I've been watching a lot of the recent footage and something just seems to be off about the graphics in this installment. On a large scale it looks very good but some of the more closer shots, it seems like a few things like ambient occlusion are missing, making everything seem more flat and polygonal, rather than actual objects in an environment. Considering ACB and forward had really good implementations of AO, I wonder if this was a sacrifice they had to make to afford a lot of the other advancements they're making in the engine.
imho not that good, seems really low setting to me, but it's a 'free roam' after all. Anyway I have a total different perception than yours; everything seems massively improved to me. The only thing weird to my eyes, are the colours palette in the last incoming ubi games: everything appears extremely colorful, too much cartoonish for my taste from Far cry 3 to AC3, I prefer a lot more the palette of the first AC, honestly.