Xbox 360 Sales Data

One Month!

Pugger said:
London the 360 is 1 month sales the others are yearly. Sorry for the confusion. ihamoitc2005 the 360 numbers are impressive no matter what the the availability. Remember the PSP and DS were in short supply before Xmas and Sony gave themselves 9 months lead time for the UK launch to sort the numbers out.

One month sales??? That is amazing!
ihamoitc2005 said:
One month sales??? That is amazing!

Well, 360 sold out.. so we knew it sold well...

What worries me is that if the UK alone had 129,000 units, that doesn't leave much for the rest of Europe, considering there were only 300,000 units for the whole continent.
London rumours were the initial allotment was 300,000 units, there have been two European drops since the launch.
dantruon said:
do u guy ever wonder the pricing of the DS might be the factor that outsell the PSP.For example the DS might be selling around $AUD 199 but the psp is selling at $AUD 349, and excuse me for the Australian dollar since i lived in Australia and that is the retailer price for both system down here.

But see the problem is the DS really isn't outselling the PSP month to month in a lot of territories. Japan one of the only places where the DS is crushing the PSP. Everywhere else the PSP is doing quite well with the DS.

Look at the U.K. and NA yearly sales. But I do agree with your point.
mckmas8808 said:
But see the problem is the DS really isn't outselling the PSP month to month in a lot of territories. Japan one of the only places where the DS is crushing the PSP. Everywhere else the PSP is doing quite well with the DS.

Look at the U.K. and NA yearly sales. But I do agree with your point.

Not saying you in particular, but it's funny that when people say the same thing about the Xbox/X360, things seem to be different for some reason ;)
london-boy said:
Not saying you in particular, but it's funny that when people say the same thing about the Xbox/X360, things seem to be different for some reason ;)

What do people tend to say about Xbox/X360? I mean looking at worldwide sales the PSP is very close to the DS. On the other hand the Xbox is not close to the PS2, if that's what you mean.

mckmas8808 said:
What do people tend to say about Xbox/X360? I mean looking at worldwide sales the PSP is very close to the DS. On the other hand the Xbox is not close to the PS2, if that's what you mean.

I feel price and system power is not so important factor for sales but just consumer interest. This is why GameCube is powerful system for $99 but has not so much sales. Consumer interest is for many reasons like marketing, advertising, games available, culture, etc. Also, PSP sales maybe more if price is lower but maybe price must be too low for sales to be higher so maybe new profit from software/media sales to extra buyers from low price maybe not enough for less price to be good idea.
pipo said:
I'm not talking about the two screens. It's the interface.
Aye. The two screens are neither innovation nor convenience (the way most DS games are using them, in fact, it's more irritating than one), and the interface--while not "innovative" from any specific technical standpoint, does deliver gameplay that people are all familiar with (GBA et al) with additional gameplay that was previously restricted to a tiny-in-comparison market (PDAs).

The DS's primary innovation is in marketing and packaging, as it also rolls up other tech they hope will have a gaming (and if it goes beyond, that's nice too) impact (most notably wifi and the mic), and delivers it at consumer-friendly cost. (Finding PDA's with gaming-quality components even still ends up being a lot more expensive on the whole.) The main trade-off is the somewhat oblong and cumbersome design, which won't appeal to as broad a market as it could otherwise.

Phil said:
If anything, it's PSP that is targeting a new market / segment, one consisting of older players, technology geeks and primarely PlayStation owners.
The PSP is indeed targetting a new market segment, but the DS is still targetting a new (relatively) gaming segment and trying to bring in a lot of folks who have felt no real desire to get into the portable market thus far.
cthellis42 said:
The PSP is indeed targetting a new market segment, but the DS is still targetting a new (relatively) gaming segment and trying to bring in a lot of folks who have felt no real desire to get into the portable market thus far.

I'm going to get hammered for this, but IMHO, the DS to me is just another GameBoy following the typical evolution. It looks like a GameBoy, it feels like a GameBoy - and those two screens and the touchpad doesn't make it something drastically different than their previous handhelds. They did change their marketing/software a little though (Nintendogs etc), but I'm wondering; are they really expanding on their market? Remember; The GameBoy market is huge...

