Virtua Fighter 5 Interview - Possibly Headed To 360? *Confirmed!

So far Sega has said it's not going to be online for either console.
The also said VF5 was a PS3 exclusive :p.
If online was intended for XB360 and not for PS3, they'd be sure to suggest otherwise and not lose early sales of the PS3 version.

so, online is certainly something that could be wished for without an absolute certainty of disappointment. Though I expect Sega want to avoid online lag as that'll cripple the fast pro-fighter experiencel, which would explain a reservation to going online.
What do you mean you were close!? Who created the thread and caught **** for it! :p


nice call hardknock :LOL:;).... redemption for all the naysayers

as I noted previously, it will be awfully hard for most devs to ignore what will most likely be a 10million install base early next year.

nice call hardknock :LOL:;).... redemption for all the naysayers

as I noted previously, it will be awfully hard for most devs to ignore what will most likely be a 10million install base early next year.

That add it's hard to make a game that cost $15M to make and not put it on more than one console.

Did you see my new Splinter Cell DA coming out for the PS3 announcement? Looks like no game will be exclusive anymoer unless MS, Sony, or Nintendo produces the game.
Did you see my new Splinter Cell DA coming out for the PS3 announcement?

This is not really news, there was no announcement of exclusivity for SC4, and the last 2 SC's have been Xplatform. So, it was more of a surprise when it wasn't initially announced for PS3...

It's SC5 that is supposed to be exclusive.

Anyways, I think you probably owe HK an apology due to your incessent mocking of the thread topic, only to be proven wrong a few days later.
This is not really news, there was no announcement of exclusivity for SC4, and the last 2 SC's have been Xplatform. So, it was more of a surprise when it wasn't initially announced for PS3...

It's SC5 that is supposed to be exclusive.

Oh okay thanks. Things are just crazy right now with all the news.
at this point I hope that SEGA will uses the few available months to include a Live support in the 360 version and a cleaner graphic
it' very simple for a developer to do this (online live developing), a VF game on live can be awesomly fun
let's hope, go SEGA, go.

I doubt it'll look better or "cleaner" on 360 (as they aren't going to go past "perfect port" and improve the game -- so at best it'll be PS3/Arcade quality). I'm not sure development was started at the same time for PS3 and 360 either... It seems more like the 360 version was started later on and will just take a little longer to get it done, rather than having a few months to twiddle their thumbs (lack of specific release date would imply they aren't close to finishing the 360 version). I'm not even sure this is a paid for time exclusive... seems sort of like a "ps3 won't have the units out, so lets put it on both" or a "since 360 and ps3 are so close, lets make a smart decision for once and put it on all capable consoles!".

Also wouldn't say adding online play to a game like VF5 is 'very simple'. I doubt it was simple on DOA4, either. I certainly wouldn't expect online play support for VF5 on 360. AM2 team has been pretty adamant against online console play, as frustrating as it is. I wouldn't even put it on the list of possible differences. It'll have achievements, which PS3 likely won't have any version of, but I think that's about the end of the differences.

I'm just hoping VF5 console versions have a mode like updated VF4 version did (VF4: something -- can't remember at the moment for some reason), where you could customize your character and fight around the "arcades" (or Dojos in Tekken for PSP). I spent hours and hours on that in VF4 and T: DR.
I'm just hoping VF5 console versions have a mode like updated VF4 version did (VF4: something -- can't remember at the moment for some reason), where you could customize your character and fight around the "arcades" (or Dojos in Tekken for PSP). I spent hours and hours on that in VF4 and T: DR.

VF 4: Evo :p
I doubt it'll look better or "cleaner" on 360 (as they aren't going to go past "perfect port" and improve the game -- so at best it'll be PS3/Arcade quality). I'm not sure development was started at the same time for PS3 and 360 either... It seems more like the 360 version was started later on and will just take a little longer to get it done, rather than having a few months to twiddle their thumbs.

I will take it one step further: VF5 was designed on Lindberg (6800/NV40 series GPUs) and ported to RSX (NV47 varient). I would say the PS3 version will look the cleanest and run the best. That is my bet.
I will take it one step further: VF5 was designed on Lindberg (6800/NV40 series GPUs) and ported to RSX (NV47 varient). I would say the PS3 version will look the cleanest and run the best. That is my bet.

I'd say the extra development time will probably make it possible to match the PS3 craphics, and it will most definately be 60fps on all platforms, that's given, you can't have it any other way with VF.
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I'd say the extra development time will probably make it possible to match the PS3 graphics, and it will most definitely be 60fps on platforms, that's given, you can't have it any other way with VF.

I'm not convinced it's "extra" time, just a delayed start (I think work on PS3 may help them get 360 version up faster though -- on the CPU side, at least). I absolutely think 360 version will be arcade perfect -- arcade board is below PS3/360 in power. If AM2 was willing to make VF5 look better on consoles than arcade, I imagine both PS3 and 360 version would look better, not just 360 -- but I think they are limiting PS3 and 360 to arcade perfect at best.

@Acert, yeah. I don't necessarily disagree with that. Graphically I think there is evidence that would support PS3 looking the best, however both PS3 and 360 shouldn't have much trouble reproducing what a 6800 can. I think they'll both be limited by the arcade source, if anything.
Except for the fact that the arcade version/Lindberg has more memory, right?

I mean...that was even noted as having an impact on the porting to PS3.

It was stated that most of that extra memory was to reduce load times (you really can't have load times at the arcade) -- loading up most of the info they'd need ahead of time with the extra room. I never saw it stated that textures and such were reduced in quality because of that.
Except for the fact that the arcade version/Lindberg has more memory, right?

I mean...that was even noted as having an impact on the porting to PS3.

As good as VF5 looks developers cant say there having memory trouble's on the console's compared to the arcade machine when 360 has kicked out GeOW and PS3 is kicking out titles that look just as good. If VF5 was MINDBLOWING and not slightly above average then the developers could use the "we have memory problems" arguement but as it stand there's nothing i have seen of VF5 that says "cant be done on console's".
I wonder...

Will this news piss Itagaki off?:LOL:,now that DOA is no longer the dominate fighter on Xbox?:LOL:. Maybe he'll make DOA5 Wii exclusive:LOL:
As good as VF5 looks developers cant say there having memory trouble's on the console's compared to the arcade machine when 360 has kicked out GeOW and PS3 is kicking out titles that look just as good. If VF5 was MINDBLOWING and not slightly above average then the developers could use the "we have memory problems" arguement but as it stand there's nothing i have seen of VF5 that says "cant be done on console's".

Normally I would agree. However, owning both a 360 and a PS3...I can tell you textures are typically lacking

I guess my repsonse was more in regards to:

PS3 and 360 shouldn't have much trouble reproducing what a 6800 can.

From strictly a GPU perspective I would agree, however from a texturing perspective I would not. There are still instances where I have played games on my PC (equipped with now a lowly 6800GT) where the textured are noticeably better than what I have seen on my 360 or PS3. You can't say that isn't due to the greater available amount of memory available. There is a point where that becomes a contributing factor in the quality we see from these consoles.

I'm not saying the game won't look great, but to say memory constraints are not/could never be a factor is irresponsible and inaccurate.