"I'd love to see some framerates for mgs2."
MGS2 runs at 60, at all times.
Where. Show me proof. You saying so doesn't make it happen. Show me shenmue doing better on the ps2 than the dreamcast. Hell the xbox handles it worse than the dreamcast. And we would all agree here the same power leap from the dreamcast to the xbox exists with the dreamcast to the ps2.
Did first gen Xbox games look like current ps2 games? No
No why would they. They were first gen games against 3rd gen games on hardware that was only a year apart.
I have stated many times. Last gen games of the previous generation of hardware will look about the same as the pre gen - first gen games of the next generation. Of course if you compare 2d games to 3d games there is a diffrence. But we are not going from 2d games - 3d games now are we ? So looking at the 3dgames of the 16bit gen (32x games and some snes games) You get starwars - virtual fighter on the saturn. Both look close to each other.
Did first gen ps2 games look like last gen psone games? No
Some of them did. Hell some ps2 games , xbox games and gamecube games coming out now look like crap.
Did first gen gamecube games look like last gen n64 games? No
No. Of course the time frame from the xbox - the ps3 is closer to the n64- the dreamcast than it is the n64 - the gamecube.
Will first gen ps3 games blow away doom3, a game which we are PLAYING now? YES, it will.
No one is playing it now. I have a leaked alpha which will look nothing like the completed game. Should the next gen games one up doom 3. Yes they should. Will they do it with the first bunch of games. I don't know. Lots of stuff is going on in doom3. There are many diffrent levels of rendering. Different paths. Right now the highest quality path is only run by the r300 and r350 series. The geforce fx doesn't even run the highest path (it does 2x slower than the r300s so carmack made a nv30 path) Not only that but i can one up the graphics by adding 16tap aniso and higher levels of aa.
There is no way a game that is based on geforce 3 tech, and that my friend is playing now at 70+ fps on his p4 3.0Ghz 1gb rd ram and a 9700PRO is going to look better than a first gen ps3 game in 2005ish.
Why ? According to you and your friends thats all end of 2002 start of 2003 tech. Only 2-3 years behind the ps3 system. At which point based on sonys previous system. Its gpu will be behind the curve of whats out at the time. We had geforces and the gpu of the ps2 was more like a voodoo2 card in features and ablitys.
Anyone who thinks this is a moron plain and simple. Anyone who thinks a last gen Xbox game, which will be based on 4 year tech, will look the same as a first gen ps3 game is also a moron. Even if they arent getting any power out of the ps3 with it's first games, it will still look largely better than any Xbox game.