[360, PS3] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

Rented this and played through it in two settings. Easily the most unfun campaign yet. While Black Ops annoyed me with its endless anachronisms and general unseriousness, it was a pretty good ride. MW3's premise is even more absurd than either MW2's or Black Ops (BlOps was absurd in a "cheap thriller novel" way, MW3 is absurd in a "bad fanfic" way), and it is far, far worse about telegraphing every "exciting" event about thirty seconds before it actually happens, rendering it instantly un-exciting. The most egregious example is the "Look at me daddy! Oh no I am dead!" scene, where you know immediately (even without the prior lame attempt at controversy) that the only reason that little girl is on screen is so she can be killed. The second worst example is in Hamburg, when you're advancing behind German tanks. What was the point of starting off that level with 30 seconds of being in a blown-up building before cutting to "20 minutes earlier?" All it does is establish that yes, the sequence you're about to play is going to get interrupted by a large, scripted explosion.

It really comes down the same most basic error a Doom level designer can make--when every key and every switch opens up a monster closet, monster closets aren't fun any more. In MW3, every helicopter gets shot down, every mission ends in an ambush, every rescue fails, every advance is interrupted with a big explosion, and if someone says "You've got to make it!" it means someone is going to die. At any given point, ask yourself "What would be the most cliched 'exciting' thing to happen next?" and now you know what's going to happen.
fearsomepirate said:
Rented this and played through it in two settings. Easily the most unfun campaign yet. While Black Ops annoyed me with its endless anachronisms and general unseriousness, it was a pretty good ride. MW3's premise is even more absurd than either MW2's or Black Ops (BlOps was absurd in a "cheap thriller novel" way, MW3 is absurd in a "bad fanfic" way), and it is far, far worse about telegraphing every "exciting" event about thirty seconds before it actually happens, rendering it instantly un-exciting. The most egregious example is the "Look at me daddy! Oh no I am dead!" scene, where you know immediately (even without the prior lame attempt at controversy) that the only reason that little girl is on screen is so she can be killed. The second worst example is in Hamburg, when you're advancing behind German tanks. What was the point of starting off that level with 30 seconds of being in a blown-up building before cutting to "20 minutes earlier?" All it does is establish that yes, the sequence you're about to play is going to get interrupted by a large, scripted explosion.

It really comes down the same most basic error a Doom level designer can make--when every key and every switch opens up a monster closet, monster closets aren't fun any more. In MW3, every helicopter gets shot down, every mission ends in an ambush, every rescue fails, every advance is interrupted with a big explosion, and if someone says "You've got to make it!" it means someone is going to die. At any given point, ask yourself "What would be the most cliched 'exciting' thing to happen next?" and now you know what's going to happen.

Try the mp?

Tbh I have arely touched the sp part of cod games
Does anybody else think this game looks really bad when playing online on an HDTV? It's sub HD (600p) and since finally getting an HD set, it really magnifies the flaws.
blip said:
Does anybody else think this game looks really bad when playing online on an HDTV? It's sub HD (600p) and since finally getting an HD set, it really magnifies the flaws.

Looks the same as previous cods, i dont mind subhd as long as I have 60fps
Most console games render at something less than full 720p (and I think all the CODs do). Apparently, developers have decided the extra effects are worth the drop in resolution. And graphics are usually toned down online because frame rate and lag are more important to doing well than having pretty shaders.

Still looks a lot better than playing on an old SD set.

Edit: I am looking forward to Black Ops 2, although I think there is little hope for Treyarch abandoning the "Modern Warfare, but the 60s!" approach. What I'm referring to is how BlOps had all these guns from the late 70s and 80s and 21st-century optics, despite being set in the 60s. I can accept adding things like ahistorical optics, magazines, and modsin multiplayer (everyone likes more options), but it really hurts the campaign to pick up an AK-74u with a red dot sight off a dead Viet Cong soldier. The only reason I can think of to have that gun in a 1968 setting, rather than actual SMGs the Viet Cong used (mostly WWII leftovers and the MAT-49), is that it's familiar to Modern Warfare players. Probably why the Commando is lacking the carry handle, too. And I suspect the Modern Warfare series equips Russians with AK-47s instead of AK-74s and AN-94s because most of their audience has never heard of the last two rifles. Overall, I was kind of annoyed at just how many weapons were around in the 60s that the makers of Black Ops chose to ignore in favor of later-era small arms ripped straight from Modern Warfare 2.
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A question:
I want to try out COD MP on consoles. I have been a BF3 guy on PC as well as PS3 till now and just want to try COD out.

Should I pay the extra amount and buy MW3 or should I go for MW2, which is cheaper now ? Is MW3 worth the extra money or can I get the same experience for a lesser amount in MW2 ?

Pls reply quickly, I have a guy with MW3 on hold :) !
RenegadeRocks said:
A question:
I want to try out COD MP on consoles. I have been a BF3 guy on PC as well as PS3 till now and just want to try COD out.

Should I pay the extra amount and buy MW3 or should I go for MW2, which is cheaper now ? Is MW3 worth the extra money or can I get the same experience for a lesser amount in MW2 ?

Pls reply quickly, I have a guy with MW3 on hold :) !

Mw3 is newer and better than mw2- its more noob friendly than mw2 also. Lemme know If you want to be raped
I agree - MW3 is the one to get. I actually prefer the campaign of MW2 and I also think some of the special ops missions (it's an extra mode besides the single-player campaign and the multi-player mode) are better than what is in MW3 - but the latter makes up for it with a lot more content and due to it being the current release, will also have more people playing it online.

