UC4: Best looking gameplay? *SPOILS*

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"cutscenes don't count" that always gets me :LOL:

Then posting a cutscene from *x* game to prove a point (which all BF5 footage will be judging from the "game engine footage" teaser, hope i'm wrong on this as i'd like to see some gameplay).
I concur (not that I've much interest in this discussion) that we should be comparing gameplay, not cutscenes. It's not a matter of what the engine is capable of in best case scenarios, but what the game looks like as you're playing. eg. a game like Quantum Break or Uncharted could have amazingly well captured motion and optimised lighting for just specific cutscenes, but the animation and lighting could go to pot when actually running around. An example is Ratchet and Clank. The cutscenes look very CGI from what I've seen, with super DOF etc. But in gameplay the weaknesses of the lighting are very apparent.

In fact I'll direct this thread to gameplay in the title. If people want to discuss best cutscene graphics, feel free to create a new thread.
"cutscenes don't count" that always gets me :LOL:

Then posting a cutscene from *x* game to prove a point (which all BF5 footage will be judging from the "game engine footage" teaser, hope i'm wrong on this as i'd like to see some gameplay).

That's correct. At least the first Battlefront trailer on Endor with the scripted animations looked exactly like the PC version for me.
Why would you exclude parts of the presentation package? To better suit your pre-determined agenda? Aren't games allowed to show off during non-interactive moments, are we not allowed to praise the facial animation in QBs cutscenes? Are we not able to criticize how mediocre cutscenes look in The Division? In any case, i still think Uncharted 4 holds up during gameplay


As for the thread title, i don't know Shifty... That's as much of a bait as you can make, the title alone doesn't let any room for discussion. But I'm guessing you don't think there will be any of any interest? Then why keep the thread open? Contamination bunker thread?
Thereby, it is now easier to compare environment and effects with each other. Otherwise explosions etc. might be taken from one viewing angle optimized cutscenes.
"cutscenes don't count" that always gets me :LOL:

Then posting a cutscene from *x* game to prove a point (which all BF5 footage will be judging from the "game engine footage" teaser, hope i'm wrong on this as i'd like to see some gameplay).
??? You don't see the HUDs in battlefield trailers?
Weird. I see them all the time. There are times they turn them off though. But they often sprinkle in gameplay in their trailers.

Launch BF4

bf3 trailer:
The funny title makes me want to post tasteless t-rex jokes, but I don't know if it's a playful thread or not. I'll show restrain.
It seems like harmless fun. Looks like we are going for best fighter ever, not pound for pound best fighter ever. If you get me. Lol

That being said, BF5 will likely take my vote, but man do they do false advertising! My MP games Never end up playing anything close to that. Not even a fraction of that level of coordination.
Personally I'd rather see gameplay footage than cutscene.
Of course, are there ppl that argue against this? (OK in the past there has been I've seen here with ppl posting CGI screenshots and going 'look how good this looks') but nowadays this has become less frequent, right?
for the record yes UC4 is the best looking game ATM (including PC) it will be passed no doubt, but the bar has been raised, I only wished it was coming for us PC users.
Of course, are there ppl that argue against this? (OK in the past there has been I've seen here with ppl posting CGI screenshots and going 'look how good this looks') but nowadays this has become less frequent, right?
for the record yes UC4 is the best looking game ATM (including PC) it will be passed no doubt, but the bar has been raised, I only wished it was coming for us PC users.

I'm still waiting for someone to tell me why UC4 is the best looking game other than subjective opinions on art (which I still disagree on after seeing DS3) and superior animation (which I will gladly agree to). There literally is nothing technical that anyone has mentioned yet that makes UC4 stand out above even RoTR let alone QB's lighting (which received a patch on PC to run at full res btw).
Uncharted 4 also has a clean IQ, a stable framerate, no screen tearing and very few popping issues. How many console games can pretend to meet these standards ? Especially at a 1080p resolution ? Any idea ?

Also, i think that Uncharted 4 has the most complex gameplay sequences ever created in a video game. The only thing that come close in my mind are the Gaia/Kronos levels in God of War 3.
I'm still waiting for someone to tell me why UC4 is the best looking game other than subjective opinions on art (which I still disagree on after seeing DS3) and superior animation (which I will gladly agree to). There literally is nothing technical that anyone has mentioned yet that makes UC4 stand out above even RoTR let alone QB's lighting (which received a patch on PC to run at full res btw).

And a good art is nothing without good shaders, good textures and many other technical stuffs...

There literally is nothing technical that anyone has mentioned yet that makes UC4 stand out above even RoTR let alone QB's lighting (which received a patch on PC to run at full res btw).

If you're speaking about the XB1 versions :

- Higher resolution (compared to QB)
- Better framerate
- Better anti-aliasing
- 100% real-time cutscenes running at 1080p (900p for ROTR)
- No screen tearing

These are some objective facts.
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I'm still waiting for someone to tell me why UC4 is the best looking game other than subjective opinions on art (which I still disagree on after seeing DS3) and superior animation (which I will gladly agree to). There literally is nothing technical that anyone has mentioned yet that makes UC4 stand out above even RoTR let alone QB's lighting (which received a patch on PC to run at full res btw).
This comes across as unfair in the argument as no one has the game in their hand to respond to.

If this boundary is to be crossed there should be agreed upon criteria in which each game can be given a score upon as to at least not have these endless discussions as goal posts will continually shuffle.
Uncharted 4 may not stand above all games in all areas (no one does that) but it's the overall package that makes it impressive. There are very few faults and nothing really stands out in a bad way. ND always make solid, consistent and polished products with great attention to detail (which is one area where I would argue that ND stands above the rest). Reviewers aren't the most technical people, but they have actually played the game, and most of them agree that UC4 is one of, if not the best looking game currently out there.
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QB's lighting (which received a patch on PC to run at full res btw)
mate, I look at Screenshots and I dont even have the game, but based on screenshots I can see errors, the resolution (better res is better) but thats not the problem, the problem is the errors, which come from using screenbased info,
Using screen based info (except for perhaps AA or any hi frequency similar afterpass data 'but even then think of the screen edges' ) is going to 'not be correct' that is the nature of the beast.
I & the QB developers realize this and I think this (and I'm sure they will agree) is why theres a lot of distortion of the screen going on (to hide the mistakes, to stop you the viewer going hey, that doesnt look right, think of old sci-fi horror films when the alien comes out and all of the sudden the lights start flashing on and off, strobe lighting etc, the reason they do this is, is cause if you looked at it frozen with good lighting it would look very fake)
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