So the E3 conferences are over and fancy graphics were once again bestowed upon our ever demanding eyes. How would you like to rate the graphics prowess of this year's entries? Just would like to know everyone's opinions and thoughts on this
Here's my top 5.
1. God of War [ PS4 ]
Sony Santa Monica studio has once again practiced forbidden sorcery on the standard PS4 no less and delivering the most mind blowing graphics I've seen yet for current gen consoles. The models are almost CG like, lighting and effects are beyond stunning and once again The World Serpent and that fallen Giant have shown us the immense scale this game promises. This is the overall winner for me.
2. Detroit: Become Human [ PS4 ]
Have to say just about everything in this game is top notch graphically be it the insane model details, lighting, post processing or the subtle facial animation. The Pro 4k version really brings out every single details and nuances that the art works deserve.
3. Star Wars Battle Front II [ multiplatform ]
Crazy amount of actions on screen, excellent lighting and effects with huge scale is definitely a looker.
4. Spiderman [ PS4 ]
Almost live action like action, setpieces, pristine lighting, motion blur and fluidity really blew my mind.
5. Assassin's Creed Origins [ Multiplatform ]
As boring as the gameplay looks the graphics certainly did not disappoint, the sense of scale, draw distance and lighting are breathtaking. X1X did it justice with 4k checkerboarding.
A few that I won't put on the list due to their shady nature (target render/high end PC powered build etc) including Anthem and Metro Exodus are both mind blowingly good, but the downgrade shenanigan is strong in me so till I get proved wrong they're standing by.
Also a lot of honorable mentions such as Days Gone, Dragon Ball FighterZ, Uncharted Lost Legacy and even Wolfenstein II. I'm still catching up to all the media so let's share thoughts.
Here's my top 5.
1. God of War [ PS4 ]
Sony Santa Monica studio has once again practiced forbidden sorcery on the standard PS4 no less and delivering the most mind blowing graphics I've seen yet for current gen consoles. The models are almost CG like, lighting and effects are beyond stunning and once again The World Serpent and that fallen Giant have shown us the immense scale this game promises. This is the overall winner for me.

2. Detroit: Become Human [ PS4 ]
Have to say just about everything in this game is top notch graphically be it the insane model details, lighting, post processing or the subtle facial animation. The Pro 4k version really brings out every single details and nuances that the art works deserve.

3. Star Wars Battle Front II [ multiplatform ]
Crazy amount of actions on screen, excellent lighting and effects with huge scale is definitely a looker.
4. Spiderman [ PS4 ]
Almost live action like action, setpieces, pristine lighting, motion blur and fluidity really blew my mind.
5. Assassin's Creed Origins [ Multiplatform ]
As boring as the gameplay looks the graphics certainly did not disappoint, the sense of scale, draw distance and lighting are breathtaking. X1X did it justice with 4k checkerboarding.
A few that I won't put on the list due to their shady nature (target render/high end PC powered build etc) including Anthem and Metro Exodus are both mind blowingly good, but the downgrade shenanigan is strong in me so till I get proved wrong they're standing by.
Also a lot of honorable mentions such as Days Gone, Dragon Ball FighterZ, Uncharted Lost Legacy and even Wolfenstein II. I'm still catching up to all the media so let's share thoughts.