[360, PS3] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

A bunch of stuff
I'll say it a different way--I simply don't like the spawn system in CoD. I never have. I never will. Understanding the way it works, which I figured out about a week after getting W@W, does not change that. It's not that I don't understand it. It's not that back when I played a lot of CoD, I couldn't figure out how to put up ridiculous KDRs. It's that I simply don't like it and prefer different systems. There are things I like about the game, but the spawning isn't one of them.

And yes, the spawns do indeed move in Domination.
fearsomepirate said:
And yes, the spawns do indeed move in Domination.
afaik they are set but dependent on who is owning which flag but haven't played dom for a while.

I agree that they might be better spawns systems but generally u shouldn't get spawned behind you. However I think it's better to have semi random spawns in cod, rather than bases.

Just because it prevents spawn camping.

Dreading KDR IMO that doesn't matter unless u combine it with score per minute, anyone can camp for KDR..

Anyways my best experiences are in s&d because its very tactical if u play vs coordinated players, and because lots of tactics can be made to win.
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I'll say it a different way--I simply don't like the spawn system in CoD. I never have. I never will. Understanding the way it works, which I figured out about a week after getting W@W, does not change that. It's not that I don't understand it. It's not that back when I played a lot of CoD, I couldn't figure out how to put up ridiculous KDRs. It's that I simply don't like it and prefer different systems. There are things I like about the game, but the spawning isn't one of them.

I don't want to get offtopic - but THIS is EXACTLY the reason why for me, KZ2 > anything. Yes, basecamping is a problem - but I just prefer the old style "spawn in base" and then build up your strategy to the enemy from there or rely on (sometimes stupid) tacticians to place good spawn-grenades.

I hate the spawn system in just about every other game including KZ3 and the CallofDutys. While we're on the topic of CoD, the spawn system in the last couple of games have ruined the gameplay so far, that I seriously considered giving up on it. There's just nothing worse than being spawned right in the middle of crossfire - or when the game is actually doing its job somehow out of danger, but usually more likely than not, there's always someone flanking you immediately and you have a 360° to cover off, not knowing where everyone is. At least if you spawn in a base, the only way is forward and you don't need to worry about someone coming up behind.

On the topic - has the "spawn near your killer" been dropped in MW3? I hated this in BlackOps.

I also think this kind of spawn system makes you move around more, which suits a certain gamestyle more than others. There's just no room for sneaking and strategic play as you constantly have to cover your 6 because someone may spawn there. This makes the entire gameplay kind of hectic. It's not bad - but IMO, it could be better.

BTW: Completed the campaign on Veteran. It's certainly very blockbuster and I'm amazed how much "wow factor" this engine can still deliver and at that framerate. Music score and general polishness IMO was better in MW2.
I haven't touched the series since CoD4. What has changed ?

Not a lot. The engine has been fleshed out, but IMO, each game, at least the Modern Warfare games, seem to look a bit better with each iteration. Still can't comment on the MP for MW3, but I'm not expecting a much different experience than in the last one. The campaigns have become bigger and better - more blockbuster stuff and IMO it's quite impressive how nice it looks. Sure, texture quality etc is quite basic at times, but there's a lot going on, you have nice effects like debris, wind/dust to cover up a lot of it in most levels and together with the lighting, it's a very nice result. IMO looks just as good, if not better, as some other higher resolution, more sophisticated but clean and "artificial" looking games in the same genre.

The MP is still simple, quick and brutal. 60 FPS for the win. Quite frustrating at times due to very dependant connection gameplay but it's still the FPS experience IMO. You can make up for connections sometimes by adjusting how you play the game. In that sense, nothing has changed much since MW1/CoD4. Newer CoD == new (more) weapons, new challenges, new maps and here and there some welcome changes.

Spec-Ops, the Co-Op mode, is definately a very nice addition that was included since MW2 and is again in MW3.
I thought Black Ops looked better than any other COD game, including MW3, especially due to the addition to the lighting Treyarch made which somehow makes it look much more...cohesive. MW3 on the other hand has this lack of color thing going on with it. And Blops also used the special effects like lens flares, and then they had larger levels. Its not surprising that it was the worst COD since COD4 as far as engine performance went.
I thought Black Ops looked better than any other COD game, including MW3, especially due to the addition to the lighting Treyarch made which somehow makes it look much more...cohesive. MW3 on the other hand has this lack of color thing going on with it. And Blops also used the special effects like lens flares, and then they had larger levels. Its not surprising that it was the worst COD since COD4 as far as engine performance went.

