Star Wars Battlefront [PS4, XO]

  • Thread starter Deleted member 11852
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That "WiiU" version looks far more inline for what it could possibly look like ingame. I'm not sure what you think these machines are capable of but that looks very nice for lighting and detail.
Looks like a PS3 game with better IQ. Basic lambert everywhere, blocky geometry everywhere, no ambient specular lighting...
At the very least Rebel Strike's Endor moon forest will finally be surpassed.


.purposely crappy...E3-15 Is still months away.

I actually thought it was a hoax or retextured Battlefront 2 screenshot.

I'm fully on board on the game being 30fps, expecially since third person view will apparently be the default one. Just make it great, and PC gamers will extract more fps with ease.

Third person being the default view? I can uunderstand third person perspective for vehicles, for foot soldiers however it has to be first person or it's going to be a mess or kiddie game like the previous Battlefronts...not like CoD, or Halo, or other FPSs aren't played by twelve year olds.

what with the obsession of StromTroopers? O_O
i have not really properly watched star trek so pardon me... but i like SpaceBalls :D

I saw bits of star wars celebration and stormtroopers were walking around with female rebel red shirt soldiers.

There is no last gen version.

So...ignore three fifty millions of x360s and fifty millions of PS3??

Pushing the tech on current generation Consoles sounds great but If that's the case then DICE is asking to be crucified by forum warriors if any bugs or crap texture or crap effects are found.

Crysis 1 looks a generation ahead of that screenshot.

Let it go dude.

Crysis was average gameplay and level design. And honestly overhyped and mediocre.

A.I. was at hardest difficulty cheap...lots of bugs...sure some "still images" look pretty but despite being on PC where they had high ram-usage, there are still crappy textures.

Battlefield 3/4/Hardline has officially murdered Crysis 1/W.

Even Killzone 3 pulled off effects consoles supposedly were incapable of.

I mentioned the hype of back in the day...people forget even die hard PC gamers who had the monster tri-sli GTX 285 (3x $450.00 back then) set ups where they got playable frame rates finally!! Had and still had their grievances.

Battlefield type is a different type of game...64 players online with vehicles and nauseum...consoles have thermal and performace per watts and then price fear limits...its all business.

Its also way too early to tell.
Pushing the tech on current generation Consoles sounds great but If that's the case then DICE is asking to be crucified by forum warriors if any bugs or crap texture or crap effects are found.
Yep, it's already happening.

Let it go dude.

Crysis was average gameplay and level design. And honestly overhyped and mediocre.

A.I. was at hardest difficulty cheap...lots of bugs...sure some "still images" look pretty but despite being on PC where they had high ram-usage, there are still crappy textures.

Battlefield 3/4/Hardline has officially murdered Crysis 1/W.

Even Killzone 3 pulled off effects consoles supposedly were incapable of.

I mentioned the hype of back in the day...people forget even die hard PC gamers who had the monster tri-sli GTX 285 (3x $450.00 back then) set ups where they got playable frame rates finally!! Had and still had their grievances.

Battlefield type is a different type of game...64 players online with vehicles and nauseum...consoles have thermal and performace per watts and then price fear limits...its all business.

Its also way too early to tell.

Vegetation wise Crysis still reigns supreme. It's not my fault that the first official Battlefront screenshot is so bad.
Oh boy, have to say it looks god damn pretty alright, shits on any Crysis game I've seen. Can't wait for the gameplay demo tonight:).
Lighting looks more natural than crysis, less plasticky. Have to see tomorrow's gameplay to really gauge the whole picture, but I can imagine how awesome it would look if see that tiny video in full res.
Lighting looks more natural than crysis, less plasticky. Have to see tomorrow's gameplay to really gauge the whole picture, but I can imagine how awesome it would look if see that tiny video in full res.
The tiny video looked on par with the teaser from last year which I agree, looks way better than Crysis. I'm really hoping that screenshot is just a bad joke.
I hope they deliver...not only graphics, but also gameplay and action...
All fingers crossed for destruction!
I don't think they will, interms of destruction. Hope I am surprised.

Is this being made by the main DICE team which makes BF or the DICE LA which made the new Medal of honour?
the supposedly "ugly" screenshot added with vaseline:

i think somebody can make better vaseline.
They're definitely missing the "Oder 1886 vision mode" from the previous footage. Materials still look simpler though.

That terrain looks fantastic. The models not so much. They look kinda flat but it could be the lighting.