What do you see the next gen consoles doing Graphicly?

As previously mentioned feature sets are not as important... say if ps4 was capable of 100% photoreal gphx, but with most of it being programmable and few features... you wouldn't be comparing it to a voodoo2 now would you?

No but i' be comparing it to whatever chip is out at the same time. And if that chip could do it all in hardware(which would be much easier to implment and code for) or even some of it in hardware then yes i would compare them . Now if the ps3s gs has the same feature set as the voodoo3 but offered 10000 times its fillrate i would still compare it to the voodoo3. Since the onlyadvantage it would have is fillrate .
And if you used the EE to assist in making the sound processing 100x over PSX capacity, you would be taking away from its ability to maintain 100x graphical advantage.

I think not, I dunno but it I've heard the numbers sony gave were using only the vu1 to render.

As for disk speed, ok this shouldn't be brought up since it's not out of the box... but still it's available... the Hdd, I'm sure that must certainly be 100x faster than the 8yr old psone cd-drive.

And while it is true that some areas are probably under 100x, again I dunno the h/w... It is also true that other areas actually far exceed 100x the perf.... So it all averages out at about 100x+ I'd say.

As for the voodoo 2 comment, What if the gpus of that time are also not that feature heavy, and are beginning to be more programmable? Would those too be comparable to a voodoo3? Not to mention as previously mentioned the ps4 if it had such brute strength could be used to do an unimaginable amount of different technics, and gphx effects, that it might not even be feasible to include them all in h/w.
zidane1strife said:
As for the voodoo 2 comment, What if the gpus of that time are also not that feature heavy, and are beginning to be more programmable? Would those too be comparable to a voodoo3? Not to mention as previously mentioned the ps4 if it had such brute strength could be used to do an unimaginable amount of different technics, and gphx effects, that it might not even be feasible to include them all in h/w.

That does seem to be the direction everything is moving in. However, you will find that he will simply endeavor to find "something else" that is "different" between the 2 architectures and automatically see that as an "advantage" for the PC device and a "disadvantage" for the PS-n device. I think we can agree that is the thinking pattern being implemented here.
I for one feel the best is a balance between programing (pixel shaders and vertex) and hardware effects.

I compared the gs to the voodoo two because both had the same feature set. Hardware effects . Where as the chips in 200 (voodo5, geforce 2, radeon 64) Had much more in terms of hardwired effects.

Now if you had the best of both world , say a cell chp with the latest nvidia chip out at the time that would be ideal.
jvd said:
I for one feel the best is a balance between programing (pixel shaders and vertex) and hardware effects.

I compared the gs to the voodoo two because both had the same feature set. Hardware effects . Where as the chips in 200 (voodo5, geforce 2, radeon 64) Had much more in terms of hardwired effects.

Now if you had the best of both world , say a cell chp with the latest nvidia chip out at the time that would be ideal.

again jvd mate,

they might have more features in hardware, but how well can they perform when they are used in game? as seen in Doom3... not very well...
what i think Sony decided to do with PS2 was not to include pixel effects simpl for the fact that at that moment in time those efects weren't mature enough to be performed well under in game conditions, keeping their focus on things they knew would give ps2 a bit of a headstart in most game conditions... at the end of the day we are only now seeing decent performance with full bump mapping and shaders effect, with new radeons etc.... u can't say they were TOTALLY wrong if that was the case...