Xbox 360 Sales Data

Shifty Geezer said:
Ah, okay. That's good news then and they must have sorted production now.

Finally getting their 3rd manufacturer Celestica online early next month probably has a lot to do with it.

Tommy McClain
mckmas8808 said:
Sony sold about 650,000 to 700,000 PSPs the first week in NA. It's called a launch for a reason.
You said:
They sold 982,000 PS2's in Japan the first weekend. I'm starting to wonder how big of a headstart they will actually get on Sony.
Xbox 360 sells 5.5 to 6 million by PS3 launch.

How is that not a "big headstart"? And what does how much the PS2 sells in its first weekend in Japan related to the Xbox 360 headstart?

Sis said:
Was anyone actually arguing that? Considering that DOA series hasn't really done much for Xbox, who would argue that the sequel would have a different effect?


You'll be surprised. Lots of people were saying what for DOA4.
Sis said:
You said:

Xbox 360 sells 5.5 to 6 million by PS3 launch.

How is that not a "big headstart"? And what does how much the PS2 sells in its first weekend in Japan related to the Xbox 360 headstart?


That's not a big headstart when MS can't sale Xbox 360s in Japan.
mckmas8808 said:
That's not a big headstart when MS can't sale Xbox 360s in Japan.
In other words, if they can't win in Japan, it doesn't matter?

mckmas8808 said:
That's not a big headstart when MS can't sale Xbox 360s in Japan.

Do you just not understand the simple concept that X360 requires good GAMES in order to sell? It's not PS3 or PS2 which will sell out of pure brand loyalty and faith.

X360 sales in japan, even if WILDLY successfull, will start off slowly, and as more games come out, and word of mouth spreads it will build, slowly.

Every comment you make seems as if you don't get this concept. xbox has a bad reputation in japan, like anything that has a bad reputation, it will need to slowly rebuild that. Really very simple.
scooby_dooby said:
Do you just not understand the simple concept that X360 requires good GAMES in order to sell? It's not PS3 or PS2 which will sell out of pure brand loyalty and faith.

X360 sales in japan, even if WILDLY successfull, will start off slowly, and as more games come out, and word of mouth spreads it will build, slowly.

Every comment you make seems as if you don't get this concept. xbox has a bad reputation in japan, like anything that has a bad reputation, it will need to slowly rebuild that. Really very simple.

Whatever man. Plain and simple the 360 is doing worst than the Xbox so far in Japan. The Xbox was an unknown product, yet the Japanese still had more faith in it than the X360. It seems like you don't get this truth.
when you look at the facts and use a little common sense x360 SHOULD do worse in japan.

1. xbox had a better launch line-up. More japanese games, and DOA3 at launch.

2. xbox had a better reputation than xbox 360 (none is better than very negative) Japanese fans got sorta screwed on xbox1, it's entirely PREDICTABLE that they will take a wait and see attitude with it's successor.

what the heck were you expecting?
mckmas8808 said:
Whatever man. Plain and simple the 360 is doing worst than the Xbox so far in Japan. The Xbox was an unknown product, yet the Japanese still had more faith in it than the X360. It seems like you don't get this truth.
You seem to be being argumentative for the sake of it. Regardless of where XB360 sells or not, which is the point here and not how well it does in Japan, it looks like XB360 is going to have a lead of some 5-6 million units. Even if PS3 sells 2 million on the first day, it'll be behind 3-4 million. If PS3 sells 2 million in Japan on day 1, and XB360 has only sold 40,000, there's still 5-6 million other XB360s in the world.
scooby_dooby said:
when you look at the facts and use a little common sense x360 SHOULD do worse in japan.

1. xbox had a better launch line-up. More japanese games, and DOA3 at launch.

2. xbox had a better reputation than xbox 360 (none is better than very negative)

what the heck were you expecting?

