it's rather easy to detect when you understand its attributes
If your frame rate can stay between 20-30 or 30-60 with zero tearing, it means triple buffering is being used.
For example, Madden 10 is double buffering with dynamic v-sync (turns v-sync off when frame rate dips below 30) on 360, while triple buffering with v-sync on PS3, as a result, the game runs at either 60 (in game) or 30 (close ups) with slight bit of screen tearing when frame rate dips below 30 on 360, while PS3 runs 60 in game and can stay 30-40 for close ups with zero tearing even when frame rate dips below 30. DMC4 is a similar case as well.
for your reference Madden 10 PS3 Madden 10 360
It's not so hard tell even when v-locked, if frame rate stays constant at 20 with zero tearing Kane & Lynch Dead Man 360