The First Halo 3 Single Player Screens + Video! Rules=#369

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Best. Screenshot. Ever.


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Taken off someone's TV. Aliasing or not the game is extremely impressive.

Oh please, off-screen shots ALWAYS make the game look better then what it actually is. Remember GT-HD? how REAL everything looked when people took pictures of it off screen? Same thing with Motorstorm and Gears..and Halo 3

Actually they show some very good shadows, and that wall/ground texture really has depth and detail.
Obviously when images hide aliasing it will look better and in many cases a lot. But Good colors and darkness can hide the jaggies quite well (in the sense that your eyes has a harder time to focus on them) to when playing making the graphics look overall better.

Seems that there are really good looking scenes and some that looks less stunning.
Oh please, off-screen shots ALWAYS make the game look better then what it actually is. Remember GT-HD? how REAL everything looked when people took pictures of it off screen? Same thing with Motorstorm and Gears..and Halo 3

I dont see how thats relevant if i own a good enough hd plasma to get the same image quality that i see in those pictures. :p :p
yes but that is the point. They hide a lot of uglyness. People need to recognize that. But I realize it's a hopeless fight, that. The fact of the matter is that those shots are not what you will see when you get the game. Not by a long shot.

I'm not saying that it determines whether the game is good or not. It's just very disappointing. This game was supposed to be the 2nd generation of 360 games, designed for tiling, and I think most people expected AA and filtering.

But whatever. I'm sick of ranting about something that not many really care about lol.

Ok. This is just a load of crap. I see this type of post all the time about how Halo 3's graphics are a disappointment - almost always by people who seem to have a strong opinion on the issue but haven't played the game. PLAY THE GAME! The graphics are outstanding (on my 58" Panansonic 1080p Plasma). Yes, there is aliasing. I stopped fighting the Brutes and looked for it, and I can confirm it is definitely present. But, seriously, who cares? The aliasing isn't really noticeable when you are going toe-to-toe with 3-4 Brutes, 5 Jackals, and 6-7 Grunts (even those goddamn suicide bomber Grunts). In my opinion, the graphics are at least as good as Gears, probably more impressive since the scale is so much larger.

"Disappointment"? Get real.

Edit: I am not responding to Swaaye specifically; rather, just the general nature of these type of posts.
Finally Finished the Fight.

If you enjoyed Halo1, the last level is Halo3 will give you a nice big grin. Well done, Bungie!

I beat it on Heroic and after playing Legendary co-op with my buddy last night, Heroic seemed quite easy. I picked up Solo where we left off on Legendary last night. So I did 7/8/9 on heroic solo and didn't find it overwhelming like when I first started. Tonight we'll finish it off on legendary. Then it's off to watching replays and multiplayer.

Someone said earlier "this isn't neogaf." Maybe it should be...from what I can see, the people there are having fun talking about the game. Not just clinging to the same ole branch and downplaying it at every turn.
Finally Finished the Fight.

So I did 7/8/9 on heroic solo and didn't find it overwhelming like when I first started.

I didn't really care for the Flood levels either, but that has been true of the other Halo games as well. The Brute battles were the best in my opinion, better than the Elite battles from the earlier games. I wish there were more Brute levels.
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Since I don't know how to add Spoiler tags, I just removed that part. It was more of a comment to you anyway.
type out spoiler in [] and then when you're done with the text finish it up with [/spoiler]

level 8 just sucks! soo glad when it was over but 9 totally makes up for it!
seeing that we're so used to drooling over replay screen shots for driving games, why is it such a sin when done in a FPS?

Is there more AA in those shots? absolutely but the rest of the games still looks like that. As for the off screen shots, well, they are how you'd see them on that TV. I also find that my 50inch plasma does a better job of hidding "jaggies" than my Dell 24inch widescreen monitor. What the reasons are? i have no clue.
It really is pathetic. Half the people complaining haven't even played the game.


This is exactly what the game looks like bar the AA.
Uh, no they're not. They're downsampled super-high res development shots which would be Halo3 if it ran at 1900x1200 with 32aa, full anisotropic filtering, and no colour banding or low-res normal maps in evidence.

In other words...with all of the current negatives about Halo3's appearance removed, it looks amazing! :rolleyes:

Halo3 simply does not look anywhere NEAR that good. The very fact you have to go to bullshots to indicate how "good" it looks speaks for itself.
Dude lay down the crack pipe. They ARE in-game shots taken from the theater mode which is totally running in realtime.

High res development shots? My ass.
Uhhh all that was added was AA.
Perhaps - it could be a result of downsampling, but I was playing around with the screenshot function and I noticed the mip-map barrier was longer in the screenshot, almost like it had anisoptropic filtering. Tried it a few times, definite difference.
I don't have the game but saw the gametrailers review and didn't really pay attention to the AA too much since it moves so fast. Some of the textures didn't look that great (plants, faces), while others such as the water and vehicles look stunning.
In terms of innovation, Gears of War was very innovative in that it changed the way people play shooters, but outside of that, not many shooters really have innovation. Games like Bioshock and Halo 3 got good scores because they are really immersive and a blast to play by the reviewers (and millions of people). That's the bottom line and ultimate innovation. There will always be a segment of people who, for their own reasons, like to really, really, really focus on certain aspects of a game that the vast majority of people don't care that much about, but hopefully game developers (all game developers) focus on what's important to the 99.9% of the people who would enjoy it. Plus, game developers shouldn't listen to people who simply don't want their game or console to succeed anyway. Halo 3's professional reviews speak for themselves. I'm just glad when I see a good game come out, no matter what console.
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