I can't say for certain, but I believe that
@Jay was talking about the 10GB of ram in the Series S. I think another 2 GB (so another 2GB module clamshelled) would have made a welcome difference for developers. That would have been about another $6 or so in today's money, going by leaked Dram exchange figures (so probably less for MS).
Sure, it's
only another 6 USD (or whatever the actuality is) for a console that is already being subsidized so that it can be more affordable. 6 USD is 6 million USD if a million units sell or 60 million USD if 10 million units sell.
I'm pretty sure that the engineers had to justify the cost of every single component in the Series S in order to get it included, at some point the line has to be drawn. Considering the resolution and market segment that the Series S is going after, a lower price is likely more important than slightly easier development or ever so slightly better looking graphics.
But then again, I'm a bit biased as looking at my past year of gaming, the games I enjoyed the most (outside of Elden Ring and maybe Halo: Infinite because well done grappling hook) aren't games that anyone would consider a graphical show piece. Every year that goes by with AAA developers paying more attention to graphics than gameplay sees me moving more and more towards avoiding AAA games by default.
Ignore the following, it's mostly a personal rant.
Seriously, ignore it!!!
I can't afford to spend time trudging through a graphically impressive game that isn't terribly enjoyable to play. My days of playing a game just for the graphics are long gone. If the gameplay doesn't hook me, it doesn't matter how good the game looks, I'm going to be bored out of my mind playing it.
I especially hate games that have specific "you're allowed to climb here" or "you're allowed to jump here" locations. Diablo 4 being the most recent example of this absolutely pointless mechanic. Either let me climb where I reasonably want to or just don't have it. /yawn. Boring climbing mini-cinematic or boring traversal mini-cinematic...
Whew, that went way off topic. I hope nobody read this and everyone just skipped it like I asked.
Rant over, back to your regularly scheduled programming.
Anyway, the Series S wasn't ever targeted at those that have to have the best graphics. It's targeted at the consumer that can't afford "standard" current gen consoles like the PS5 or XBS-X. It's why it's always amusing to see people that it's not trying to target saying it's a bad console. Well, yes, obviously it's a bad console for that person because that person isn't meant to buy it.
I mean it's the same reason a 3060 exists despite there being a 3090, 3080 or 3070. It's offering a product for people that can't afford the better products and the expectation is that games running on it aren't going to look as good because it has less memory, less compute, less of everything. But it has the same
feature levels so that ensuring a game that targets a 3080 or even 3090 will have no problems running on it because you just have to scale things down. Likewise a person with a 3060 is probably going to have a weaker CPU and less memory than someone with say a 3090 or 3080.
Exact same principle for the Series S. It has all the same
feature levels as the Series X, just less of everything. So scale things down. A developer is going to have to do it for a PC version anyway, so, uh, what's the problem?