I can appreciate and respect that. But why call that game Battlefronts? Battlefronts has you hopping into a vehicle, trudging/flying around a bit, hopping out, shooting a few peeps, grabbing a checkpoint, jumping in a different vehicle - It's very arcadey. Space combat was ridiculous, flying into the capital ship and taking it from the inside. It was fun! This game could well be the SW combat game everyone's been dying for, but it shouldn't be called BF if it's deviating too much from that formula.
It's a general issue with game brands, I suppose. Mixing up the formula to be original creates games that don't necessarily follow what the brand fans want. The reluctance to create new IPs means old IPs are stretched in directions they don't fit. Kinda like if the next Gran Turismo is to be a bobble-headed kart racer or a Wipeout game - why call it Gran Turismo when it's not?