Sony's NeoGeo Pocket's (PSP2/Vita) business/non technical ramifications talk

Works well enough for most, but there are exceptions, mostly people not living in a city basically, not giving enough datapoints (I think for it to work reliably you need to be in range of two registered access points?)

I have the 3G model so not really an issue for me. My iPhone which I also use as GPS broke and I recently had to go someplace new that was hard to find, and Google Maps on Vita really bailed me out. Just that one time was already worth the price of admission for me. ;)

I really like 3G Vita with a dataplan. I'm in DC now. It's been a blast toying with the social apps and Vita games on the road. ^_^

Unfortunately, I dropped the Vita this evening. It's chipped on both sides >_<. The system thought I was trying to pull out the memory card and shutdown immediately. It rebuilt the database twice when powered up. Fortunately, everything is intact, except for 2 wallpaper settings.

Noticed that they updated the FaceBook app to fix a recent photo bug (Couldn't view my FaceBook albums properly after 1.65/6 update).

According to the net, Skype should land end of the month for EU:

On official Playstation EU Blog, a fan "Ninja_Tom" asked, "Any Sign of Skype App for VITA?". To this Playstation Rep Jawad Ashraf replied, "Looking at the tail end of the month at the moment."

Vita Wifi works reasonably well with the Marriott hotspot. ^_^

The nuisance is it would drop the connection every time I left Vita idle for too long. Had to start the browser to reclaim the hotspot connection. Actually, it's the same for iPhone 4S too but my idle time there is much longer.

Am glad Vita managed to entertain my son and I for the entire flight from San Jose to DC. When we arrived at the hotel, I still have about 1/3 battery life left.
W00t w00t ! 150 people playing on Vita in Wardman Park area, DC for the past few days. My usual number in Palo Alto and South Bay is 30+ (SF is around 50+ if I remember correctly)

Most popular local games/apps are Super Stardust Delta, Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3, and [Huh ?] Four Square ? FaceBook is the top social app in Bay Area.
And we can add Skype from the looks of things by the end of the month. That's a useful one for me - it's the main chat client we now use. Will be interesting to see if they'll also support video. I'm not keeping my hopes up, but who knows?

So that leaves youtube as the biggest one for me, and what worries me about that one is that it's never even been mentioned, suggesting that it's not anywhere near being released.
So that leaves youtube as the biggest one for me, and what worries me about that one is that it's never even been mentioned, suggesting that it's not anywhere near being released.

They could just make the browser work with HTML5 video.It´s basically the same as a app and always the latest version on non-android phones. All sites will move from flash video to that anyway so it should be priority to make it work in the browser.
Japan got Nico Nico Doga app I think which is basically Youtube for Japan, so I don't see why not unless Youtube don't allow them.
Got one. Pretty impressed with near, there wear some people around me. Got a 32GB card as well, when I moved all my PSP/PSOne stuff I had 16 GB left.....

Got MGS3 as well, it is a shame that it seems a bit dumbed down (if you pull up the gun you HAVE to shoot now)....
Oh as part of the HD colletction. I thught they released it separately

I think on PSN you can download them separately, not sure ... (too busy playing Zen Pinball 2 ... ;) though that treasure game freeby is a bit of a laugh as well - hard to fool smart opponents, personally only failed the first time, and then once when I just got too close to the screen with my finger while figuring it out), and only managed to fool TTP once)
I think on PSN you can download them separately, not sure ... (too busy playing Zen Pinball 2 ... ;) though that treasure game freeby is a bit of a laugh as well - hard to fool smart opponents, personally only failed the first time, and then once when I just got too close to the screen with my finger while figuring it out), and only managed to fool TTP once)

Yeah, I saw that some people uploaded those....but I do not quite get the it only through near that you can get them, or is there any other way?
Only near or by direct messages from friends (which is how I got mine)
Looking at Tablets specs starting to sell Kindle Fire for $159 and Nexus 7 for $199... Just incompetence for Nintendo and Sony if they lose money at current pricepoints

IMO it would should been based on Android OS from the start though
I don't know. That may seem like a good idea right now, but look at Android devices from two years ago and they're already way behind the times. Going 'native' will mean that games just get better for the devices, not worse, and this will start to count for a lot as time goes on.

I still feel Android is PC all over again ...
I still feel Android is PC all over again ...
So true, Android gives you a similar amount of freedom. But in exchange it is more fragmented than PC (OS version and hardware-wise), and it hasn't developed any real gaming platform yet.
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I don't know. That may seem like a good idea right now, but look at Android devices from two years ago and they're already way behind the times. Going 'native' will mean that games just get better for the devices, not worse, and this will start to count for a lot as time goes on.

I still feel Android is PC all over again ...
Vita could have been native for games and Android for OS and functionality.
So the vita's been hacked. Its only a matter of time before the software is out in the open and people start pirating. Do you guys think this is going to be the last nail in the vita's coffen ?
Vita could have been native for games and Android for OS and functionality.

Somehow that doesn't sound feasible. First of all this is not a PS3, but a mobile device, and second, the PS3 still showed that it's a security risk.

@Eastmen: hacked would mean someone got system level access and could run signed apps. This hack exposes some user level access (again through the PSP emulator, that has exposed some leaks before), and I haven't seen anyone claim that it can easily lead to system access, while on the other hand many people see various relatively easy ways to shut the 'hole' and expect Sony to do so.

Even then, I DISagree on many levels with your 'last nail in the coffin' statement. Many (not me) would argue that custom firmwares are just what the Vita needs (personally I expect more from Playstation Mobile), and I personally don't believe there are any nails in Vita's coffin, or that the lid is even on, or that the Vita is even in a coffin. It's right here beside me and it's awesome. :)
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