Starfield [XBSX|S, PC, XGP]

F*** me how big is your case
ps: dont power your pump from a header that has a fan profile applied to it, for longevity pumps should always be run at 100% (found out the hard way)
i have a cooler master cosmos c700p
and the corsair manual said connect it to cpu fan header and the bios asked what was connected when i first booted it up. i selected an aio and that must have done something with the fan profile crap and also it set the power limits to "unlimited"

in corsair icue the "fan" rpm on the pump is like between 2450 and 2470 at "Balanced" i think "extreme" sets it to around 2600
You can run the aio fans at any speed but the pump should be always 100% according to silverstone. I had my pump and the fans on a single 3way splitter
ps: I saw a cosmos once in real life (the older one) and lusted after it ever since
pps: a lot of motherboards have a header called cpu opt thats meant for an the cpu aio (from my board manual)
You can run the aio fans at any speed but the pump should be always 100% according to silverstone. I had my pump and the fans on a single 3way splitter
ps: I saw a cosmos once in real life (the older one) and lusted after it ever since
pps: a lot of motherboards have a header called cpu opt thats meant for an the cpu aio (from my board manual)
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yes all good advice, but one should also rtfm for the thing you have because it can be different per mobo or aio manufacturer
Seems that Starfield has gained significant fps on NVIDIA hardware after several patches. The latest round of testing (during the 4070S/4070TiS reviews) shows that at 4K, the 4090 gained 34% more performance, while the 4080 gained 41% more fps, the 3080 showed a 42% uplift, ..etc.

As a result the game now exhibits the typical order of GPU performance as seen in other raster games, and the performance of the game no longer favors a specific vendor over the other.

Performance at launch:

Performance now:

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Seems the performance of Starfield has normalized between vendors after several patching. That latest round of testing (during the 4070TiS reviews) shows that at 4K, the 7900XTX is 5% to 8% faster than 4080, and the 4090 is 22% to 28% faster than 7900XTX. On contrary to initial results, which showed the 7900XTX faster than both.

As per forum rules in A&P

Cross-vendor discussion​

Heavily moderated now. Any post comparing one vendor to another has to be as technical, in-depth, respectful, curious, thoughtful and substantive as possible. Posts can't be repetitive, can't be a pile on, can't be high-level. Either they dig in to something technically substantial in a good way and continue the discussion or they will likely be removed.

If you could add some in depth material to your post other than basic number differences and meta commentary please.

If there isn’t anything substantial and it’s an info post about improved patch performance I’ll edit out your meta commentary to keep within forums rules.

Thanks for understanding
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As per forum rules in A&P

Cross-vendor discussion​

Heavily moderated now. Any post comparing one vendor to another has to be as technical, in-depth, respectful, curious, thoughtful and substantive as possible. Posts can't be repetitive, can't be a pile on, can't be high-level. Either they dig in to something technically substantial in a good way and continue the discussion or they will likely be removed.

If you could add some in depth material to your post other than basic number differences and meta commentary please.

If there isn’t anything substantial and it’s an info post about improved patch performance I’ll edit out your meta commentary to keep within forums rules.

Thanks for understanding
Is this considered the A&P forum? I thought in other forums:

General forum guidelines

All of the other general forum guidelines apply.
Is this considered the A&P forum? I thought in other forums:
the idea here is not to circumvent the A&P rules by posting it elsewhere. So I’m applying those rules here in the game forums as well.

It’s not an issue to just dump benchmarks or talk about a new patch, as we would require as players of the game, but we don’t need meta commentary about hardware performance unless there is something useful to discuss and share from an in depth technical perspective.

The tldr; we put hard rules on A&P, not so that type of discussion would leak into other forums.

Im hoping the members here understand.

the idea here is not to circumvent the A&P rules by posting it elsewhere. So I’m applying those rules here in the game forums as well.

It’s not an issue to just dump benchmarks or talk about a new patch, as we would require as players of the game, but we don’t need meta commentary about hardware performance unless there is something useful to discuss and share from an in depth technical perspective.

The tldr; we put hard rules on A&P, not so that type of discussion would leak into other forums.

Im hoping the members here understand.

That doesn't make sense since we already had that type of discussion in other forums. It is not circumventing any rules since the general forum rules apply. It you want to make a blanket statement regarding A&P rules apply to all forums then you should do so.

If the blanket rule is in effect then: no discussion on gpu review comparisons are allowed, no IHV slides showing performance vs competitors for existing/new products, no DF videos are allowed which mention gpu performance comparisons, no discussion regarding console cross vendor sales etc ...

IMO the post also meets the guidelines of the A&P.
That doesn't make sense since we already had that type of discussion in other forums. It is not circumventing any rules since the general forum rules apply. It you want to make a blanket statement regarding A&P rules apply to all forums then you should do so.

If the blanket rule is in effect then: no discussion on gpu review comparisons are allowed, no IHV slides showing performance vs competitors for existing/new products, no DF videos are allowed which mention gpu performance comparisons, no discussion regarding console cross vendor sales etc ...

