Sony Halo, KILLzone hype thread!

The main things Halo has going for it are the polish of it's gameplay, and the immersive atmosphere, helped by good scene setups, voice acting, graphics, AI etc. IMO, It would be just as good of a game even if it had much worse graphics, so I definitely think a game as good or better *could* be made on PS2.

But, Sony Europe...
marconelly! said:
The main things Halo has going for it are the polish of it's gameplay, and the immersive atmosphere, helped by good scene setups, voice acting, graphics, AI etc. IMO, It would be just as good of a game even if it had much worse graphics, so I definitely think a game as good or better *could* be made on PS2.

But, Sony Europe...

You're brushing off the whole 'great game design' bit too ;)

I mean, look at Mario 64.. no one has arguably made a platformer that enjoyable in eons. They've copy/surpassed it in many areas, but the overall package just wasn't as 'fun'.

Same could be said about the 'je ne sais quo' that Halo/Bungie has going for it.

I mean, my buddy and I were playing it the other day co-op and said, "just what is that makes Halo so good? The levels are reptitive as shit, you only ever really use 2-3 weapons throughout the entire game, and the enemies are far from interesting". Shrug, it just works (and works very well).
Halo could've been so much better with better level design and better weapons/enemies..

Beatable by a PS2 game? Certainly.
You're brushing off the whole 'great game design' bit too
I think gameply polish is THE most important thing, and is that 'je ne sais quo' you mentioned. You know the feeling when controls and movements execute just the 'right' way. When shooting has a satisfactory kick and juicyness to it, when you just know that your bullets are penetrating enemies' bodies and see their pain and suffering from it.

Very few games ever achieve that kind of interaction with player, and that is where Halo fares very high in my eyes, up there with MGS2 and maybe few other games that I can't think of now.
of course there will be fanboys saying how it doesn't look even half as good as halo because of the "washed out" textures and all that...
Well, if the game does have washed out textures, something that's a big no no in a fps, then it will deserve to be criticized.
Only time will tell if that will be the case.
First ever secret blown up KILLLLLzone pic! :LOL: :LOL:

Thanks to Deka and TTP! :oops:
Grall said:

Why is it so amusing and laughable to think of Kin as a 'Halo killer', are you suggesting Halo was such an accomplishment and such a totally awesome title it cannot possibly be killed by a PS2 game? :)

Just wonderin', dude... Hehe.


I didn't actually look too far into that comment while writing it... but what I ment was basically - Halo is a game out for how long already? I find it amusing that a company will market it as a killer of a game that old. Besides, I am not too impressed by Halo. Maybe I played it too late to be really impressed by it. Anyway, not suggesting at all that no PS2 game can beat it, as my comment really had nothing to do with Halo being on Xbox really. I'd say the same thing if both games were PS2 exclusives. Heh, I think I actually said something quite similar upon hearing that Splinter Cell was in development for all platforms (although they didn't proclaim it to be a MGS2 killer)...
The picture is supposed to be authentic. Coming from the guy on GA forums who swears he's seen the game, but is extremely tight lipped about it. He basically posted a 20x20 pixel screen that someone blew up a bit to get what you see above. From his words - "it's a screen from the cut-scene"
from what i can see, and using some imagination, it looks like someone standing in front of a sunset.... on a beach or something... with a big tree.... and clouds..... :LOL:

oh well we'll have to see how it turns out...

i mean, i'm not even really looking forward to the preview in the offical ps2 magazine... at the end of the day they made Enter the Matrix look like the best game ever in their preview. and after their review of the game, they completely lost any (already small) credibility...
He (she? it?) is not standing, he's sitting.

I too wouldn't believe OPM2 UK hype, that Matrix review was unbelievable.
The latest issue had gone through some changes, but the only cahnges I noticed were different quality paper and more tits.

Tits don't do it for me, if the mag doesn't improve, I'll cancel my subscription. Even the demo disc has been a disappointment too many time (promise of demos that never materialise...(Z.O.E.2))
rabidrabbit said:
He (she? it?) is not standing, he's sitting.

I too wouldn't believe OPM2 UK hype, that Matrix review was unbelievable.
The latest issue had gone through some changes, but the only cahnges I noticed were different quality paper and more tits.

Tits don't do it for me, if the mag doesn't improve, I'll cancel my subscription. Even the demo disc has been a disappointment too many time (promise of demos that never materialise...(Z.O.E.2))

yeah tits dont really do it for me either.... if i wanna see tits i buy other mags... oh wait... i wouldnt wanna see tits anyway :LOL: :oops:
i pretty much only get the mag for the demo disc, and for the very early info they must be getting straight from Sony....

the best mag in the uk is still PSM2. by far. Edge is cool too but a bit too biased for my taste, and i'm not gonna spend 5 quid on a multi platform mag when i only own a ps2....
Excuse me. Has anyone discussed s.t.a.l.k.e.r. yet. The people in the teamxbox forum are going gaga over it and even saying it has better graphics than Half-life 2. (chap should like the pics)
but what I ment was basically - Halo is a game out for how long already? I find it amusing that a company will market it as a killer of a game that old.

Hm, have they really done that, or is that the sony fanbois with their hype? I mean, has the game even been officially announced yet? It's not supposed to be out for like a year and a quarter (at least, I suppose) yet if that release estimate is to be believed.

And why are there so much tits in games these days (and such friggingly HUGE tits too)? It can't be just me that thinks that is so pathetic.
