Virtua Fighter 5 Interview - Possibly Headed To 360? *Confirmed!

For starters, my interest here is not really vested at all, I'm speaking as someone that reads the forums because they have a console. I'm also posting in particular here because I felt you particuilar contribution to the thread was fairly pointless.

However, you have to consider the contexts of what is happening at the moment. Whilst I don't know much about Lost Planet, and as such wouldn't want to comment on the notion of it being multi console platform or not, the idea of Halo being multiplatform at this point in time would make zero sense. On the contrary, as far as I can see, Sega tying their high profile titles to a single platform does, somewhat, fly in the face of the notion of their reasonings for getting out of the hardware market in the first place.

As far as I'm concerened: do I think this title will end up on multiple platforms? Don't know. Do I discount the possability of it, or some variant? No.

I can certainly see the decision processes they had leading up to it, but then what theories were those based on? I would hazard a guess they they may not have factored in the market dynamics at this point in time. In fact, if I were to really hypothesize, then the notion of putting this out initially as a PS3 title so early in the game will limit the overall reach and they may then opt to push it (or a variant) to other platforms in order to maximise the returens on the developed assets.
Naw that's different. We know we are getting that. It's speculation time. Hmmmm.....what should be my next game that I want to come to the PS3 that's not stated yet?

geez mck, come on... both this and the other rumor were based on somebody in the industry close to the devs saying something about a possiblity. These were not just speculation as in "gee, I wonder if XYZ game is coming to another platform".

right or wrong, they were based on feedback at least. :smile:
geez mck, come on... both this and the other rumor were based on somebody in the industry close to the devs saying something about a possiblity. These were not just speculation as in "gee, I wonder if XYZ game is coming to another platform".

They were based on feedback at least. :smile:

They never said it was a possiblity. They just never 100% denied it for life. They don't want to get RE4ed.

Remember that guy? I'll cut off my head before the PS2 gets this game.
Naw that's different. We know we are getting that. It's speculation time. Hmmmm.....what should be my next game that I want to come to the PS3 that's not stated yet?

My point was that Team Ninja made similar comments before announcing NG: Sigma, something that no one saw coming. It should come as no surprise that Sega is dancing around the issue of whether VF5 will come to 360, they are obviously considering it, they didn't say no and they very well could have, like Konami did recently with MGS.
I sure wouldn't want every single "exclusive" game to have their own thread speculating whether they will be multiplatform or not on the whim of a forum poster, but in this case the thread was about a major publication asking the question of whether vf5 will be going to the 360. This discussion was a parsing of the answer to see if the interviewee is keeping open the possibility of the game being multiplatform. That's a legitimate discussion. The Metal Gear thread on the other hand is not as solid. I don't know what a noooz is, but it doesn't sound like a major gaming publication. The only thing that doesn't turn that thread into total garbage is that a legitimate publication actually responded to the noooz rumor.

If someone could get a gaming publication to ask a DOA5 developer the same question about their game, then feel start a thread on it. Until then, it's better to keep the random game X is going to platform Y ideas to oneself.
If we're sensible about it (well, I am gonna try!) there's every logical reason to port as many games as possible to the 360. Installed base yada yada.

As for this specific interview... Hmm, there's a bit to latch onto but not a great deal (esp. considering who was interviewed). Personally I'll take a wait and see approach - otherwise I find I work myself up!

As has been said many times before, unless MS or Sony really start talking $'s the age of exclusives (excl. 1st party obviously) is truly dead. I'm not sure that's an altogether good thing (mainly cos of the comparisons it provokes) but I won't be losing any sleep over it. :)
I don't know why people get their panties in a bunch over the possibility of this stuff.

I mean look at it logically. With a user base of 10 million by early 2007, devs would be fools to not consider a 360 version of almost any game that is not 1st party or contract exclusive. IMO.

Weeell... when you consider that PS3s user base in Japan, which is this game's strongest market by far, is already bigger than the 360 it starts to make a little more sense. That's probably the reason they release something like VT3 multiplatform and not this. The similar hardware crap was just BS IMO. So I expect them to make other games for 360, but not this one.
I tried to cut off my own head once. It was hella hard!