PS: Jostepop - we should really play some survival mode together. I started playing it a bit more with a friend using splitscreen mode and it is A LOT of fun. Great challenge too and highly addictive!
More noob friendly, you say ! Then thats what I'll get , cos its a twitch game(raised to the power max) and I am gonna be clueless in it anyway :D ! I preferred the look n feel of MW2 , but then I heard there are lot more hcakers/glitchers in it.

Anyways, can u explain how it is more noob friendly? I mean what have they changed /improved to make it that way. If its an improvement in game design i would like to know.
Edit: BTW, i have bought MW3, its on its way !
RenegadeRocks said:
More noob friendly, you say ! Then thats what I'll get , cos its a twitch game(raised to the power max) and I am gonna be clueless in it anyway :D ! I preferred the look n feel of MW2 , but then I heard there are lot more hcakers/glitchers in it.

Anyways, can u explain how it is more noob friendly? I mean what have they changed /improved to make it that way. If its an improvement in game design i would like to know.

Edit: BTW, i have bought MW3, its on its way !
The new reward systems allows lesser players to get good streaks.

Furthermore in mw2 you could use shotguns as secondary , and everybody was doing akimbo 1887 + 2 shot kill ump ! Which made it very twitchy indeed.

Mw 3 You have a bit more health, no akimbo shotgun. So less twitch .

Either way s&d is extremely tactical
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I loathe MW2. There's so much unbalanced in the game because it was the first for a lot of things, and on PS3, it's overrun with hackers (wallhacks, aimbots, God mode, etc). Top things I hate:

1. The Nuke killstreak means if you can get 25 kills in a row, you automatically win. This completely changes most of the objective game modes where the first half involves the best players camping to try to get the nuke, refusing to get involved until they actually die once. The MOAB in MW3 is similarly powerful, but it doesn't end the game.

2. No Juggernaut to counteract Stopping Power. SP increases your max damage, and Jugg increases your health. In MW2, Jugg is gone, but SP isn't, so it feels like way more people use it and you die a lot faster than in MW1. It left never to return in BlOps.

3. Scavenger replenishes grenade launchers. This aspect was in later games because many people just spam the n00b t00b in MW2.

4. No shotguns as secondaries in MW3. This was a bit OP in MW2.

If you're new to the series, MW2 is by far the worst one to get.
I only ever go for the solo campaigns in MW and only now and then dip into MP. But I MW3 is the only one I haven't got yet. And I'm just wandering is it worth getting? I'd kind of lost interest after BOPs.
I thought the solo campaign in MW3 was the worst in the series. If you liked the Spec Ops missions in MW2, those are back, and there's a new horde mode that's a lot of fun.
BoardBonobo said:
I only ever go for the solo campaigns in MW and only now and then dip into MP. But I MW3 is the only one I haven't got yet. And I'm just wandering is it worth getting? I'd kind of lost interest after BOPs.

MP is best in series after mw1 imo
Just got my new ps3 today and finally got to play this ! My first impressions : MP IS FANTASTIC ! Totally addicting :D ! I could not work and kept playing one match after the other and levelled up to 12 or 14 in one sitting ! The damn game is so much fun !

You are right Cheezdoodles and nightshade, the shooting feels perfect in the MP. The basic gameplay is superbly tight and simple, don't have to warp my head around anything. Even the maps aren't that dauting to a new player. I found my way around pretty soon in most of the maps. Awesome game ! Makes me wish I had jumped onto the COD console bandwagon sooner .I got hooked to "Kill Confirmed" and " Domination" ! These two modes are just too much fun.

Hoping the addictiveness of the game will carry on for a long time. Lets see how the game keeps me hooked after a few weeks.

Awwwww.....my eyes are hurting now :p !
Does anybody else have a hard time playing these games after playing true HD games?

The sub-HD rendering literally makes me not want to play the game, because everything looks slightly blurry.
After the first day of smooth play , I am facing terrible lag issues now :( ! Is there any way of finding local games, or do we have to depend on matchmaking? Even games which have primarily people playing from my country are turining out laggy.

Is there any way to improve my ping for this game? Are there any settings to be tweaked? The game says "your NAT tyep: moderate" thats the only info it gives me at all. I have never faced lag issues with KZ2 , BFBC, BFBC2, BF3 ,Uncharted2 etc with this same connection.
I thought the solo campaign in MW3 was the worst in the series. If you liked the Spec Ops missions in MW2, those are back, and there's a new horde mode that's a lot of fun.

Worse than CoD3 & World At War? I don't think so.

Does anybody else have a hard time playing these games after playing true HD games?

The sub-HD rendering literally makes me not want to play the game, because everything looks slightly blurry.

The IQ is sure less than ideal but I don't have a problem playing a game that's running at sub-HD, plus the 60fps help a lot too with the game's presentation...that being said Blops 2 looks very good IMO.

I guess you can't even think about playing last gen or Wii games? :p
I am addicted to domination and kill confirmed, but wrap my head around which perks to use and all that.

As for the gfx, the lighting is beautiful in some maps and due the 60fps superb mp, i can't care much about gfx. Yes, in the campaign, they feel like an eye sore since the campaign isn't gripping at all.
After the first day of smooth play , I am facing terrible lag issues now :( ! Is there any way of finding local games, or do we have to depend on matchmaking? Even games which have primarily people playing from my country are turining out laggy.

If you're sure it isn't your connection - maybe it's just bad luck of the game not being able to get you into groups of people close to where you are playing. I usually look out when joining games if they are 50ms, <75ms. When it jumps to 100ms, I usually break it off and try again after a few seconds.

I also noticed that when I had the DLC content installed, that the game would try to join me in games with people with the DLCs as well. This caused the connections speeds and lobbies to be around 175ms. I had to disable the DLC to get into the 50ms/75ms games again.