Now I look at Revolution and the approach and the potentially resulting gameplay-experience is entirely different.
Phil said:
are they really expanding on their market? Remember; The GameBoy market is huge....
Don't ask that question! It reached 5million in Japan in only 12 months instead of 13 months (GBA), of course its expanding the market! :p

I agree that Revolution is different, most DS software could really have been done on GBA for all the good the touch-screen did. And hell, those 3D games that can't would mostly look better in 2D ;)

If Revolution delivers a substantially different gameplay experience it has more chance of expanding the market that DS ever had. But they really didn't have to sacrifice to do it, just take a lesson from Sony:
I would say for real, pure casual-gaming goodness, Eyetoy and Singstar have done more than DS+Revolution combined will do (XBLive expands to the PC gaming market, not non-gamers, no matter what VelocityGirl might say).
Phil said:
I'm going to get hammered for this, but IMHO, the DS to me is just another GameBoy following the typical evolution. It looks like a GameBoy, it feels like a GameBoy - and those two screens and the touchpad doesn't make it something drastically different than their previous handhelds. They did change their marketing/software a little though (Nintendogs etc), but I'm wondering; are they really expanding on their market? Remember; The GameBoy market is huge...

Now I look at Revolution and the approach and the potentially resulting gameplay-experience is entirely different.

you are not the only one but i must give credit to them though for differentiating the taste between me and my niece who is 12 an prefer the DS over the PSP anyday.
Nicked said:
Don't ask that question! It reached 5million in Japan in only 12 months instead of 13 months (GBA), of course its expanding the market! :p

Oh I'm not disputing that at all. I'm questioning if those 5 million that bought a DS quicker than they did the GBA are infact the same consumers or not. I'm guessing mostly the same consumers as for many GameBoy consumers, buying the next product is akin to upgrading your graphicscard on the PC without the immense costs: You have full backwards compatibility, better graphics on the old games and the newer games take advantage of the newer hardware. This "evolution" is IMO nothing different than the going from the monochrome GameBoy to the colour, then the advanced. Sure, the DS has got more performance, more features - but the others did too. Thus, my question: Are they really expanding the market?

PSP most definately is (or in other words: it's catering to a new, arguably previously a non-existant market): It's something new and it's targeting a market that previously hasn't bought handhelds nor showed interest in them. I see Revolution succeeding in its own way: while targeting their own loyal fanbase, they may also expand beyond their current market to people that want simple / fun and innovative games - something EyeToy did very well this generation too. They might also reach into the market that is buying their handhelds today.
A small update...

Worldwide sales have shown a similar pattern with millions turning to Nintendo for their portable gaming. Approximately 13 million* Nintendo DS are now in the hands of people all around the world.

Before we get back on track...

In the first 90 days we will have launched Xbox 360 in nearly 30 countries, and Xbox 360 is on track to ship between 4.5 and 5.5 million consoles by the end of June.

Sounds to me they are going to miss their 3M in 90 days target... Still good numbers though.
Sounds to me they are going to miss their 3M in 90 days target.../quote]

4.5-5.5 wouldn't be missing the target they mentioned? That's adding another 1.5 - 2.5 million over the three months following the inital 90 days. Typically the slow months for sales.
Powderkeg said:
What you are basically telling me is they are going to ensure that the only reason to own one is 1st party games, in which case, the only people who will buy one are established hardcore Nintendo fans.

No, that's exactly what I'm not saying.

I'm saying Nintendo sells a sh*t load of DS units, presumably to many people that are not "traditional gamers".

That indicates that they will lose even more marketshare, not gain it.

Like the DS has with handhelds?

Show me something new, not something that they've already tried and failed at.

1) Revolution should be the "newest" of all the consoles in terms of being different.

2) I'd hardly say that Nintendo "failed" with the "newness" of the DS.
pipo said:
Sounds to me they are going to miss their 3M in 90 days target... Still good numbers though.

That's always been the stated goal, 4.5 to 5.5 for June.

It was just announced MS sold an estimated 1.3 million this year, so basically they need to sell 2 million more over the next 2 months, which should be a piece of cake if they can make the supply.
scooby_dooby said:
It was just announced MS sold an estimated 1.3 million this year, so basically they need to sell 2 million more over the next 2 months, which should be a piece of cake if they can make the supply.
Which seems to be the concern. They only managed to make 1.3 million units in 4 months or so.
Not to make this a console war

And the add what if Sony can sales close to 1 million in one week in Japan alone. They sold 982,000 PS2's in Japan the first weekend. I'm starting to wonder how big of a headstart they will actually get on Sony.
Shifty Geezer said:
Which seems to be the concern. They only managed to make 1.3 million units in 4 months or so.
Were both manufacturing plants at 100% output? Or was there a ramp up time? Plus, a third is coming online soon, right?

I doubt they are off, being a public company and all...

mckmas8808 said:
And the add what if Sony can sales close to 1 million in one week in Japan alone. They sold 982,000 PS2's in Japan the first weekend. I'm starting to wonder how big of a headstart they will actually get on Sony.
By this logic, they would have sold 52 million consoles in the first year (at 1 million a week).
