The most recognizable human face...

Ghandi, Nelson Mandela, Mike Tyson. Ok, that last one's a bit of a stretch I guess... :D

It's hard to think of well-known non-pink people, which probably speaks volumes about the current state of our planet.
Guden Oden said:
Ghandi, Nelson Mandela, Mike Tyson. Ok, that last one's a bit of a stretch I guess... :D

It's hard to think of well-known non-pink people, which probably speaks volumes about the current state of our planet.

Well Michael Jackson was never pink. Even now.
Mine. I'm utterly convinced now that I am "Everyman" and I am so average in all things appearance-wise that everyone seems to think they know me or that I'm their buddy. :?

(Seriously, I have waaaay to many people just start up conversations with me out of the blue lately...I got one of them faces. :rolleyes: )
digitalwanderer said:
Mine. I'm utterly convinced now that I am "Everyman" and I am so average in all things appearance-wise that everyone seems to think they know me or that I'm their buddy. :?

(Seriously, I have waaaay to many people just start up conversations with me out of the blue lately...I got one of them faces. :rolleyes: )

So, so VERY true. Thats why I call you uncle Dig, you're the internets amusing, slightly smelly, but loveable uncle.
Go easy on the big guy, remind him to wash and maybe he will. Get all mean and he runs away for three weeks, returning with a soldier hat and a supicious looking grin.
london-boy said:
SLIGHTLY?!!!? :devilish: ;)
It was a long weekend that I spent running around after kids/puppies and cleaning house, today is my day to shower when everyone is at school.

Sorry for the smell, I am kind of gamey right now after a bit of cleaning up the backyard. :oops:

sytaylor said:
Go easy on the big guy, remind him to wash and maybe he will. Get all mean and he runs away for three weeks, returning with a soldier hat and a supicious looking grin.
Nah, I gave up on the soldier hat ever since the whole invasion's much more para-military now. ;)
Andy said:
Actually I think it would have be Santa Claus, product of Coca Cola Corporation.

Oh no. Buddha was a real man so i think it might be him. Jesus never had a single face, he's always been illustrated in different ways. Buddha has always been pretty much the same all over the world.
The topic says most recognisable face, whether we are meant to take that literally, I wouldn't have a clue. In terms of Buddha there are many variations on the face, depending on race, religion, country, artist interpretation etc. Santa Claus at least is automatically recognisable with the white beard and red and white beanie.

The question I ask you is would you recognise Buddha with only a head and without his giant belly?