New screenshot:
Several open world games, even on consoles, put much emphasis on verticality and vertical exploration (Assassin's Creed, InFamous, Batman Arkham, Just Cause etc...) but it's definitely not the norm.
It's not a bad thing per-se, let me be clear, but I don't enjoy open world games that don't have vertical exploration/navigation/traversal anymore, I find them terribly limed.
Still there are exceptions, like Dragon's Dogma.
Dragon's Dogma has verticality in spades. Fairly robust traversal mechanics too.
Havok announced today that its proprietary physics technology will be used by upcoming next generation titles by Ubisoft like Tom Clancy’s The Division and Watch_Dogs, as it was already embedded in the recently released Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag.
According to the press release the publisher is “leveraging Havok technology across platforms to ensure a consistent experience on PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system and on Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft, as well as across PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system, Xbox 360 games and entertainment system from Microsoft, the Wii U™ system from Nintendo and Windows PC.”
looks awesome its from Ubisoft, so I will wait until the real game is out....