What do you see the next gen consoles doing Graphicly?

And again and again, under what rock have you been living Chap? Tekken Tag Tournament blew away anything at the time - how can you even think that it was only marginally better than games of the last generation? Have you even played a PSX game?

Compare MGS2 to MGS. Compare GT3 to GT2. Compare SSX to any Coolboarders game. Compare Ridge Racer V to Ridge Racer 4. Wipeout Fusion to Wipeout 3.

Once you look past the jaggies in a few of the above games I mentioed, you'll see that they are heaps improved over games of last generation and still look damn good, especially the launch efforts. And Ridge Racer V looks significantly better. Perhaps if you paid less attention to aliasing (or the brand-name), you might see things from a different view.
chaphack said:
is that so hard to understand?
Are we not talking about last gen Xbox games vs first gen PS3/Xbox2 games?

*last gen N64 games look slightly worse than DC games*.....
Take a look at THPS games on both system. ;)

maybe u need a fourth username, chap.......
:oops: :oops: :oops:

it is EASIER to look at the leap in the same company of hardware
I think RR4 looks pretty good. Not as high fps or resolution than JagRacer5, but the leap was not jaw droppingly good.

You have to recall that many early PS2 games were pretty bleh. Poor textures and image quality with lots of noise artifact. Only higher fps and polycount. Early programming woes definitely hampered the realization of PSX -> PS2 graphics leap.

blah blah blah...

are u telling me that TekkenTag didn't look miles better than Tekken3????? please give it up...

or what about SSX???

also remember that, apart from a few exceptions, ps2 launch games were pretty much a work of *luck* and we all know why....

apparently with Ps3 things will be different.. but who knows..
I am not living under no rock. :LOL:

Anyway, im talking early launched titles. Sure, there will be games(from the big boys) that look really good as i said, but there will be some really average looking games, that slightly surpass last gen Xbox games.

You will not see all early titles so far and ahead from Xbox games. I dont think you will see FF10 CG on the get go. I believe the average early PS3 games will look something like Doom3/STALKER, marginally better. ;)

Perhaps if you paid less attention to aliasing
I consider alisaing, image quality, textures and the likes to be part of next generation leap.
You will not see all early titles so far and ahead from Xbox games. I dont think you will see FF10 CG on the get go. I believe the average early PS3 games will look something like Doom3/STALKER, marginally better.

You shall be surprised... True there might be some subpar games from a few bad dev.s, but If the libraries are good... don't expect any of them to feature models of lower quality than a certain fairy... Which is quite beyond anything in this gen. IMHO.
chaphack said:
Sure, there will be games(from the big boys) that look really good as i said, but there will be some really average looking games, that slightly surpass last gen Xbox games.

:rolleyes: What a suprise. That's something you'll have on any console, no matter how much more performance it is capable of. Even on Xbox [and all the other this-gen-consoles], there are some really average looking games - in my opinion, even a few that only slightly surpass last gen PSX/N64 graphics.
Phil said:
chaphack said:
Sure, there will be games(from the big boys) that look really good as i said, but there will be some really average looking games, that slightly surpass last gen Xbox games.

:rolleyes: What a suprise. That's something you'll have on any console, no matter how much more performance it is capable of. Even on Xbox [and all the other this-gen-consoles], there are some really average looking games - in my opinion, even a few that only slightly surpass last gen PSX/N64 graphics.

exactly... i can make an xbox game that looks like a Commodore64 game.... does that make the xbox (or any other console) any less powerful that it really is, chap???

(smashes head on monitor)
You have to remember that although you are seeing Doom3/STALKER screens today, you still need a beefy machine to run them pretty and run them well. A Radeon 9800 at least i say. So it is not like 4-5 years behind PS3.

It might be even too generous to suggest early PS3 games will look as good as DOOM3/STALKER(full details), since im not sure how far PS3 will have for texturing. PC textures > Console textures.

don't expect any of them to feature models of lower quality than a certain fairy
Depends on the games i guess. A few characters onscreen might have fairy quality models, but more i dont think so. At least for early games. :oops:
chaphack said:
You have to remember that although you are seeing Doom3/STALKER screens today, you still need a beefy machine to run them pretty and run them well. A Radeon 9800 at least i say. So it is not like 4-5 years behind PS3.

It might be even too generous to suggest early PS3 games will look as good as DOOM3/STALKER(full details), since im not sure how far PS3 will have for texturing. PC textures > Console textures.

don't expect any of them to feature models of lower quality than a certain fairy
Depends on the games i guess. A few characters onscreen might have fairy quality models, but more i dont think so. At least for early games. :oops:

chap, u r absolutely hilarious.......

so, ps2 launch games looked like 3 year old pc games at the time then? :rolleyes:

do u even know what the hell u r talking about?

will u just G-I-V-E I-T U-P!!!!!!!!!!!!
Personally, I still think certain console games to be more visually appealing than newer PC games (such as Unreal 2)...

