Sony Halo, KILLzone hype thread!

notAFanB said:
I thought it was abundantly clear from previous posts on BM, that barring some uber breakthrough we just are not going to see BM in PS2 titles on the same level of say Halo(1or 2).

the current and next gen of PS2 titles will look great because they play on the systems strentghs (framebuffer tricks, vertex programs and particles). whilst cleaning up IQ a little.

having said that the gap in perfoemence between Xbox-->PS2 clearly isn't going anyway so we don't need to be reminded of this ad nauseam TYVM.

Are you suggesting BM is the only thing that would make PS2 games look closer to Xbox titles? I disagree. Looking at a game like ZOE2 or even the old MGS2 (not to mention MGS3), I don't really care if you have BM in it or not.
Are you suggesting BM is the only thing that would make PS2 games look closer to Xbox titles? I disagree. Looking at a game like ZOE2 or even the old MGS2 (not to mention MGS3), I don't really care if you have BM in it or not.

nowhere in my post do I even hint at this idea. however BM as implemented by halo2/doom3 shows it's pretty darn useful for enviroments.

This is what the ps2 lacks and besides using art direction to mask it's absence in low geometry scenes has no other workaround as yet.
Take a look at these 2 simple B3D link
Ironically, if there's any DOT3 based rendering effects that are actually practical to use in PS2 game, flat, pixel lit surface with a specular component (like the water in question) would be one of them.
I have yet to play SCell, but is the water that much better than that seen, in say MGS2:SoL that was DOT3 free? Granted it wasn't a fragment effect, and I hate it when people (much like I'm doing now) post a responce pointing out a single game as "proof", but perhaps Chap should use an example that's more clear-cut than this.
I have yet to play SCell, but is the water that much better than that seen, in say MGS2:SoL that was DOT3 free?
MGS2 sunset water was actually pretty damn cool. Not only it looked real nice, but it's the inherent simplicity behind How it was done that makes me appreciate it all the more.

Either way, it's a moot point, as the particular effect from SC is not particularly expensive to reproduce on PS2. The questionable part is the wisdom in spending extra effort coding specialized water shader in a non-water based game.
In terms of water, the best implementation I've seen is the pool in the Windmill stage of ICO, and the ocean after finishing ICO.
maskrider said:
In terms of water, the best implementation I've seen is the pool in the Windmill stage of ICO, and the ocean after finishing ICO.

SMS is pretty good too.

Jak2 seems to have the award for worst water-in-a-game this gen, looking at IGN videos.
Fafalada said:
Take a look at these 2 simple B3D link
Ironically, if there's any DOT3 based rendering effects that are actually practical to use in PS2 game, flat, pixel lit surface with a specular component (like the water in question) would be one of them.

interesting, care to elaborate faf?

Like it or not, well implemented BM does add depth to the graphics. And that is another reason why Xbox graphics will pull further away with cool BM techniques usage.

I'd agree if not for the :oops:. it's not a question of 'like' or 'not like'. I'd rather we skip BM next gen aand go for displacement mapping.
Erh guys, that water image is just a simple(ie convenient :D ) example of BM. BM or shader effects on a whole, is pretty cool when used right. That is the point, and not just about the water.

I can post more effective images, but i am sure all the graphics whores would have seen the coolness of shaders effect already. Nice evolution in home graphics rendering imo, a good advantage for hardware supported over one that does not.
chaphack said:
Erh guys, that water image is just a simple(ie convenient :D ) example of BM. BM or shader effects on a whole, is pretty cool when used right. That is the point, and not just about the water.

while I generally agree, the 'water' example you poosted is faulty since having lazt ass fallbacks in DX falls to illustrate that there are alternatives to BM wrt rendering water.
see, my problem with bump mapping is that it's still "mapping" to a flat ass polygon....
personally the best looking realtime water i've ever seen was the one in the Demo that came when buying a PS2, called "find my own way", wonder if anyone remembers, the song in the background gave the title to the demo... it was an extremely well done Demo, much better than the usual "face demo" or "car demo".. this one showed what can be done in terms of special effects with a machine whose strength is polygons and particles.
the water in that demo was by far the best looking thing i've ever seen rendered in realtime. the movement, the refractions, the specular maps.... it just looks so GOOD. all rendered with LOADS of particles flying around. LOADS as in the hundreds of thousands...
also the demo showed what is probably millions of particles in the "comet" scene... that is one cool representation... there's just so many particles flying around it's not even funny....
as i said, REALLY REALLY good demo, both technically and artistically.... i would be stuck in front of the TV/monitor watching it... mesmerised by those particle effects... of course no game would show that amount of particles in game, but one day i would love a game with that look. it's almost hypnotic (SP?)
while I agree low poly/BM graphics have issues. high poly/highres BM tends to resolves that quite nicely.

the only drawback back incorrect shadows where using stencils (which applies to displacement mapping anyway).

of course if we had the horsepower wed render everything procedurally using a gazzillion polygons now :D
PS2 Splashdown had a really good water too, much better than xb Blood Wake's BM'd 'water' :D
I also liked MGS2 water, even though it wasn't interactive. I spent ages staring at the storming waves in the tanker (on the deck, the place where you could throw enemies into the water throug that small 'door')

Isn't displacement mapping officially supported by PS2. I remember seeing it in some tech specs.
It probably is not effective to use it extensively for small details though.

Edit: back to topic, I hope Kin has nice water :p

:oops: It's a Halo killa, the graphics, lighting, character models and the LOD in general is superior to Halo plus it's runs at a rocksolid 60fps 8)

gameplay wise we'll have to wait and see.
Did you guys scan those pics yourself or did you find it on the internet? If you scanned it yourself, how much better does the game look in the magazine?