Virtua Fighter 5 Interview - Possibly Headed To 360? *Confirmed!

Normally I would agree. However, owning both a 360 and a PS3...I can tell you textures are typically lacking.

That in gereral is an extremly fair point, BUT both console's have games that have amazing textures, PDZ, Kameo, MotorStorm, GeOW and a few others spring to mind. Sega IMO are high profile and talented developers that should be able to get it arcae perfect on the console's.
From strictly a GPU perspective I would agree, however from a texturing perspective I would not. There are still instances where I have played games on my PC (equipped with now a lowly 6800GT) where the textured are noticeably better than what I have seen on my 360 or PS3. You can't say that isn't due to the greater available amount of memory available. There is a point where that becomes a contributing factor in the quality we see from these consoles.

I'm not saying the game won't look great, but to say memory constraints are not/could never be a factor is irresponsible and inaccurate.

I made that comment knowing/assuming that a significant amount of the memory used on the arcade board was for increased loading speed (models/textures for the next level or whatever). Taking it out of that context, it may not absolutely be true... Having more memory definitely doesn't hurt, but, as far as I know, on the arcade board, most of that extra memory is just used for storing as much as possible so it doesn't have to hit the HDD/disc. Having 1gb at ~6gb/s and 256mb at 35-40gb/s (I think?) may not necessarily give you much more to work with overall than a PS3 or 360 with regards to memory speeds.

I didn't really clarify that in that post, sorry.
I will take it one step further: VF5 was designed on Lindberg (6800/NV40 series GPUs) and ported to RSX (NV47 varient). I would say the PS3 version will look the cleanest and run the best. That is my bet.

I would say it depends on who is repsonsible for the 360 port.

If its anything like the VT3 port debacle, then sure you are probably right.

If AM2 man up and port VF5 to 360 themselves, then it may not be case. Also if MS is smart, they will have a hand in this port so as to give Sega the most advanced sdk libraries and maybe some training... If released in Japan, this title could have a great positive impact on sales. We will have the answer to all these questions around "the show formerly known as e3." :p
I don't think that there is a fighting game in existence that still has system selling potential. The genre is pretty unimportant nowadays, at least in the states.
I would say it depends on who is repsonsible for the 360 port.

If its anything like the VT3 port debacle, then sure you are probably right.

If AM2 man up and port VF5 to 360 themselves, then it may not be case. Also if MS is smart, they will have a hand in this port so as to give Sega the most advanced sdk libraries and maybe some training... If released in Japan, this title could have a great positive impact on sales. We will have the answer to all these questions around "the show formerly known as e3." :p

I have to admit I'm a little surprised by this news. It'll be very interesting to see how well this sells on the 360.

On the other hand I disagree with your comment that this will drive 360 sales in Japan, mostly because it will be released on PS3 first. This would only be good news for those Japanese that bought a 360, haven't gotten a PS3 yet and love figting games. I can't see that number being too big to be honest.
I wonder...

Will this news piss Itagaki off?:LOL:,now that DOA is no longer the dominate fighter on Xbox?:LOL:. Maybe he'll make DOA5 Wii exclusive:LOL:

LOL. In all seriousness, though, DOA was never the dominate fighter on Xbox1 - SC2 was much better.

As someone who thoroughly enjoys a good fighter, DOA doesn't do much to fill that big gap. Assuming the next SC is multi-platform too, a VF/SC combo puts the DOA franchise behind the 8-ball fairly significantly. Now if only they'd make a great fighting game with an online mode.
I have to admit I'm a little surprised by this news. It'll be very interesting to see how well this sells on the 360.

On the other hand I disagree with your comment that this will drive 360 sales in Japan, mostly because it will be released on PS3 first. This would only be good news for those Japanese that bought a 360, haven't gotten a PS3 yet and love figting games. I can't see that number being too big to be honest.

If as the article suggests, the 360 version will be based on revision "C" of the arcade game then your very wise view, may not be the only case. Japanese VF fighters are pretty anal about their "versions" and if revision C or D makes it into 360 that may be sales worthy.

VF5, with maybe more polish, a later revision, on a cheaper console has a very good chance of garnering sales... or not *shrug* :p Most people publicly say that they buy the best version of games but really thats just personal PR... and they are typically "system bound".
If as the article suggests, the 360 version will be based on revision "C" of the arcade game then your very wise view, may not be the only case. Japanese VF fighters are pretty anal about their "versions" and if revision C or D makes it into 360 that may be sales worthy.

VF5, with maybe more polish, a later revision, on a cheaper console has a very good chance of garnering sales... or not *shrug* :p Most people publicly say that they buy the best version of games but really thats just personal PR... and they are typically "system bound".

There is no mention of a JP VF5 release (it wouldn't be that surprising if it didn't get published there). The PR only says EU and NA. I'm not sure if that's just an oversight and it will be in JP as well, or if they just aren't bothering to publish it there at all. Who knows.

There's a possibility that VF5 PS3 could get an optional patch to change it to rev C (I imagine it's just some mechanic changes) or the Rev C changes could make it to the PS3 version (the quote even mentions that). I doubt it though.
There is no mention of a JP VF5 release (it wouldn't be that surprising if it didn't get published there). The PR only says EU and NA. I'm not sure if that's just an oversight and it will be in JP as well, or if they just aren't bothering to publish it there at all. Who knows.

