Nice to see they analyzed Trials HD too, and chose the largest track in the game for the analysis source. I was wondering if the analysis tools show full 60 fps, and how well the v-synch lock works in practice on various HDTVs. According to this analysis it seems to be perfect tearless 60 fps. Except after the level finish line. We intentionally put huge explosions after many track finish lines to promote the track finish. In the final game optimization phase we didn't optimize the level ending effects at all, because we kind of liked the slow motion effect. And that is visible in the analysis as well. All gameplay in the full version too is perfectly v-synch locked 60 fps. I am personally very nit picky on frame rate issues, and we spent a lot of time to verify that all our levels run at constant 60 fps without dropping a single frame.
I am not myself a huge supporter of triple buffering as it adds a slight bit more input lag. We made several technical choices to reduce input lag in Trials HD, but still our new fully multithreaded game engine provides approx 0.5 frames more input lag compared to our old single threaded game engine.