Seriously? The first thing I (and my friends) thought when playing BlackOps was: Worse framerate and very blury graphics. I thought it was even worse than MW2! In that sense, I definately agree about engine performance...
well I played on 360, so my experience was definitely positive as far as visuals go, due to the higher resolution.
Yeah, if you want to do a proper comparison between the CoD games, using PC @max settings should be a given. There's little to no sense in comparing console iterations, which is no different from trying to compare scaled down settings on PC.
I played BlOps on PS3, never minded the occasional frame rate drops and lower resolution. The superior weapon/perk/killstreak balance, quality maps, and the speed at which I could unlock things I wanted made up for it. Also I have a cool pirate logo on my guns! :cool:

I don't think the proximity of your killer is part of the algorithm, but I don't know. Another thing I really dislike about the system is that (combined with the radars that are ubiquitous in FPSes now) it makes proper sniping nearly impossible, so they had to make the sniper rifles these ridiculous quickshot insta-kill things just so they'd be usable. Plus having to hold down a stick that controls movement in order to steady the gun is a terrible control decision.

OT: Loved turning around a game on Radec by spawning as Tactician with Boost, sprinting the hell out of the base into the library, dropping a spawn, and watching the tide turn!
Does the SP still rely on infinite respawn ?

It's hard to say. Not that I know of, but I wouldn't be surprised if there are some. IMO, most of the time you don't realize it, because in the missions where you are fighting in a big area with multiple enemies, the commands your team will give you are quite explicit: Either run, or take out the guys closest to you to push forward. Doing this, automatically progresses the gameplay. Not doing it, might provoke an infinite enemy spawn but to be honest, I haven't tried, because it doesn't make sense to play the game like that. :p

In the sniper or infiltration missions where you are usually fighting a smaller group of enemies, the enemies are limited to areas, so even if you get 'caught', you can kill them all (and the reinforcements they send) and then progress on your super secret sneaky mission. ;)
That's fine. I was just curious.

If I get the game to play with the CoD players here, I will spend more time in MP anyway.
fearsomepirate said:
I played BlOps on PS3, never minded the occasional frame rate drops and lower resolution. The superior weapon/perk/killstreak balance, quality maps, and the speed at which I could unlock things I wanted made up for it. Also I have a cool pirate logo on my guns! :cool:
For me There was something with the gun play that was off in blops! I never managed to put my finger on something in particular, firing and using weapons just seemed better in mw2 and now the same in mw3.

I agree that blops was more balanced. This balance is here in mw3. No kill streaks that dominate (well Moab but 25 gun only kills is rather rare without dying - and if someone is doing such numbers u lost the match already) and no über weapons!
fearsomepirate said:
Another thing I really dislike about the system is that (combined with the radars that are ubiquitous in FPSes now) it makes proper sniping nearly impossible, so they had to make the sniper rifles these ridiculous quickshot insta-kill things just so they'd be usable. Plus having to hold down a stick that controls movement in order to steady the gun is a terrible control decision.

I have never understood people's complaints about quickscope and one shot kill snipers (do note that only stomach and upwards is instakill and not arms etc) .

im pretty sure taking a round from a .50 bmg cal Barrett ( which has confirmed real life kills at distances of around 3km and that is able to punch a hole through an engine block )at close range in any place where u have organs means death!

Anyways I disagree that proper "sniping" is nearly impossible, however I guess that depends on definition. Since maps are close quarters and usually in urban areas this makes proper sniping relatively harder than larger maps more open maps. It's the nature of close quarters combat tbh!

Anyways, quickscoping is there because sniper rifles are at a huge disadvantage in cqc! A fully automatic rifle or smg is far more efficient as u can easily have good aim up to say 100yards. U can quickscope these weapons, and without that possibility for a sniper rifle they would be completely useless! (and u can hip fire these weapons at great accuracy)

Furthermore, quickscoping is ridiculously hard. I have never met a good qser that doesn't do this for the challenge alone - any player with similar skill will easily take you out if he carries a smg!

This is based on the fact that in mw2 I have played with some of the best eu players out there and never met a person using qs that I couldn't rape with a smg/ar!