There's a possibility that VF5 PS3 could get an optional patch to change it to rev C (I imagine it's just some mechanic changes) or the Rev C changes could make it to the PS3 version (the quote even mentions that). I doubt it though.

Better yet, Sega could charge $10-$15 for the update :p DLC ftw!
This is the true advantage of releasing your console first time. According to all information, many have known for a long time that the game would be on both machines.

Microsoft may not have a huge lead right now (in the face of the Wii) but whatever lead they have it has its advantages. A "PlayStation onlyâ€￾ game has gone neutral. Of course in Japan this will have no effect (not least because it is still PS3 exclusive there + the 360 is dead), but in the West it really opens up the library.

Unlike some exclusives gone neutral which I am absolutely convinced Microsoft paid something to get neutral (GTA & FFXI) I don't think they paid anything for VF5. Sega needs to make money and right now PS3 is not the juggernaut in terms of sales due to the diode issue. Coupled with general profiteering going on, attach ratios for the machine will be woefully low for some time - till it reaches excess supply. Software makers are going to have a hard time making a profit on the PS3 till late 2007.

MGS4 is certain to be ported to the 360. MGS2 received the same treatment. DMC4 is a forgone conclusion too now - I don't think Capcom will do any exclusives this generation.

The only issue now is Sony 1st party vs. Halo and price. In NA Microsoft is sitting real pretty now, for the first time I actually believe they can beat the PS3 in that market and not just edge it, but actually convincingly win. Europe.....Gran Turismo destroys Halo in sales here, racing destroys FPS, so it's wait and see (Forza 2, I'm lookin at cha'). However the Wii is coming through here at an immense rate of knots, DS is no fad. Wii will be no fad.

Sony's software strategy seems to have shifted to focusing on 1st party and 2nd and not bothering about securing 3rd party content. This is part of the reason Nintendo fell from grace in the past. I think the strategy is suicide.

In the first 2yrs of a consoles life I think the priority should be on 3rd parties. That’s when expectations are formed, mindshare is accrued and interest is generated amongst the hardcore, amongst the casual observers and among the general public. It is the most volatile period. You need to lockdown tried and tested exclusive content, this helps reaffirm what your brand stood for in the past. After you’ve done that, put a bias on your in house software. This is what Sony did with the PS2.

In their wildest imaginations I don't think anyone at Microsoft H&E could have hoped for what has happened this year. Frankly neither can I and I’m sure I’m not alone in that sentiment. Sony is purely textbook reference material at this point. A perfect example of how to totally screw up a sure thing.
I'm just as likely working backwards from a strong hunch that this simply won't happen.

It feels so good to be so wrong. =)

This means there are potentially ten million more people whos asses I can kick up and down the wall.

Now I am a happy man. Can't wait to play some VF5 on my 360. I still am holding hope for some online play.
I am not surprised at all. Only a foolish company would ignore a good sized user base that buys lots of games. The only real reasons left for a 3rd party to stay PS3 exclusive are money from sony or a game that will only sell in the east. The credit for this game and others that will follow should go to the 360 owner who purchase game after game after game. If the PS3 owner follow suit and buy lots of games then I am sure lots of stuff will go over to the PS3. But if the PS3 owners are like PSP owners who don't buy games this could be a 1 way defection. I can only hope this continues and it lead to MS or Nintendo taking the west someone needs to knock sony off the top for what they pulled with the PS3 I don't care who does it MS or Nintendo. This generation keeps getting more interesting by the day. MS and Nintendo have to be doing a happy dance right now and feel fortunate for sony completely botching the PS3.
I have to admit I'm a little surprised by this news.

you don't say? ;)

Weeell... when you consider that PS3s user base in Japan, which is this game's strongest market by far, is already bigger than the 360 it starts to make a little more sense. That's probably the reason they release something like VT3 multiplatform and not this. The similar hardware crap was just BS IMO. So I expect them to make other games for 360, but not this one.
I am not surprised at all. Only a foolish company would ignore a good sized user base that buys lots of games. .


I've read that the 360 software attach rate is currently close to SIX. Hard to ignore as hardware sales are slowly/steadily growing as well. When the HW price gets closer to the critical mass price, it could be a flood on both SW/HW.
Unfortunatly they cant have online play. There are some fundamental mechanics in VF that would break if it were played with today's latencies. Those mechanics have been there since day one and they can't just be re-jigged. Namely; the characteristics of jabs. Advantages run as low as 1 frame and they are abolutley crucial to the outcome of every match.

I know it's not common knowledge, but it's a fact nonetheless. Spread the word. VF online is not possible at this time.
I wonder...

Will this news piss Itagaki off?:LOL:,now that DOA is no longer the dominate fighter on Xbox?:LOL:. Maybe he'll make DOA5 Wii exclusive:LOL:

Nah, DOA has always had a loyal following. DOA is more about pickup and play type of a fighter. It also has bounce.;)

VF series was mostly for the hardcore fighters. It's not really a pickup and play even though it's an arcade game.