DuckThor Evil
I certainly would *like* to believe that would happen, which is why I'm a bit cautious believing that it will. There are three items that separate the two skus, if I understand correctly: wifi, card reader, harddrive. There is some rumor that wifi and bluetooth will be combined into a single chip in the future, and the cost of 60G drives has fallen to 20. I think there is very little that would separate two skus in a PS3v2, so getting rid of one seems very reasonable.
Their BoM will certainly decline, but it remains to be seen whether it will decline *enough* to offer price cuts to consumers. While there are indications of Sony making more money than previous guidance would suggest, that is off the back of their Bravia line, not their game division.
I just don't think that they came into the market with a model in the 499$ and then figured out few months later that: Hell we can't do this it costs too much to make, let's get rid off it! :smile: I'm quite sure the cost of 60GB drive is already very close to the 20GB and overall the difference is very small when factoring in the fact that now they can only produce one model instead of two, which makes the manufacturing process simpler, simpler should equal cheaper in this case.
The fact that there is very little between the two skus and the fact that the 20GB model is already been sold at 499$ with heavier BOM than what it is today, suggests to me that a 499$ sku as the only option is well within the realm of possibilities and imo likely quite soon, but of course we'll just have to wait and see.
Another consideration is that the dollar is declining these days, so the US (at least) is already effectively getting a decrease in price.
Unless Sony gets in a price war with Microsoft, I wouldn't expect a price decline until early 2008. That doesn't mean I don't want it to happen, but I don't see the 'alignment of stars' that would make it inevitable yet.
Currency changes don't really affect the purchasing power of a nations citizens, especially in short term, it makes a difference in foreign trade etc. but it doesn't have a impact on salaries or prices in the US or if it does, the changes will take too long to factor into these calculations. Also the dollar probably won't decline much further as it's pushing it already imo, and 1€ has been about 1.28-1.35$ for quite some time now if I'm not mistaken.
You could be right about 2008 price cut, but I think it's possible that the rather slow monthly sales might have accelerated Sonys plans to introduce a price cut, especially when we are not talking about new lower price point as the 499$ is already established price for PS3. If they can make the transition to 65nm in a orderly fashion this should be possible and possibly even worth it?