Qsing just looks cool and is extremely hard to master. It's there to make the sniper rifles have a purpose in cqc . It's not for one second over powered however. Any good qser will easily triple his kill ratios and effectiveness if he uses other weapons.
Yeah, if you want to do a proper comparison between the CoD games, using PC @max settings should be a given. There's little to no sense in comparing console iterations, which is no different from trying to compare scaled down settings on PC.
I'm not sure what a "proper comparison" is. Since my only home gaming platform is the PS3, the best comparison for me is a comparison among the PS3 iterations. There's been a definite improvement from each to the next, although IMO, the contest between MW2, BO, and MW3 graphically is a wash. Seems they've gotten about as far as they can and still keep the thing at 60 fps (mostly).
Cheezdoodles said:
For me There was something with the gun play that was off in blops! I never managed to put my finger on something in particular, firing and using weapons just seemed better in mw2 and now the same in mw3.
There's a lot more recoil on the guns in Black Ops, and there's no Stopping Power perk. While there's no Stopping Power in MW3, they increased the effective DPS on every gun so that it feels like you're playing with it anyway.
I have never understood people's complaints about quickscope and one shot kill snipers (do note that only stomach and upwards is instakill and not arms etc) .
Have you ever used a rifle with a scope on it? Rapid target acquisition is virtually impossible with a high-power scope. It's hard enough with an M14, let alone with some of the heavier guns they put in the game. Not only that, but quickscoping is only possible in COD because the game auto-aims your crosshairs when you bring up the scope. The other thing is that a lot of the large-caliber rifles that appear in these games are nearly impossible to shoulder-fire (the PTRS-41 in W@W, for example, was an anti-tank rifle...it was also nearly 7 feet/over 2m long). The purpose of a .50 cal isn't shooting people; it's shooting vehicles. They're too big, too loud, and too slow to be useful anti-personnel weapons. For example
im pretty sure taking a round from a .50 bmg cal Barrett ( which has confirmed real life kills at distances of around 3km and that is able to punch a hole through an engine block )at close range in any place where u have organs means death!
You would not take a round from an M82 in close quarters, because the weapon is over 4 feet (1.2m) long and weighs 30 lbs (13 kg). That's sort of what I'm talking about.
Since maps are close quarters and usually in urban areas this makes proper sniping relatively harder than larger maps more open maps...Anyways, quickscoping is there because sniper rifles are at a huge disadvantage in cqc!
Exactly. Sniper rifles are long-range weapons. They're meant to be shot from a prone position in a camouflaged areas. That simply won't work in COD, which is why they have to absurdify the mechanics to the point where they only have cosmetic similarity with real guns. It sort of works in the bigger maps in W@W (e.g., Seelow), but the LOL I SPAWN BEHIND U mechanic, the killcam, and the radar seriously hurt it.

Now before you object that COD isn't a weapon sim, I realize that. But see, that's why I don't like their spawn mechanic. The core mechanics make sniping (i.e. going prone behind a battle line in a camouflaged area) impossible. To rectify that, they made the sniper rifles into something ridiculous. If they had team spawn areas, they wouldn't have to do that. Same problem with MMGs (some LMGs can be shoulder-fired; MMGs cannot). To me, it pushes the game over the line from "arcadey combat game" to "Wile E Coyote vs Roadrunner," which I don't like.
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You should try BF3 if you haven't already. Sounds like it might be more to your liking.
I thought Black Ops looked better than any other COD game, including MW3, especially due to the addition to the lighting Treyarch made which somehow makes it look much more...cohesive. MW3 on the other hand has this lack of color thing going on with it. And Blops also used the special effects like lens flares, and then they had larger levels. Its not surprising that it was the worst COD since COD4 as far as engine performance went.
They did some very nice things with lighting.
Physically-based lighting in Call of Duty: Black Ops (.pptx)
Exactly. Sniper rifles are long-range weapons. They're meant to be shot from a prone position in a camouflaged areas. That simply won't work in COD, which is why they have to absurdify the mechanics to the point where they only have cosmetic similarity with real guns. It sort of works in the bigger maps in W@W (e.g., Seelow), but the LOL I SPAWN BEHIND U mechanic, the killcam, and the radar seriously hurt it.

Now before you object that COD isn't a weapon sim, I realize that. But see, that's why I don't like their spawn mechanic. The core mechanics make sniping (i.e. going prone behind a battle line in a camouflaged area) impossible. To rectify that, they made the sniper rifles into something ridiculous. If they had team spawn areas, they wouldn't have to do that. Same problem with MMGs (some LMGs can be shoulder-fired; MMGs cannot). To me, it pushes the game over the line from "arcadey combat game" to "Wile E Coyote vs Roadrunner," which I don't like.

Some very good points there. I only just started the MW3 MP last night and I have to say, first impression is pretty good. The gameplay is very fast (faster than BlackOps) and on first glance, the game seemed to work rather well. I also agree with Jostepop that the MW games have a definite feel to the weapons and how you fire them that I prefer over what I had when I played BlackOps. I can't quite put my finger on it though and what it is that is so different.

I definately agree with the point about sniper and quickscoping though. I also think it's a shame that the spawning and killcam make effective sniping (the part that would make sniping fun in the first place - e.g. get into enemy territory and then snipe from an unknown location) useless. In order to achieve some balance to the game though, I guess there has to be some level of unrealism (is that even a word?), like being able to quickscope a 13kg .50 cal...

What definately would be cool - and I'm amazed no FPS has this yet - would be the ability to auto-generate a level, so that the battle-field are simply an unknown. There's nothing like playing the first few levels of a new game without knowing the maps and really feeling "out in enemy/unknown territory". It would be even better if you could experience this, without having others already on their 2nd prestige one week after launch and having a more or less level playing field. To perhaps make it easier, the game could present a map at first so that you more or less know what you're up against before hitting the game.

Call of Duty Beats One Piece and Ni no Kuni For Top Sales Spot

Despite major Japanese releases like Ni no Kuni and One Piece Gigant Battle, the big sales story this week was Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3. The PS3 version of the game sold 180,372 units, easily topping the Media Create software chart. The Xbox 360 version contributed an additional 30,467 units, managing seventh place.

Strong sales perfomance for Call of Duty isn't unprecedented. Last year, Black Ops topped the charts in its first week, selling 128,922 units on PS3 and 30,279 units on Xbox 360.
