This goes against everything that fellow Seamus and the crew were saying about Xbox as a whole, and how Xbox would be a gaming console for the hardcore. You have these guys laughing at PS2 because it had a DVD player and how it wasn't a gamers console because it had all these "gimmicks".(usb port, firewire)
Taking XB1 into account, its so true. Lets see what they have to say for XB2 first..
And look how the tables have turned, all of this went to nothing basically; the true colors of MS's intentions are now clear. They don't give a damn about gamers in the end, they are ONLY HERE to stop Sony from putting Linux in millions of homes. The whole scam they pulled with the Xbox1 stuff(it being for gamers, no gimmicks,) was to attract the gaming crowd so they could get a following to help take down Sony with it's own all-in-one xbox2. Nothing more.
And whats wrong with that? MS only said XB1 will be game centric system. Did they comment about part 2/3/4? Nope. What scam? They sell consoles, Sony sell consoles. Big deal. Do you mean only Sony is allowed to do all-in-one system? PSX started as a game only console, Sony aim back then was to take out Nintendo/Sega console market share. Big deal again.
Again you missed the entire point. The only reason why MS is in the console business is to stop Sony or another company from taking over the living room with a competing OS such as Linux. It's this type of pure greed and monopolystic ideas that are really just a damn shame.
No. I think YOU missed the point. MS-Sony-Nintendo only reason in console business is to MAKE MONEY.
If either one has ability to create a monopoly, you think Sony would go
"ahya noooooo, i no likie monopoly, come my rivals, take away some of my filthy market share! I feel bad having 95% of the console world and forcing high prices to my dearest end users! So PLEASE STOP ME!
Them losing billions on Xbox supports my case. MS doesn't really care how much money they lose on the whole Xbox thing, money ISNT the point. It's to make Xbox the number one console one day so that they have their trojan horse into the living room so no other OS's can be used other than Windows. There really is no money to be made in the console business for MS, especially since it would take until Xbox3 to make up all the losses incured so far.
Money IS the point. Sony loses tons of $$$ in the early PS2 days. Dont see people going HELLYA SONY! YOU USING $$$ FORCA SEGA OUTTA!!!
There IS money to make once MS goes past the entry barriers. XB3? I say XB2 will be profitable to them ya!
But it's Sony who brings inovation into the console business more than MS, I mean take a damn look at what they are doing
Yes the great PS2. A nice innovative game(and supposedly touted as an all-in-one) console.
handheld that beats the PS2 in some cases, them spending billions on a microprocessor for PS3. They dont have to do ANY of this, they could release PS3 with Xbox specs and it would still sell millions.
Can we like, see the results before we go all so innovative SONY ARE!!! Remember the PS2?
Spending millions does NOT gaurentee success. Furthermore, having your own chips and plants make more economical sense for Sony. They dont have to do this, but they might just get ecilipse once again by rival technology. Sheessh, why do you think Sony is the only one moving forward techwise???
They were the same objectives since day one, Install xbox into as many homes as possible not worrying about any type of loss so you will build a fanbase for Xbox 2. With Xbox2 they will make it into basically a do-it-all to compete with the likes of Sony who has similar plans with PS3(hence Cell) and hopefully drive Sony out of the market and kill off playstation for good. Now with the console market under control they have a major trojan into the living room, at this point there really is no competition(who's left?) this is where the living room is basically taken over with Windows. Hence the two pronged attack from XP media center type deals and Xbox.
MS plans, Sony plans, Sony kills MS, MS kills Sony, Sony control, MS control. No difference i see. Its business imho. Live with it.

Again, it becomes clear why Xbox is not too welcome here. Is it fear or is it jealous or is it just plain fannyism? I would not know...
Me chappers only know, only support whoeverth bringz the good system.