Sony Playstation E3 2013 Events

PS4 is much deeper, so they won't stack very well. I guess it will be reverse for me. Currently my PS3 sits flat, and a 360 is next to it vertical.
It's a little wider. PSEye's FOV is 85 degrees. Kinect 2's is 70 degrees.

Also, the old one has a zoom option, where you can increase or decrease the FOV (though manually). For compatibility, this one may have a similar option, or do it in software.

I believe, and this is personal opinion, that for a technology to gain universal acceptance a certain degree of maturity is required. For instance touch control has been introduced a long time ago in machines like ATMs, but it wasn’t as easy to use as in today’s smartphones and tablets.

I think natural interfaces will spread in the future, but I believe we to need identify proper uses for them first.
Wow, that engadget AR demo with the new PS Eye is actually quite impressive! And not just technically (quite a step up from how well AR works with the old PS Eye), but artistically and cute-factor are very high for me in this one.

A couple of mildly impressive, showcase tech demos that won't ever be released in any capacity as a game or product. Woop.

I'm sorry, but while that was also what the guy on Engadget said, it's unduly cynical. EyePet 1+2 do a lot of these things (and more), and kids love it a lot. In fact, I dare you name a PS Eye demo that hasn't been used in that game alone ...

But it needed an AR 'base' card to be reliable, and the Move support that was later added was a big improvement as well. But this is quite a step up still.

It is very, very encouraging to see that this is so much more robust, that a lot of the really good fun that's in EyePet right now is going to work a lot better. The value of the touchpad is also going up in my mind.
I'm sorry, but while that was also what the guy on Engadget said, it's unduly cynical.
How many Sony camera tech demos and concepts made it into production beyond one or two games? EyeToy became EyeToy Play, and a few derivatives. PSEye became EoJ and EyePet. Currently PS4Eye is set become EyeToy Play HD, maybe. What are the realistic long-term prospects based on Sony's track record? They'll release the peripheral, one or two games, and then drop it. 3rd parties will dabble with sidelines additions and then give up. Oh, we'll get Dance Dance Revolution too.

Are we going to get realistic head tracking in every first-person game as standard? Are we going to get games that respond to the user's facial expressions? Are we going to get appropriate motion interfaces where you can reach out and move inventory etc.? Or first-person adventures games using stereoscopic hand tracking to interact with the world?
Are we going to get realistic head tracking in every first-person game as standard?

Why? That would be awkward. And how it that better than looking with a joystick or mouse?

Are we going to get appropriate motion interfaces where you can reach out and move inventory etc.?
Or first-person adventures games using stereoscopic hand tracking to interact with the world?
What is the point? I put my controller down to reach at air when I could of just did it (faster) with the controller?
I think Shifty's point wasn't those particularly use cases, but rather the fact that every XB1 game will play with natural interface, be it voice or gestures or head tracking or whatever. And while there will certainly be failed experiments, some of it likely will stick. And that could be a real platform differentiator later in the life cycle especially for X platform games.
Sony will have to go the add on route to respond, and will be playing catch up in this space for the generation.
Sony will have to go the add on route to respond, and will be playing catch up in this space for the generation.

...because if you are a game company developing games for XB1&PS4&PC you will add a great support for kinect (aka spending alot of time/money), given it is optional in PS4 and absent on PC?

I highly, highly doubt it.

On the contrary, being the PS4 one optional, it hindered the development (and the success) of kinect imho, or at least delayed it enough to not need to 'catch up', actually.
No, I think it is different.

On the money spent by a game company, and on the ROI you get (better cutscenes can be reused i.e. PCs, and anyway they are always made at higher resolutions and resampled). For Kinect support, you have extra expenses that are not recovered/backed up.
...because if you are a game company developing games for XB1&PS4&PC you will add a great support for kinect (aka spending alot of time/money), given it is optional in PS4 and absent on PC?

I highly, highly doubt it.

On the contrary, being the PS4 one optional, it hindered the development (and the success) of kinect imho, or at least delayed it enough to not need to 'catch up', actually.

Well, that will only work for Sony if Kinect features aren't really popular after MS 1st party implements them.

Remember also that it's not just about the gaming. I knew lots of people that bought a PS3 because it had Blu-Ray and X360 didn't. Voice features might turn out to be really popular and then Sony will be far behind MS in this regard...
MS can always drop Kinect and lower price if they have to (Very much doubt they would), but Sony can NEVER turn back the clock on what they have done...
...because if you are a game company developing games for XB1&PS4&PC you will add a great support for kinect (aka spending alot of time/money), given it is optional in PS4 and absent on PC?

I highly, highly doubt it.

On the contrary, being the PS4 one optional, it hindered the development (and the success) of kinect imho, or at least delayed it enough to not need to 'catch up', actually.

Depends on the ammount of effort involved, I suspect the good ideas with Kinect in conventional games aren't complicated, and designers will play around with it.
If it has any effect remains to be seen, but it could be a platform differentiator, possibly more so that better graphics. Or it could just be of no consequence.