Not my problem. MS should have worked harder. And look at what you just said.:cry:
Shifty Geezer said:
You seem to be being argumentative for the sake of it. Regardless of where XB360 sells or not, which is the point here and not how well it does in Japan, it looks like XB360 is going to have a lead of some 5-6 million units. Even if PS3 sells 2 million on the first day, it'll be behind 3-4 million. If PS3 sells 2 million in Japan on day 1, and XB360 has only sold 40,000, there's still 5-6 million other XB360s in the world.

Oh and Scooby isn't? Point being MS's big reason to launch early was to get this huge lead. But if sales keep looking so so bad in Japan, then Japan alone could erase half this gap in the first year.
mckmas8808 said:
Not my problem. MS should have worked harder. And look at what you just said.:cry:

Whatever man, they did work hard, They signed tons of japanese dev's, created new studios out of scratch and those games will be what wins back teh japanese audience. Not one of these games is out I have no idea what you were expecting to happen.

Oh, and apparently your reading comprehension is not good enough to realize I was saying that AT LAUNCH the 360 should do worse.

Anyone with half a brain, that looked at the launch line-up, and the bad reputation xbox has, should have known that the 360 would do worse AT LAUNCH then xbox did.

360's early launch is a success, worldwide they will have 8-10million sold by the time PS3 launches in the US, PS3 will prbably be extremely supply limited for it's japanese launch and sell < 1million.
mckmas8808 said:
Oh and Scooby isn't? Point being MS's big reason to launch early was to get this huge lead. But if sales keep looking so so bad in Japan, then Japan alone could erase half this gap in the first year.
If their plan was to lead PS3 by 6 million units, and they manage that only selling 40,000 in Japan, they've managed their target. The only reason the Japanese market would be necessary is if the NA and EU markets had had their fill and weren't buying any more. As long as NA and the EU keep buying and MS keep supplying, diverting units away from the Japanese market where there not needed at the moment because there's no Japanese games to attract Japanese buyers, as long as they sell all the XB360s they make, trhey've made their head-start just as they aimed for.

I've been unsure that MS would make their target 5+ million units by PS3s arrival, but the current numbers suggest they might well manage it.
Shifty Geezer said:
I've been unsure that MS would make their target 5+ million units by PS3s arrival, but the current numbers suggest they might well manage it.

To me 5+ million should be a given.
mckmas8808 said:
Oh and Scooby isn't? Point being MS's big reason to launch early was to get this huge lead. But if sales keep looking so so bad in Japan, then Japan alone could erase half this gap in the first year.

Brought to you by the same people who over and over minimize the huge spanking the DS is giving to the PSP in JP because of the PSP's success in other territories... Double standards, anyone ?

mckmas8808 said:
That's why you release the handheld to other territories. Sony doesn't have to win every single territory.
Corwin_B said:
Brought to you by the same people who over and over minimize the huge spanking the DS is giving to the PSP in JP because of the PSP's success in other territories... Double standards, anyone ?

Not to defend the "double standard", but there is a difference between selling 80-150k a week a year after its launch (which is quite enough to be considered success on its own) and selling 5-20k a week around its launch. It just so happens that DS' japanese sales are out-of-the-ordinary in how awesome they are. It isn't so much about not winning, as much as it is not even in the running (PSP = not winning, X360 = not even in the running).

X360 has an uphill battle, but the games out there so far are garbage for the most part so judging it now and predicting its future may be a bit premature (granted, I don't think it'll have a chance to get anywhere, even with its japanese support). I'm not quite sure what MS was thinking shooting themselves in the foot like that; delaying the launch in JP for a better launch lineup seems like it would have been a better idea.
Corwin_B said:
Brought to you by the same people who over and over minimize the huge spanking the DS is giving to the PSP in JP because of the PSP's success in other territories... Double standards, anyone ?

Sorry my man. There's a big difference between 90,000 to 100,000+ a week to 10,000 a week. I think over 2.5 million PSP's have been sold in Japan. The Xbox combined with the 360 is around 500,000. Again big difference pal.

Edited: Damn B you beat me by 5 seconds.