IMO the post also meets the guidelines of the A&P.
the aspect I’m looking for here is:
Can’t be repetitive, can't be a pile on, can't be high-level. Either they dig in to something technically substantial in a good way and continue the discussion
I’ll leave the videos and benchmark links.

That post was high level and reductive. And repetitive, and I say that as a long time nvidia user. This type of posting is pretty par for the course. Haves and have nots etc etc.

I’m expecting more from senior members here than meta commentary that life is finally normal now that nvidia is back on top. And if you can’t provide something more technically substantial than it’s not really adding to the signal to noise ratio. So I’m just going to cut the noise and let readers here come to their own conclusion.

I’m not playing hard and fast deletions and banhammers out here. I’m going to work with you guys to help develop the culture of better posting. A&P they will be tougher on you, out here Im aiming to help bring out the quality posting ability I’ve seen many of you exhibit.

Perhaps a better commentary is that Starfield is now optimized for both chipsets and you finally have a more reliable benchmark for software knowing how much optimization was put into ensuring amds performance and a very long wait to bring nvidias performance in line.

That’s certainly more tactful at the least.
the aspect I’m looking for here is:
Can’t be repetitive, can't be a pile on, can't be high-level. Either they dig in to something technically substantial in a good way and continue the discussion
It is technically substantive in that performance has improved for Nvidia product since the game was released, according to more that one review. Indicating the performance swing percentages from the reviews is more proof that there has been a decent uplift. It can't be in a "good way" for both products, it's usually for one or the other.

Cross vendor sales figures are more repetitive than quoting game performance review percentages, only the numbers change but not the percentages.
From my viewpoint I really don't care if Nvidia, AMD or Intel has improved their product with regard to the competition, but is nice to know that a product initially with poor performance has improved over time.

It would be helpful to get clarification on expectations for the general forum. Then decisions can be made on what cross vendor discussions are allowed outside the A&P forum, if any.
It is technically substantive in that performance has improved for Nvidia product since the game was released, according to more that one review. Indicating the performance swing percentages from the reviews is more proof that there has been a decent uplift. It can't be in a "good way" for both products, it's usually for one or the other.

Cross vendor sales figures are more repetitive than quoting game performance review percentages, only the numbers change but not the percentages.
From my viewpoint I really don't care if Nvidia, AMD or Intel has improved their product with regard to the competition, but is nice to know that a product initially with poor performance has improved over time.

It would be helpful to get clarification on expectations for the general forum. Then decisions can be made on what cross vendor discussions are allowed outside the A&P forum, if any.
You're absolutely right. A vs B or B vs A is too easy. But if you draw that line of thinking out of the box, you can find something positive there for both A and B, despite the results, or you add in some findings that is certainly more useful than just A vs B. Then no one will say anything, in fact, readers are going to really respect the additional level of insight you're bringing to the posts.

So I'm not saying, you can't ever do a A vs B type post, but be smart about it, don't make it the focal point. You guys clearly capable of it, you guys are smart, just break the habit of an easy post, and extend that line of thought just a little further and then it becomes the difference between signal and noise.
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I edited out the cross vendor comparisons all together.
thanks appreciate it. I also think a improvement comparison between 4090 launch to 4090 today on Starfield would have also been pretty useful number to show how far optimization has come. I am interested to know what was changed from launch to today as well, or what was optimized, or what the bottleneck was on nvidia.
I am interested to know what was changed from launch to today as well, or what was optimized, or what the bottleneck was on nvidia.
Yeah, that's the reason why I posted these results in the first place, the Creation engine was vendor neutral for as long as it existed (Skyrim, Fallout 4, Fallout 76, .. etc), it was sometimes even strongly in favor of NVIDIA GPUs (due to more effecient DX11 CPU code If I remember correctly). So, for it to reverse course in it's newest iteration (Creation 2) like that, is a huge question mark. It suggests a serious bottleneck in the code.

For now all I can think of in regards to the culprit, is that it could be the DX12 code, it's the first DX12 project for the developer, so it stands to reason they might not be familiar with it, so they ended up botching the NVIDIA and Intel performance at launch (the game couldn't even launch on Intel GPUs), and needing more time to fix the situation.
Yeah, the render code delta between release and now would be something interesting to review.

Do y'all remember a decade ago when the Creation engine from Skyrim somehow had junked up the floating point commands? A modder came through and reverse engineered the compiled binary, figured it out, and then wrote a mod with far better math code which unearthed crazy 40-50% increases in performance in CPU-limited scenes? Eventually Bethesda figured it out for themselves and the fixed math code was rolled into a later update...

I'm curious if we had more of the same with Starfield.
Starfiled got a new update that overhauled the lighting of about 70 locations, this is the comparison for some of them.
They are really going to try no mans sky this arn't they, I appreciate them not just dumping it and running but i'm not sure they can get it to the place that will satisfy the most vocal critics. I'll jump back in when they release an expansion.