensions are too high for jokes! I knew this thread was trouble.
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Perhaps he meant "MS has done anything and everything but announce GTA as a sameday release or even going to other platforms."

Why would they market the game for other platforms? Crayons' post would have been funny one day after last E3, now it's very annoying.
Why would they market the game for other platforms? Crayons' post would have been funny one day after last E3, now it's very annoying.

For the most part yeah. I cant see MS of all people showing at tattoo on Moore's arse that says GTA4 for PS3 too. After all the announcement was big for MS I dont think Sony wanted to play up the fact that they lost a timed exclusive (and a huge one at that).

I really dont think the pic helped the discussion much.
Perhaps he meant "MS has done anything and everything but announce GTA as a sameday release or even going to other platforms."

:LOL: You expect MS to announce games for other platforms? That makes loads of sense!

Crayon - I thought you might be referring to something actually tangible, but it seems more like a troll attempt now, so no sense replying further.
:LOL: You reading that from my quote makes even less sense than your original false statement!

Please, your statement is clear, you sure you have a good grasp of english?
Perhaps he meant "MS has done anything and everything but announce GTA as a sameday release or even going to other platforms"? ."
They should "announce GTA as going to other platforms"? That's such a dumb statement I don't know where to start. Why bother...
Please, your statement is clear, you sure you have a good grasp of english?

That's such a dumb statement I don't know where to start. Why bother...

As I don't have a very good grasp of English, maybe you should explain to me tell me what this says "MS has done nothing but announce GTA as a sameday release AFAIK." I believe the confusion lies in the phrase "has done nothing but". As far as I know, it means that "the only thing they did was announce it as a same day release", which is false.

While you were probably too busy editing the way you've highlighed and cut my post to get the worst implication from it, please keep in mind that my post was a quick fix on your mistake. As such, it may be subject to misundestanding when read in certain ways that are out of context (for instance by people inferring that I am criticizing Microsoft for their actions and offering guideance...), but does reflect the truth in a manner your's never did. Before misconstruing my post by drawing on a non-existent "clear" statement, it would do you well to brush up on your own English so that you won't make such mistakes in the future.
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Do you know how fast 2x Bluray is?

Its 72mbps = 9 mb\s.

Two 12x DVD drives actually have 9,8 and 10 mb\s as average speeds. In 2001. On unmastered discs.

You are familiar with mastered disc's right? Developers put the big files you need the most, on the outer rim, to reduce load times.

Combine this with lower seek speeds, and i very much doubt that a 2x Bluray drive is in any way significantly faster than a 12x DVD drive.

I think you should find a BR vs DVD thread as the moderator suggested and post exactly whay you did here, i would gladly answer it there and point to a few fatal flaws in your post :)
Same city, biker story and months late? There seems to be a huge anti-GTA4 backlash around the net, I wouldn't expect many sales even with more 10/10s ;)
I absolutely hate the bike driving implementation in GTA4. Was the #2 cause for mission failures for me and most of my friends. And now they make the entire addon based on that? Are they crazy??
I absolutely hate the bike driving implementation in GTA4. Was the #2 cause for mission failures for me and most of my friends. And now they make the entire addon based on that? Are they crazy??

I think the funniest question was one I saw on GAF: 'Will I be bulletproof like the other bikers in the game?'
Yeah, I used to crash into something only after we've got out of the tunnels.

The other memorable part was in Center Park, chasing the molester of your gay ex-comrade. I was laughing so hard all the time that I was barely able to steer the scooter :)
The other memorable part was in Center Park, chasing the molester of your gay ex-comrade. I was laughing so hard all the time that I was barely able to steer the scooter :)

Sort of similar experience for me. Except by my tenth attempt I'd had enough of that guy... :(

Looking forward to seeing the reactions to this. I think it'll do reasonably well. The install base/sales is/are big enough and it is GTA after all (despite the backlash).

EDIT: Oh blimey, two threads.