VF, in me experience, is not really a casual crowd game. I'm a huge VF fan, and I expect for it to appear on Playstation. That's why I buy Playstation. The game's audience is established and they buy Playstations.

Sure they'd sell some more if they ported to 360, but considering that the people who want the game (not a huge amount outside Japan, btw) can simply come and get it on the PS then maybe it's just not worth the effort?

I don't really know. I'm just as likely working backwards from a strong hunch that this simply won't happen. There's never really been a multiplatform VF (hmmm that goes for alot of top quality games...) and I just don't think the game appeals to the Halo/Madden audience in the first place.
Weeell... when you consider that PS3s user base in Japan, which is this game's strongest market by far.

At the moment I find it very unlikely that X360 will receive VF5, but what makes you say that Japan is the game's strongest market (by far), certainly not VF4 sales.
I can't wait to play DOA5 on my PS3. :smile:

First of all, this is the second thread you've posted off-topic in with off-topic "don't speculate about the PS3 losing exclusives" tit-for-tat's. Edit: source of your other post:

Second, this thread was started following the original poster reading a news article, complete with source and interview with developers. It's a discussion - if you disagree, state politely. If you've got meaningless flamebait arguments to start, quote your source. Please don't turn my beloved B3D into your private toilet... save it for NeoGAF.
Using their logic, it's definately possible. But I just think it's kinda odd they are not porting over VF5 on both systems at the same time. They say it's because of hardware differences, but at the same time isnt VT3 being ported over on both systems coming out on the same day, and orginally runs on the Lindbergh like VF5? Sounds like may be prioritizng their teams and cannot do all of them at once so we might see it on the 360 sometime down the road, or that they have some kind of reason they are not speaking about. Maybe some kind of timed exclusive deal with Sony?

Probably the former, but I just think it's odd. Kind of a double standard going by what they said; One game currently is not ported due to hardware differences, but another game gets ported dispite the same hardware differences.

That's a very good point.
VF, in me experience, is not really a casual crowd game. I'm a huge VF fan, and I expect for it to appear on Playstation. That's why I buy Playstation. The game's audience is established and they buy Playstations.

Sure they'd sell some more if they ported to 360, but considering that the people who want the game (not a huge amount outside Japan, btw) can simply come and get it on the PS then maybe it's just not worth the effort?

Until the appearance of VF4 on PS2 most people who played playstation were TEKKEN fans and wholly anti-VF. I would daresay that in opposition to your theory, most ex-sega, ex dreamcast fans went xbox for symbolic or other reasons... VF4 may have recaptured some of those fans but there is no way to really prove that empirically. Personally I feel like Sega sold out to Playstation as opposed to being bold supporter of "other" platforms... where they would have been more viable as a solid name... VF is not even a marquee title on Playstation as opposed to MGS, GTA, FF, God of War etc., so I do not understand your position.

Their back catalogue is just as if not more impressive than Konami, Capcom, Spuare and EA yet again they failed to execute. VF4 should have dethroned DOA on Xbox (which is really a VF clone and still not executed as well). VF4 SHOULD have been on Xbox and in all honesty they made the wrong platform choice and an even worse decision to go exclusive for their biggest rival...

Not being able to withstand the combination of debt, poor launch executions, being out of touch with technological, gaming, and social trends in the home videogame market and the barrage of the marketing arm of Playstation during the launch of PS2 put them in this boat.

I remember when they decided to go strictly software; they pledged to become the biggest third party software house in the world as a boast to EA and Ubisoft... instead they failed at that too.

DaveB., I would say that zeck wasnt alluding to your "interest" in B3D but rather your "interests" in ATI and thus Xbox...
Their back catalogue is just as if not more impressive than Konami, Capcom, Spuare and EA yet again they failed to execute. VF4 should have dethroned DOA on Xbox (which is really a VF clone and still not executed as well). VF4 SHOULD have been on Xbox and in all honesty they made the wrong platform choice and an even worse decision to go exclusive for their biggest rival....

Maybe it they do think that it makes sense for them to have VF exclusive to PS, I am sure Sony is offering a lucrative deal to Sega for this exclusive and I am sure Sega must have weighed all pros and cons of it. IMO it is MS's fault actually, they should be offering a better deal to Sega for VF can't blame Sega for going PS route if Sony offered them a better deal.