ZOE2 tgs trailer

I'm going to take some photos of the Shenmue demo on my monitor and post it on the internet tommorrow ;)

I'm going to change the color palette also to make it look more drab 8)

BTW read what I posted. I said the Shenmue demo gets pretty close to that shot. I didn't say it could match it. Also keep in mind that Shenmue is over 2 years old!!! This game hasn't even been out yet!
I personally finished both Shenmue and Shenmue II and I agree that they're both graphical masterpieces, both from the art and a technical point of view, but come on man, they don't come close to SH3 in terms of graphical quality (at least judging by the screenshots)!
PC-Engine said:
Also keep in mind that Shenmue is over 2 years old!!! This game hasn't even been out yet!

you have to take into account the diminishing returns. Sometimes, you can only do so much on your conventional TV with current technology.

Oh, and dont turn down the contrast of your shenmue captures, try to keep it as close as what it originally looks like. :oops:
Yeah. The Shenmue tech demo is a little bit better than the SH3 stuff here. It does show you that if you spend enough money on art direction and have a limited game engine, you can accomplish quite a bit. The challenge is making the really interactive stuff look good.

I'll admit that I was pretty impressed with the ZOE2 demo as well. It might be the game to finally make me get a PS2. I'll have to check out Unlimited Saga. FFX didn't really compell me to get a PS2 after I played it for about 20 hours. Maybe this will be another PS2 draw for me.
Yeah. The Shenmue tech demo is a little bit better than the SH3 stuff here.

;) I'm sorry, but your anti PS2 bias is downright amazing if you can say something like this after all that's said and displayed. There is *nothing* better in that tech demo, IMO, it's a lot worse looking from both technical and artistic standpoint. Just watch the whole SH3 trailer.
All these Shenmue talk is pretty hardcore. No doubt it is a technically excellent game for its time, i find that Shenmue actually showed certain flaws of DC hardware.

Low poly blocky characters and objects, slowdowns, restricted draw distance, static lighting, over contrasted colors, minimal sfx such as motion-blurring and heatwave. :oops:
Ok, got to view that 'famous' car scene. :LOL:
I think it is supposed to be raining...
Imagine that scene with 2 hipoly characters, dynamic lighting and MGS2 quality rain! :LOL:
Not bad for a PS2 game. :oops:
Actually, I was mainly impressed by the lighting in that scene. The way it passes over the car, goes over girl and then diminishes. It looked just right :)
I saw a 400k QT over at IGN called 'face demo'.

It looked pretty sweet, but unfortunately it was 400k, it was a video of a monitor, and it was a tech demo. ie: could very well have been a dev kit and/or its a _tech_ demo, not a game.

But while we're talking tech demos, anyone remember the Squall/Riona dance PS2 demo? :)

sure do



Ok here are some preliminary shots. I'll post a zoomed out shot with a directional light source later. I'll also go into more detail explaining what animations are occuring etc. and compare them with some different SH3 shots that are easier to compare. Gotta go now. Keep in mind that these are from a monitor through my camera. Not highres devkit, or a capture card.










1. Real time movable camera
2. Real time movable light source
3. Fine hair animates very nicely
4. Demo includes detailed torso and background.
5. Polygon detail is very close to SH3.
6. Lighting is not as good as SH3..expected
7. No self shadowing not a hardware limitation IMO. Developer decision.

1. High res devkit images resampled down and antialiased
2. Cutscene with no movable camera or light source.
3. Polygon detail is sparse in some places like the guys ears.
4. Hair does not animate.
5. LOD is used when camera zooms out to allow two fairly detailed characters in cutscene. Interior of car is low poly, low texture detail.

Ok so after examining these pics, is it really unreasonable for any person to be unimpressed by the cutscene in SH3? DC has aproximately 1/3 the processing power of PS2. It came out 18 months before PS2 and used older technology. Shenmue has been out for over 2 years. SH3 isn't even out yet. If I hadn't seen Shenmue over 2 years ago, I would've been very impressed by the cutscene in SH3 ;)

Anyway here are a couple shots of the game environment. The color pallete was a developer decision so that's why it looks so vibrant and unrealistic. Again this is a DC game not GC not Xbox ;)



The environments in SH3 aren't that much better than Shenmue either which is surprising considering the PS2 is 3 times more powerful than DC. I think it's pretty obvious why I'm not impressed by SH3, Halo 2, and Doom III :-?

Comments are welcome 8)
Yes, that's it. Except that models of that quality are actually displayed only in that tech demo that renders one head and nothing else. It doesn't look nearly as detailed in the game or in the cut scenes.
Well, they certainly are quite cool, however:

a) The skin textures are better in SH3
b) The lightning is better in SH3
c) The characters in SH3 have a body, and those do not.:p
d) The facial details are far better

and most important of all

e) I played trought Shenmue 1, the whole game, and it doesn´t even look close to those demos. Ryo´s character model looks kinda blocky, and the rest of the characters look very low polygon. Nice art, though.

BTW, I thought Square no longer held the Square Millenium event (I think that was it´s name...). Oh well, I´m looking forward to it.....when does it take place?