Besides, the PC uses a quite bottlenecked architecture (for 3d processing anyway) - I would hope that at least Sony will do something with PS3 that will give it yet another technological advantage.

Besides, those two games are most likely going to be strict minority when it comes to good-looking PC games. The majority of PC devs (if they decided to stay on that platform) will target what the casual consumer has at home - not the small percentage with high-end PC specs.
london-boy said:
chap, u r absolutely hilarious.......

so, ps2 launch games looked like 3 year old pc games at the time then? :rolleyes:

do u even know what the hell u r talking about?

will u just G-I-V-E I-T U-P!!!!!!!!!!!!

More like 2 year old. (2003-2005) ;)
Doom 3 is upon us soon.
STALKER is targeted for Q4 2003.

Dont you think Unreal looks very good in 1998? It definitey have Red Faction(not even a launch game) beat in textures and image quality.

As i said, early PS3 games will improve on last gen Xbox games but the immediate impact will not be as obivious as some of you wished.

100+fold radeon 9700 perf.
Was GF2 a 100+ fold over GF1? I would not know technically. GF4 optimised games look great but i dont think they are 100X better looking than old GF2 games. :oops:
Was GF2 a 100+ fold over GF1? I would not know technically. GF4 optimised games look great but i dont think they are 100X better looking than old GF2 games.

Ps3 will most likely adress most b/w and memory probs... Thus real world numbers will be near the specs provided at it's unveiling... which will likely be 100+ fold radeon 9700 perf... Other's are likely to follow.

It is my belief, that xbox games will be to the next gen... what early psx titles are to this one.

i see you have high hopes and all....oh well, just be cautious, especially with the Sony hype. :oops:

Ah, time to bring up more Sony hype of yesteryear:: Remember that Sony once said PS2 was so powerful that it will last 5-7 technologically? Heeeheeeheee, we all know what happened after that. ;)
Ah, time to bring up more Sony hype of yesteryear:: Remember that Sony once said PS2 was so powerful that it will last 5-7 technologically? Heeeheeeheee, we all know what happened after that

Oh! ANd they recently expressed bitterness when that didnt happen. Something along the lines of, "we thought PS2 was a powerhouse that will be on the top of the tech spectrum, but months later PC was totally surpassing it with ease. We got OWNED badly." :cry:

:LOL: I am not sure how much IT tech knowledge Sony really have. Oh well, at least IBM is working with them now. :oops:
chaphack said:
Ah, time to bring up more Sony hype of yesteryear:: Remember that Sony once said PS2 was so powerful that it will last 5-7 technologically? Heeeheeeheee, we all know what happened after that

Oh! ANd they recently expressed bitterness when that didnt happen. Something along the lines of, "we thought PS2 was a powerhouse that will be on the top of the tech spectrum, but months later PC was totally surpassing it with ease. We got OWNED badly." :cry:

:LOL: I am not sure how much IT tech knowledge Sony really have. Oh well, at least IBM is working with them now. :oops:

chap.... what on earth are you on about now?

your stupidity never fails to surprise me. REALLY....

not only that stuff never happened, but i can see that the PS2 is actually holding it VERY well with games like SH3 and ZOE2, not to mention upcoming titles like J&D2, GT4.....

please please chap, stop your immature trolling, or go to the IGN.com boards to do that.... not here
I am still beyond stumped by people who think the jump in visuals on a five year newer hardware will not be imminently obvious. Do you even realize what are you talking and how does that sound? Do you remember how five year old PC games looked compared to what we play today, or how poor the PSX / N64 games looked compared to even the first wave of this gen's games? I just don't know what else to say.
marconelly! said:
I am still beyond stumped by people who think the jump in visuals on a five year newer hardware will not be imminently obvious. Do you even realize what are you talking and how does that sound? Do you remember how five year old PC games looked compared to what we play today, or how poor the PSX / N64 games looked compared to even the first wave of this gen's games? I just don't know what else to say.

there is nothing more to say, if people are to jaded by brand names or some sort of chronic pessimism then it's not my problem....

as i said, it's easier to think about the jump in the same companies.

look at the jump from saturn to dreamcast. look at virtua fighter (the first one), a launch game for saturn and look at soul calibur, a launch title for dreamcast....

look at Mario64 and compare it to Mario Sunshine.....

look at final fantasy 7 and then have a look at final fantasy 10......

really, there is nothing more to say other than that. it's self explanatory really...... :rolleyes:
It reminds me of this discussion on how powerful the ps1 was and how beautiful its games were in the eyes of some guys. They were citing game kile vagrant story and MGs, both games well known to be in the 3K pol by frame. Just compare with what we got on the ps2, it could give you an idea of ther jump from ps2 to ps3.