We all have a bias, that's not arguable. The thing is, you have to present solid arguments instead of "AH CUTSCENE DOESN'T COUNT LOL!" like all the work the artists and programmers and lighting directors are putting into them mean nothing. A game has to be examined on all its merits when talking about visuals, that's why I never excluded the incredibly well directed and acted cutscenes from Quantum Break in any of my analysis of the game, doing so would be dishonest to the presentation of a game so focused on narrative and story, like Uncharted. And then what do you consider a cutscene? Until Dawn could be all cutscenes to someone (limited control with the camera), so would be God of War, does that make the game objectively less beautiful to look at?
And i find it quite ironic how VFX_Veteran is the one bringing up the "no cutscenes allowed" logic into every thread, given how the logic behind offline rendering is that the only thing that matters is the end result, each frame positioned and art directed. Do you not find CG impressive or beautiful? It's neither real-time nor "free camera". What about the pre-calculated physics in games such as Ryse, RotTR, Quantum Break and potentially Uncharted 4? When you are watching the scene play out are you thinking "Well i don't have control of the camera, not impressive!"? If so, our opinions on beauty and graphics differ. I'm well aware that real-time graphics is smoke and mirrors most of the time.