My theory on why this type of product won’t sell well is that, unlike in previous generations, the pro console is no longer the best way to experience these titles, PC is. 4Pro could make sense if you were an enthusiast (maybe a 4k early adopter) who wanted to play the best version of GoW 2018 or whatever, but now those enthusiasts will just buy it on PC and undoubtedly have a better experience (provided they have better hardware than the 5Pro which frankly isn’t a very high bar to hit).New hardware will sell out, so selling out at launch means nothing. However, PS5 Pro hasn't even done that. It's available now in stock on Amazon. Once initial interest has passed, ongoing interest is indeed where we know how well a hardware is received. I'm reminded of Wii U's initial strong launch sales and trying to convey that meant nothing in the long run, and indeed it didn't!
Mixed opinions of PS5 Pro won't help drive strong long-term adoption, so I'm not expecting great things. It really is for the PS faithful and who knows how large that audience is? Although bringing significant improvements to PSVR2 (@Dictator DF needs to do an article on that!) perhaps makes it more desirable for those enthusiasts who seem more willing to spend large on their experience.
This product just seems weird to me, consoles now are just low cost PCs with expensive ecosystems, and basically only have timed exclusives at this point, however this isn’t particularly low cost. Why would an enthusiast buy this instead of investing into a PC?
On another note, did they add Dolby Vision support (for video not games)/an upgraded HDMI port? One of the most obnoxious parts of the PS5 Amateur was the <48Gbps HDMI port which meant 120Hz signals could not be sent with RGB 4:4:4 color. DV should have been able to be added with just a firmware update, at least for streamed movies, Xbox has had it for years (not for disks but it gets Profile 5 for streamed media).